I Accidentally _______ Your ______. Is that bad?

No, not really, now we have more food!

I accidentally threw your New Leaf card off a cliff. Is that bad?
I accidently sat on your laptop is that bad?
One small lick for man, one giant house for Tongue-kind.
I accidentally named you're male gardevoir ULTRA GAY, is that bad?
nah. I am friendly u can keep the money and buy yourself something nice
I accidently nuked your ac town. is that bad
No, I didn't really like that villager.

I absolutely terrorized your village and ran the villagers out, then I turned your village into my kingdom. Is that bad?
Depends on the game inside of it.
I accidentally got into your shed. Is that bad?
No. As long as you didn't steal...
I accidentally broke your Animal Crossing: New Leaf game cartridge. Is that bad??
Nope. It was to be destroyed anyway, and you do realize it was padlocked, right? And you locked yourself in.

I accidentally killed your favourite movie actor. Is that bad?
If the replacement actor is better, no.
I accidentally ate your homework. Is that bad?
Yes because im lazy and not wanting to change tv channel manually.

I ate all the pies is that bad?