I Accidentally _______ Your ______. Is that bad?

What's the microchip for? It might be bad.

I accidently stole your money. Is that bad?
If it's only a little bit, that's fine!

I accidentally shoved your phone up an elephant's butt. Is that bad?
It was broken. Thanks for disposing of it. It already passed warranty.

I accidentally drank your prescription pills. Is that bad?
Yes, you're probably going to die now. Those were special pills!

I accidentally drove your car into a lake. Is that bad?
That doesn't bother me. I don't even own a car, so I don't know who's it would be...

I accidentally somehow delayed your plans on getting AC:NL for another month. Is that bad?
GUH. THAT'S HORRIBLE. D: Why would you do such a thing?

I accidently destroyed your house. Is that bad?
No. I live in a pool, so I don't know whose house that was.

I accidentally got you arrested for stealing cupcakes from a bakery. Is that bad?
Yes, because if We were dating, then that would be considered child pr0n in society.
I accidentally emptied out you're fridge, Is that bad?
Not at all.All the food was expired anyways so thx :blush:

I accidentally set your house on fire.Is that bad?
you better bring those back, bucko.

I accidentally sawed your computer in half. Is that bad?
Yes, because now I have to spend a lot of money on a new one.

I accidentally cut down all your trees. Is that bad?
How will I draw?! D':
I taped self-made pony heads on you're video game covers, Is that bad?
No, I can just easily take them right off

I accidentally fired your secretary (Isabelle). Is that bad?
Nah, I downloaded them and put them in a high-security office.

I accidentally logged into your account on your favourite MMORPG game and changed the profile settings to say that you are a gay lover and that you are desperate. Is that bad?
Nope! I was considering swinging that way anyway! (Don't tell my wife!)

I accidentally ate all of your twinkies. Is that bad?