If you had the chance...

I don't think I would. As many regrets as I have, and there are MANY, they've brought me to where I am today and I'm happy with my life right now. If I redid my life, I wouldn't make those mistakes, but I also probably wouldn't have the chances to meet the amazing people I know today!
i would in a heartbeat.
there's so much i would love to do over.
things i would want to avoid happening.
worries i wouldn't need to have.
i could fix so many things wrong with me now if i started all over again.
Yeah. I could have gone to college for free when I was younger, but when I got out of high school I was so sick of school and I wanted to "find myself" and go to work instead. I had no idea what I would have gone to college for, which was the other issue. Now I know what I want to study and wish I could go...

That is the one and only thing I would change though.
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yes , definitely. there are so many things I want to change about my life but I cannot since I can't time travel... that would be the best thing for me, I would even do better in schooling to give myself a brighter future.
No. I wouldn’t. For quite a few reasons.
Even if I started over with all the same knowledge I have now, I wouldn’t be the same person if I had the chance to redo my life. Everything happens for a reason, not by mere coincidence, but by fate.
It’s sad to say, but I wouldn’t be who I am today without experiencing all the trauma and mistakes I’ve gone through. Even the worst things that have happened to me, I wouldn’t go back because in the long run they gave me more insight, wisdom, and just general knowledge of things.
I feel like having a chance to redo would make people more na?ve, so it’s not for me. As some people say though, ignorance is bliss. But I don’t necessarily want bliss. I want to be well-informed and knowledgeable, instead of wandering around not knowing.
Granted, a redo with the knowledge I already know, is what you stated, but I still wouldn’t go back because my mistakes, actions, and everything else that has happened out of my control has made me who I am today.
I was randomly watching an episode of Summer Camp Island earlier (lmao) because I was lying down and Cartoon Network is one of the only channels we get, and it reminded me that even if you went back in time and fixed future/present problems from occurring, once time goes back to where it is now, there’s always new problems that could pop up, and you would never truly get rid of all of your problems forever. Everyone in life has to go through hard times at one point or another. That’s just the way it is.
I would've said yes a year ago, but since then I've been dealing with emergent OCD so probably not :(
If I retained the knowledge that I have now, then it's a definite yes for me. I would've handled a lot of things differently in my childhood, schooling and home life. I would've understood people a lot more. I probably would've chosen a different degree too lol. However, if I didn't retain any knowledge then it wouldn't be worth it and I'd rather continue as is.
In this specific scenario where I retain my memories then yes, I probably would. I did some foolish things in my youth that, while teaching me valuable lessons and influenced who I am today, have negatively impacted a number of people. I'd want to save people the irritation and inconvenience I caused. Additionally, I made a pretty big, naive decision that greatly altered the course of my life some years back that I'd want to avoid doing again.

Plus, hey, I'd enjoy experiencing the 90s again.