• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

I can't stand thieves!


Stronger after all~
Jul 29, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Winter Mittens
Ugh I can't stand the fact that people can't come to my town without stealing atleast one or two things from me. WHAT'S THE POINT OF STEALING?!? You can't even let people in your town without them taking your stuff!! This is just a game it's suppose to be fun! I've been working so hard to breed my blue roses now more than half of them are gone -____-. So that's it I'm done being nice to people and letting them come in and shop or get sigs unless i can actually trust you and have known you for a while. Other than that my gates are closed! The worst thing is I know exactly who it is... Ugh I just needed to rant >.<
I think no one can stand thieves anyway, they probably steal for enjoyment. I don't even wifi in general like hang out because I am quite iffy about my town and I have trust issues. So I just trade quickly and then end.
ive never had anyone steal from me
well once i guess though i didnt really care. they took a jacob's ladder and i think it was an accident.
i dont let many people into my town
its not even because i'm afraid they'll do something
its because i havent participated in any trades or w/e so friends are the only ones who visit.

what i really dont like is people picking my clovers
There was that one girl who visited when I was waiting for someone else. She had visited before and because she asked can she take some apples and shop, I thought I could trust her... well, she stole my hybrids from here and there. If she had just asked I could have given some of them to her. But now she stole also those flowers that I had only one or two. And my mushroom, sigh.

And when I asked her about them, she lied. That annoyed me more than anything... And the game had already saved, of course.
Keep a close eye on the people you let into your town. If you see them steal a single hybrid just flip your switch off. Sorry it happened to you! I've been fortunate to have not run into any thieves or rude players, but I shouldn't let my guard down.
I'm pretty careful when it comes to people coming to my town. During their first visit I'll usually follow them around to see and make sure they're only doing what they asked to come for whether it be to sell something or get signatures. I don't mean to be rude by doing that, though. It's just a paranoia type of thing...
I feel awful that someone decided to just go ahead and steal stuff from you, Joy. :( Hope you can regrow your flowers. I'll be praying for a good fortune of their return!
That sounded weird :p
I'm sure you know what I mean, though. :)
This is why I put my rarer hybrids either very far from the gate, or in my storage / museum.
Of course, I can't do that anymore since there's too many ._. But even then, they're arranged in a way that I would notice if even one is missing.
I always give a tour to my guests whenever they want to explore my town and so far no one has acted so shameful like that. I keep 2 of each hybrids in my storage. Just in case something happened to my hybrids on the field, i can always breed new ones. It's not that you can't get hybrids anymore if it was stolen. Gardening is one of my fun factor for this game, so when my field is full of flowers whether it's normal / hybrids, i might just rearrange / replant them from scratch anyway. I mean, why so serious? Getting your achievements too fast will make the game less appealing.
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Don't randomly add people to your Friends List. If you do, you've got to be a better host- if that means guiding them around town then it's a small gesture to perform to ensure everybody's civil. If you find this hard to do (it can be), don't invite more than 1x Mayor at a time. Good luck Joy, & sorry that others stole from you.
Sorry people are stealing from you. D: That's super lame.

Usually I only let people I don't know personally run around in my TT town. All the items I really care about are stashed in my house/storage. Grass growth and flowers aren't a big deal since they'll be back tomorrow. No one's had the gall to cut down any of my trees, but my native fruit is the same as in my main town, so I could just import more back in to plant if they did. It's really relaxing to have a town where I can invite people over and then go AFK if something comes up in real life that I need to attend to.

I'm a little more selective about who gets to look through my main town. o: Usually just friends. Occasionally forum-goers who have good Wifi ratings and seem friendly.

I also clean out my FC list pretty regularly. Every hour or so if I've been doing a lot of trading. It helps cut down on surprise visitors.
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Totally agree Joy! I wifi'd someone to allow them to sell their turnips, someone else came in to my town without permission, I followed them around like a hawk! I get very anxious, I work so hard on my town! So I understand how you feel.
I was once trading with a friend with another person popped out of nowhere, uninvited for a petition. He then started to sprint, and I mean sprint everywhere all over my lovely flowers and then didn't say sorry ;_; That'll teach me not to clean out my friends list ...
Sorry to hear about your thieves :(
I'm cleaning out my friends list right now *sigh* I also checked around and saw my Jacob Ladder's are gone too :/ thanks for the advice guys.
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Sorry people have stolen from you, that's so lame. I haven't had anyone steal anything yet, but I've heard horror stories, so I'm a little paranoid. I don't do a whole lot of visiting/having visitors just for fun, it's basically all trades for me. So that helps, since the expectation is only to stay close to the train station. I have a ton of stuff all over the ground, though, which makes me antsy. I had someone come in randomly when I was waiting for a trader, and she checked out all the items but didn't take anything. >__>;
Never happened to me before. I usually choose people who have something more to say about themselves (and why they are looking for AC friends) than: "Add my fc!", "Looking for friends. My fc xxxx-xxxx-xxxx" etc. But anyway, there is no guarantee, even if someone seems trustworthy:(
Do you need extra flowers? I have plenty of hybrids.

One time this girl came over for a trade...when we were done, she asked if she could look around...I reluctantly said yes (this was before I had hybrids). She RAN as fast as she could on the grass. I asked her not to and she stopped... But as she was leaving, she said "by the way I pulled the weeds for u" ....

I was like -________- I was waiting for weeding day. And trying to save clovers in hopes to pick a lucky one. Looked around my town and literally every single one of both, + dandelions were gone. Last time I let random people roam.
Eh... I've had nearly 70 visits, most of those were 1 off visits with people I don't know. I haven't had anybody take anything. Well, I had 1 or 2 people take a few fruits, but they didn't take all. No big deal. I don't mind that. I have NEVER had a surprise visitor, but I remove people that I'm only doing one-off trades with off of my friends list pretty quickly. The only people who stay on longer than that are people I trade with regularly and/or consider friends, so we've built up mutual trust.

I haven't really gotten much into breeding flowers yet though. And the hybrids I do have I always put away in storage just in case when people I don't know come over to visit. If people take fruits or cut down anything, it's replaceable. I have extras all sitting in storage just in case.

Do you need extra flowers? I have plenty of hybrids.

One time this girl came over for a trade...when we were done, she asked if she could look around...I reluctantly said yes (this was before I had hybrids). She RAN as fast as she could on the grass. I asked her not to and she stopped... But as she was leaving, she said "by the way I pulled the weeds for u" ....

I was like -________- I was waiting for weeding day. And trying to save clovers in hopes to pick a lucky one. Looked around my town and literally every single one of both, + dandelions were gone. Last time I let random people roam.

That sucks. This past Sunday I let a LOT of people stop by over the course of over 3 hours real time to get the Labor Day picnic basket. About 4 or 5 of those asked if they could look around. I let them do so, and they wandered unsupervised. I wanted to stay around my town tree since I had a LOT of items lying out that I was letting people catalog.

I had 1 person shake 1 tree it looked like and take a few fruits without asking (something I actually don't mind), but other than that, literally nothing was touched. No flowers taken, no items stolen (would've been easy to do even with my supervisor thanks to the sheer number of things out), and people actually kept up with my honor system of free items. I was pretty proud of the TBT community for being so well behaved (and some of them actually incredibly generous by giving bells and presents).

People might've ran. I have no idea. But if they did, it wouldn't of hurt much. I have paths in the areas people are most likely to walk, and I've got a lot of dirt spots that I unfortunately made on my own that I haven't been too serious about fixing yet.

Anyway, the point of my story is that random people aren't all bad. If I can have a ton of people visit for a giveaway and they're well behaved, it really does just seem like a very small number of people are the ones causing problems. People on TBT in general seem to try to follow AC etiquette.
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To be fair, I've had over 100 visitors to my town now and only that one incident I mentioned earlier. Otherwise visitors have been very well behaved.
As TeddysMania711 said, if you need any help just ask.
When I invite people I dont know into my town I follow them around, I only let people I have known for a while roam around, and when I?m in other peoples towns I always stay in their sight unless they tell me that I can go around.
I still haven't been able to WIFI with people because I'm nervous about thieves (on top of social anxiety problems but that's a whole other kettle of fish). Though if I did, only people I would have invited would be allowed to visit my town. Any people show up that I don't want and I ask them to leave. If they don't leave, I turn off my wifi and boot everyone. Same goes for if I catch someone breaking my town rules.

I am a strict mayor.