Introvert or Extrovert?

It really feels like they do *shivers*

You just became like 90% more attractive to me in my mind. I love how glasses look on most people xD

Hah xD

I love glasses too :rolleyes:
I seriously have to stop chatting in others' threads...
Extrovert. I enjoy hanging out with friends or huge groups, and I don't really feel uncomfortable or anything.
Introvert. I get tired after hanging out with a group of friends or being in a large crowd. I'm also rather awkward and bad at keeping conversations going so I just kinda stray away from talking to other people often. I enjoy being alone most of the time.
Introvert, I hate crowds. They don't really make me anxious or anything, it's just kinda annoying being surrounded by a ton of people. And I like being by myself and tend to have my head in the clouds a lot.
introvert. im awkward around people like all introverts are. i can get very uncomfortable when im in a huge crowd without any people i know. icebreakers are a total NGHTMARE for me. and sometimes, i get jealous of my extrovert friends who can make friends with others just after one talk.
Introvert, I usually speak softly and less often around adults and those I don't know.
It's one of those things that depends, but I think I tend to be extroverted.
I used to be very shy but whilst at my work place I've started to become more extroverted. I love talking to people and trying to figure them out, to share their happiness and I love talking to my friends and family.

I love being in crowds and spending time in places with a lot of people, but I normally prefer to observe rather than participate in conversations. I'll initiate one when I think it's necessary, and it's generally easy for me to keep a conversation going with someone once we get past the weird introductory phase, but social interaction does drain me sometimes.

There's also the fact that I almost always seem aloof or distracted to other people irl, which reflects others away from me unless I make an effort to deliberately appear friendly or approachable. The facial expression I have on most of the time involves droopy eyelids and no smile, which gives the impression that I'm a cold person and/or just really tired, haha.
I feel like the introvert/extrovert binary is kind of stupid. Everybody gets tired after social situations, and everyone gets lonely if they're left alone for too long.

I also know a frustrating number of people who use "oh, I'm an introvert" as an excuse for making no effort in social situations, and then post loads of "introvert pride" things on facebook. Why would you be proud of being a social embarrassment?
I feel like the introvert/extrovert binary is kind of stupid. Everybody gets tired after social situations, and everyone gets lonely if they're left alone for too long.

I also know a frustrating number of people who use "oh, I'm an introvert" as an excuse for making no effort in social situations, and then post loads of "introvert pride" things on facebook. Why would you be proud of being a social embarrassment?

That's a good point.
Personally, I think I'm more of a extrovert person when I look at my abillities when it comes to socializing.
Definitely an introvert. Going out and talking to people for a long period of time can be exhausting and when I get home afterwards I feel very tired and sleepy even if it is only like 5 or 6pm.

It doesn't help that I'm really scared of talking to people/nee people anyway and am horribly awkward. >.<
im an introvert, talking to people irl drains so much of my energy >.< im really awkward as well, so that just adds to the pain of socializing

yeah.. same unless i know and/or trust them well enough.

i try working hard on it though cause i hate being awkward.
I've always been introverted but when I'm with people I'm close to, I can be extroverted
Introvert. I'm that silent invisible kid in the class. a shy, social ******