Interview the person below you!

Simple, I start PlasticBag uprising and repopulate world with plasticbag i shall rename planet as: Bag
you forgot the question..

i'll restart then.

Ever watched Sal? or the 120 Days of Sodom?
I'd rather keep that opinion to myself ^^

Are you hungry? What are you in the mood for?
I have some vegan ice cream downstairs that I really wanna eat.

Favourite way to relax?
Animal Crossing.

What is your favorite fruit?
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Manga... NANA for sure. Anime.. Revolutionary Girl Utena

Worst movie?
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It's impossible to choose, I hate so many of them so much. I'll jsut say Zombieland because that was on TV yesterday I got reminded of how much it sucks.

Scariest movie? >:D