If you could date one islander, who would it be - and why?

I dated Pekoe in City Folk and we continued our relationship in New Leaf. Got kinda immune to her since we’ve been together so long (if you know what I mean) so I’ve moved onto Olivia in New Horizons.

I think she was cheating on me with anyway 🐍 🐍 🐍
I would date Beardo because I have serious daddy issues.

He's T-Bagging on them haters
don't ask
So who would be actually dating the villager?Myself,a human being or my mayor,a video game character?Personally,I would not cultivate a relationship with a video game animal.You know....people would be asking all sorts of questions like "Why are you always taking your Switch to that exclusive French bistro?"Who needs that?My mayor,on the other hand,is a lot more umm....adventurous than I am and he would probably date Tutu.He likes big women.
Isn't Animal Crossing like a lot of people's furry awakening though? Lmao

Joking aside, it's just a game about living in a world filled with anthropomorphic animals. Different species being in a relationship is canonically the norm (Whitney and Apollo in the movie were together/everyone has a crush on KK/Isabelle hints at having a crush on the player). You're free to ship your avatar with any villager you'd like.

Anyways for me, my character has a history with Felicity. She moved right next to me randomly in NL. I hated her at first, but after a while she grew on me. I bought her amiibo card a year ago so I could bring her with me to NH. We don't live next to each other, but we're living on the same mountain.
I love this thread and every reply so I'm gonna answer seriously AHA

An odd one by most peoples' standards, but I'd probably date Pietro (you can pry my lovely clown sheep from my cold dead hands.) He's so colorful, smug is my favourite personality, and his house is the embodiment of the chaos.

Also Shep, because holy why is he an unnecessarily hot villager.
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My husband! His character's house is right next to mine in a big fenced in "compound". I'm not into bestiality like some of you LOL!

Keeping your husband in a compound already raises enough red flags, but the quotation marks are what really make me think you shouldn’t be pointing fingers lol
Keeping your husband in a compound already raises enough red flags, but the quotation marks are what really make me think you shouldn’t be pointing fingers lol
It's a lot more fun to call it a compound than a yard. He's the one who dubbed it "the compound". I think he watches too many of those prepper shows on A&E! LOL!