If you could date one islander, who would it be - and why?

Why do I always end up on this side of the internet?

i'd go gay for bob because of that sexy bob video pfftt
i don't mean that-
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Everyone who isn't a furry, stop replying. You are just giving the furries the spotlight they desire. (Yes, I also made a post, but it's a necessary evil to get the word out to stop replying)
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It’s okay, not everyone is a fan of tentacles. I can thoroughly understand.
I don't think...

y'know what? you do you man, live your best life! I just recruited Marina and I love her so much, but now you've opened my eyes to see her in a different way.
Me : "Ah what a wholesome thread people talking about their favourite villagers!"
"Marina, ah I love her too she's so sweet"
*scrolls down*
Either Renee, Lopez, or Melba.
Renee was one of my starter villagers on NH, along with Bam. She's pink, much taller than me, and based off the interior of her house would probably support / engage in my addiction to pastel items. Also, she's the only villager that gifts me items out of the blue.

Lopez was one of my starters in NL, and when I was a kid I had the biggest crush on him. I would pretend to go on museum dates with him whenever he was there, and would draw little comics of him along with my friend at the time. I cried for like, two days or something when he left. He's a good fella.

Melba is the most aesthetically pleasing villager imho. She's very cute.

Edit: To all the people saying 'its weird...theyre animals......' I think the whole point of the thread is to assume, if they were not, who you would date? At least thats what I'm hoping lmao
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My first boyfriend was Bob when I was 10. We had sleepovers and went on dates to the Roost, but eventually parted ways when I was 12. We’re still good friends though.

Kinda got my eye on Raymond at the moment. We went on our first date today. He’s such a gentleman.


(I promise I’m very aware that they’re fictional characters, I have a husband irl and I’m asexual anyway so it’s all innocent I swear 😂)
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I don’t know if some people lack imagination or are too hung up on the concept of furries (or being seen as one) to just have fun with an idea like this.

The villagers are clearly closer to being “people” than real animals. I don’t think it’s that outlandish to imagine being one yourself and dating another, or imagining which one you’d like best if they were a human. Pretty sure it’s innocent for most posting here.

So my answer is Papi, because he seems really sweet and shy ^ェ^