i find it funny how...

This, I don’t understand the idea of being against celebrating a holiday just because it’s not part of your own personal beliefs, or culture. If I were invited to partake in any holidays I’d gladly accept the opportunity, it’ll probably be fun, at worst you’ll just learn something new.
im not against them, but those arent my beliefs. for nintendo to bombard non christian players for example is kinda annoying but it isnt the end of the world in another breath
This, I don’t understand the idea of being against celebrating a holiday just because it’s not part of your own personal beliefs, or culture. If I were invited to partake in any holidays I’d gladly accept the opportunity, it’ll probably be fun, at worst you’ll just learn something new.
People shouldn't force their point of view onto others!

If people don't like holidays, stop trying to shame them for it. :(
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im not against them, but those arent my beliefs. for nintendo to bombard non christian players for example is kinda annoying but it isnt the end of the world in another breath
I wish they'd add more non-Christian beliefs too for those who aren't apart of that religion at least. I can see how people of other religions would be annoyed by the large number of those type of holidays versus ones from other types.
I actually like the mini-holidays. Whether I celebrate them or not, doesn't mean I can't acknowledge and enjoy!😁 Like, for instance, I don't celebrate Kwanzaa but I was still thrilled to find what was essentially a holiday kinara in game. The game is already empty enough as it is, so I appreciate getting new items. And I like reading the little snippets of info regarding which cultures the items come from and the meanings behind the items too.
I'm in it for the items and the fun. I don't need my ingame activities to reflect my real life. A bright pink squirrel just tried to sell me her soccer shirt after all, and I don't believe in real talking squirrels, so why should a holiday that's not part of my real life experience be any different?
I find it cool that there’s all kinds of events you get to play and learn about through Animal Crossing. I hardly celebrate anything irl except Halloween.

I learned about Setsubun and Carnival thanks to NL’s beans and WW/CF’s Festivale event, so I’d like to see all kinds event items added in the future.

I don’t celebrate Lunar New Year, but I loved that Isabelle brought it up though. I have a couple of friends who do, so I’ll have to wish them a good one later. ^^
I will still skip Bunny Day because screw that event so hard. Anyone who has played this game day one remembers how that event went.
Oh yeah...I will admit: bunny day was a little....faulty. It was next to impossible to collect cherry blossom DIY recipes and even catch certain fish due to the air eggs and water eggs messing up the spawn rates.

but other than that, I think we should be open to celebrating different events, diversity, trying out new things, etc. ^_^
I like the shout outs to other cultures and countries. They had something small for Groundhog and Superbowl Sunday which are both holidays/cultural events I'm indifferent to.

The different new year items were great. I learned about the twelve grapes tradition that I have never heard of before.

If someone wish me happy <insert holiday here> I'm going to say it back to be polite even though I don't celebrate it personally. People say anything negative in return or complain that they don't celebrate said holiday are just not nice people and just being rude.
As someone who lives in the United States, I appreciate the inclusion of eastern culture (holidays, items, clothes), especially since Nintendo is a Japanese company. I know it's just a video game, but it's a nice little bit of common ground we share even though we are on different sides of the world.
And I think it’s cute that we could to learn about the upcoming holidays by going to the RS terminal. ^_^

I learned a little bit about the Bean event and about lunar new year from it. ^^
I only celebrate Easter and Christmas in real life, not for any religious reasons to be honest, but because these are the two holidays that have always been about spending time with family in my household. Even though one of my favourite real life holidays is slightly destroyed in the game by Zipper, I love the inclusion of all the holidays into the game. I might not personally celebrate them all but a lot of other people will do, also I always enjoy taking part in them in the game, learning new things and getting the chance to purchase the limited items.

While I really enjoy the holidays and the nods it gives to cultures around the world there is no harm in you ignoring them in your gameplay, its most important that everyone does what they're happier with whether its taking part in the holidays in game or leaving them :giggle:
I don't even associate the holidays in the game with real world holidays.
Theyre holidays within the games universe and makes it feel like a living breathing place.

I have no idea what festival is about irl (I saw it on simpsons once) but that won't stop me from dancing with the weird bird.

I'm not sure what the beans we got were for but I threw them.
I'm not american so there was no game, but I yelled through the... whatever it was.

I say the more holidays the better.
im not against them, but those arent my beliefs. for nintendo to bombard non christian players for example is kinda annoying but it isnt the end of the world in another breath

i don't get how you are relating the holidays to christian players??????

Like toy day isn't based off jesus and neither is my christmas in real life

halloween isn't christian

lunar new year isn't

bunny day is a ripoff easter

they do the solstices

harvest day isn't religous

there is nothing in this game that is religious which is why it's so perfect. why do we need to have religion in a game? it's a game
I mean it's more stuff, so whatever

better than new leaf imo, at least. that tied the stuff to strict by region and you had to find someone else to get the items. that were probably hacked at least 60% of the time, but who cares, because tying the items to regions was dumb to begin with

and no, I don't count them finally releasing the items in other regions in like the last 2-3 years of the game's life cycle (with calling any period before new horizons' release as the tail end of new leaf's "life cycle" being really generous, I'll admit) to count for anything
I didn't even know that. I know there are items you can get for a limited time, but that's all I know. I'm glad that we're able to get international stuff. It was something I really hated about New Leaf, because holidays or celebrations were restricted to specific regions, and the only way you could obtain those was through trades if you weren't from a certain region.
i myself also don't really celebrate such holidays irl but tbh i really don't care, i care more for the diys and items that we would get rather than the holiday itself so i just enjoy it regardless of my faith