How Tall Are You?

173cm or 5'8, above average for a girl
I used to hate my height but now I kinda like it ^^
I'm 5ft 4 and female, I'm in my late 20's so I've been done growing for awhile now
I am 5’4” and wish I was taller. I never felt short until my son began to tower over me 😂 (he’s 5’11 and loves being taller than his wee mum 😆)
i’m 5’3 and im ok with it
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I'm 5 ft 6, or 167cm, so above average height for a woman in my country. I like being tall! You can eat more and not gain weight, and I never have trouble reaching the top shelf 😆
4'10" or 149 cm
Hated my height ever since.

It's one of my biggest insecurities to date, and the worst part is that there's absolutely nothing I can do to change it. I can dress up and put makeup and work out so I can feel confident about myself, but my height has dragged down every effort I've done to feel pretty. People will always treat me as the lesser person just because of my height and there's nothing I can do about it. Time and time again I've been called a child when I'm well in my 20s and it's absolutely frustrating. Sure I can wear heels, but it's an immense hassle especially when my current line of work involves needing me to pace about everywhere. Sometimes when I think about my height I just feel really insecure and I want to cry.

Sorry for the rant. Just had to get it off my chest.
Taller than @Saylor 😌

I'm 5'5

I like my height! I think it's a comfy height especially for working with kids. Im not so tall that i really tower over them and have an impossible time with the tiny furniture but I'm tall enough that i can pick them up and usually I dont feel like im going to topple over from doing that lol
5 feet exact with baby face. I've been mistaken to be a minor way too many times to count. It's embarrassing to even have elementary school kids look older than me
5'6" girl. I'm taller than my mom, but then again, most women on her side of the family are/were short (like 5'0", my great-grandma "Nana" was 4'10" at her tallest.) My dad is 6'2" and his sisters are pretty tall, like my aunts are a few inches taller than me. My legs were always long and thin compared to my body though, like I kind of resemble a chicken wearing sneakers. ;)🐓👟
5'1 due to stunted growth because of back surgery at a young. I had to be carded for just using a credit card.
5’2 (or around 157 cm) canadian female here! i’ve been pretty much the same height since i was in middle school, so i don’t think i have any growing left to do — not physically, at least lol. i got somewhat conflicting answers when i googled the average height for canadian females, but it seems to be anywhere between 5’0-5’4, so... at least i’m in the middle of being average lol. though, if i had been born back in 1912, i would’ve been exactly average. 😔✊🏻

i don’t mind my height at all, but i definitely wouldn’t mind being an inch or two taller. i feel so small sometimes that sometimes when i’m asked how tall i am, my answer is “garden gnome” LOL. i’ve never been confused for another age because of my height, though. in fact, i had the opposite problem. my body, uh, matured a lot quicker than my peers’ bodies did (my breasts were pretty much fully developed by the time i was in 6th/7th grade), so i was often mistaken for an adult. 💀
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