I fall asleep super easily, within 5 minutes of trying to go to sleep. I do have anxiety and the like, but it doesn't keep me awake at night usually, just messes with me all day.
Even if I chug a cup of coffee before bed, I can still crash out no problem as long as it's not freezing cold or something. I'm really not sure why it's so easy for me. I don't do anything special or different, other than the fact that I don't take naps during the day (they give me a headache).
depends on the night, but I tend to wake up a lot during the night! I take sleeping medicine now to help (just over the counter stuff) which helps a bit, but can make me sleep WAY too much.. I'm also a light sleeper regardless most of the time
Generally, I think I sleep pretty well, but I do often wake up at a specific hour and then go back to sleep. Never usually sleep straight till morning.
Since school is now over, I can now get a lot of sleep, maybe nine to ten hours if I really want to. It does take me a while to actually fall asleep though. But I've been waking up maybe five hours after falling asleep and keep waking up constantly after that and sleeping again it's definitely weird.
I am apparently incapable of going to bed early. I either sleep WAY TOO MUCH, or far too little. there is no in-between, and this lockdown has only intensified that
I sleep alright. I fall asleep fast though lol if I lay down in my bed, it’s over. It used to take me a long time to fall asleep and I don’t know if it’s because I work a lot, long hours or I’ve gotten older but in that aspect I’m alright. As for waking up, I do wake up sometimes often in the night, it’s frustrating sometimes. It’s nice to just sleep through the entire night.
I'm not someone who can fall asleep anywhere unless I didn't get any sleep the night prior. It takes me like an hour to fall asleep when I'm relaxed and like 6 hours when I'm anxious. I don't like going to bed, so I usually push it and get like 7 hours of sleep on a relaxed day even.
i sleep too much and it's a bit of an issue. i can sleep for nine to ten hours on some days although i try to get up early and i have been succeeding (ish) for the last week. i used to sleep closer to six hours a night and i wish i could do that again just so i wouldn't sleep away so much time