I Accidentally _______ Your ______. Is that bad?

No, it isn't working anyway.

I accidentally stepped on your 3ds. Is that bad?
Yes, I was a 3ds ambassador ;_;
i accidentally became The Fresh Prince of your Country, is that bad?
no cause i don't care about this stuff.
i accidentally burned your computer/laptop,is that bad?
eh i dunno...
i accidentally deleted your town in animal crossing is that bad?
No. It was full of weeds and I hate weeds.

I accidentally logged into all your forum accounts and got you banned forever. Is that bad?
No, I'll make another account!

I accidentally ate your whole 4 tier birthday cake! Is that bad?
Not at all. I love that axolotl more than I love my own life. I would give him my liver if I could!

I accidentally pushed your favorite villager into the train tracks. Is that bad?
No, she has life insurance.
I accidentally nicknamed you're Gardevoir Prostitute, Is that bad?
No, because I don't really know what that is...?
I accidently restarted your perfect Animal Crossing towns - on all the versions you have. Is that bad? Unless you only have New Leaf and not a perfect town...but pretend! :)
You "dropled" it? If that means you fixed it, then thank you! If not, then it's very bad.

I accidentally pointed out your typo. Is that bad?