introvert. i’ve talked about my severe social anxiety and self-esteem issues on here a bit, and they’ve honestly gotten to the point that i no longer really interact with anyone irl aside from my parents anymore. i do school online, i don’t have a job, and i didn’t have any friends or a job prior to the pandemic, so my socializing opportunities have been slim to none. but even when they
do present themselves, or i have the chance to make an online friend that could become an irl friend, i don’t go for it because i’m so scared of being rejected, annoying or doing/saying something stupid. i’m also in such a bad place mentally that i don’t even feel i’m capable of being a good friend rn (and anything less than that is not acceptable to me), and i rarely ever have the energy to reach out or keep a convo going, so i don’t bother. i wish i was an extrovert like my dad, though. he says stupid things a lot, but he has absolutely no problem talking to people, asking questions, AND he’s good at math, so i’m lowkey jealous lol. my mom’s a huge introvert and hates people, though, so i guess i take after her... even though i don’t hate most people.
i’d say i’m slightly more ambiverted online, though. i’m still extremely guarded and awkward, and i don’t like messaging people (even my own friends) first out of fear of bothering them, but i’m definitely more bold in the things i say, reaching out, putting myself out there, etc. it’s why i have a fair amount of online friends and acquaintances, and none irl.