If you had to change one thing about you, what would it be?

My weight, probably. I mean I could change that anyway I guess but I wish it would all go away at once lol.
Either my anxiety or low self esteem. They kinda go hand-in-hand with each other so if one went they other would minimise itself as well. I can think of a lot of physical things I'd like to change too, but once again if the mental things went away I'd be a lot happier in myself and that's all I really want.
My personality, or my knowledge (I'm not smart, lol)
Smaller boobs. :/

Don't yell at me, I know it's HORRIBLE that I would want to take off some of these back-assaulting, attention-grabbing, bags of fun, but they literally are so awful...

I'm with you on this one but slowly I am beginning to treasure/appreciate them as the size they are. They're likely considered a positive quality by most people and I suppose that's something to embrace and think upon.
Probably my mental health lol. No more misophonia, depression or anxiety for me.
How impulsive I am with eveeeeerrryyything.
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i want to have more gumption! every time i start something i can never stick with it. it wish i had determination and drive and diligence!
id fix my brain so i wouldnt be so RANDOM XD HAHA pika pika im so random HAHA im talking in white text so RANDOM
I'd get rid of all my anxiety. Seriously everything even getting in a car gives me anxiety and it's the worst thing ever.
I'd probably lose weight, generic answer, I know. I'm very lazy and I don't mind being overweight that much, but I do miss being able to do sports and excercise without problems. If not that, then I'd give myself the ability to launch killer bees out of my hands that are completely loyal to me.

Or I'd change my body into a male's to alleviate my gender dysphoria.

Nevermind this all sucks I'm going with the killer bees. Fear me
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Probably my voice. I'm a transgender man who probably won't be going on hormone therapy, and I have a relatively androgynous appearance if I dress correctly but my voice is what tends to make people mistake me for a girl. I'm hoping I can get my voice lower with vocal training though.
I want to change everything but if i had to choose one it would be to change from being completely talentless.
Wish I could sing as I love music so much but I sound worse than cats fighting :(
hooo lord that's a toughie, considering i like pretty much nothing about myself ;)
um.. i guess my mental disorders? god especially autism.
maybe be cis
or not be so weird and angry constantly but that's a side effect of said disorders

OH and have an actual talent. please just one i'm begging you
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