Introvert or Extrovert?

I like having time alone just doing my own things while listening to music. I'm don't mind approaching people, and I could, but mehhhhh idk if I want that lol. //is lazy
I guess I'm missing out on a lot of opportunities, but yeah whatever.
introvert, so so introverted. i always keep to myself and never really go out to events or socialize. i tend to see that i'm walking by myself then with the rest most of the time too, idk people find it weird but really some people can just find themselves as one of the best forms of company most of the time than others
Ok so like I have a hard time talking to people and I'm kinda shy. But I love hanging out with my friends and could do it forever. If I don't like hang out with them for a while I feel kinda lonely. Although out of our group I might be the quietist(spelling?) idk.
Was extremely introverted, but gradually started to level out, only to regress into an even more extreme introvert. I'm not socially awkward and can interact with people just fine, but I really hate being with people and could go weeks without seeing anyone before I even felt an ounce of lonliness.

Kinda sad sounding all written out like that, but I think of it as a positive thing. I'm very joyful and happy with myself.
I personally think I'm an introvert, because I'm always shy when it comes to meeting new people, or even talking with old friends. But some of my friends say I'm actually more extroverted, which doesn't make sense. xD It's funny because when they get to know me, I'm really shy over the phone/video call/in person, so they're shocked and say I'm like a totally different person. I guess I just feel more open when talking online, since I can sorta hide or be inactive and wait before I respond.
Introvert all the way, I like my time alone and I don't like being around people too much.
EXTROVERT! I have little time on Earth so I have got to make a big impression and make everyone remember me! I LOVE people and need socialization!!!
Super Chic Keroppi!.gif
I'm an ambivert that leans slightly towards introversion. I enjoy my personal time and need it after a long day. At the same time I can feel incredibly drained if I haven't texted or talked to someone in a while. Usually a mid-length conversation with one of my parents and a few text exchanges with friends are enough.
Introvert. I used to be an Extrovert but since when CoronaVirus came, I became shy and I don't know how to communicate with people anymore.
Introverted. While I’ve come a long way from being antisocial entirely, I’m usually semi-social when I have to be (best friends being an exception).

Sucks though; it tends to hurt feelings being this old and still being this way lol
i don’t know, i love being around people once i know them but im too shy to approach someone i have never met before. i don’t feel tired around other people, i feel anxious more than anything.
I used to be super introverted, later on I was super extroverted.... now I'm a mixture of both... it varies at times, XD....

I guess if I had to choose one percentage-wise of myself though I'd be mostly introverted... I have close friend that I hangout with, but most of the times I enjoy just relaxing on my own... :)

This post is outdated, but still somewhat true.

I'm an ambivert. I both enjoy spending time with others in real life and spending time by myself. As with all things, I try to aim for a balance with it.
I am very much an introvert. It is a huge effort to get myself psyched up to see people, even friends and family that I care about, and after only a few hours I'm completely burnt out and need time by myself to recuperate.
I am extroverted. I think I was in denial for a long time, at least for a few years. I’m happiest around other people, though, and I crave social interaction. I just take a while to warm up to people. I have trust issues, mainly due to past experiences. After gaining more self-confidence, I’m definitely more confident in talking to people. I think it was just a me problem before because I thought I was an introvert, but it was actually me being extremely self-conscious of my teeth. Now that they’re fixed, it’s really no problem.

While working at the Amazon Warehouse, I literally talked to everyone, and that was an understatement. Almost everyone knew me by name and I was friendly with almost everyone. And, of course, there were a lot of people there.
Very much introverted. I'm very quiet irl, don't do well in groups, and prefer to be alone most times.
introvert i guess? i dont consider myself shy or nervous around people but i don't like to reach out first. i'll talk to anyone who wants to talk to me but i wont always engage! i dont want to be seen as annoying.