Introvert or Extrovert?

I am 100% introvert. I get shy and nervous when I see strangers. I prefer being alone and do the things I love by myself.
Definitely an introvert. I need quiet time and too many people at once is overwhelming. I also don't like feeling crowded.
introvert. i’ve talked about my severe social anxiety and self-esteem issues on here a bit, and they’ve honestly gotten to the point that i no longer really interact with anyone irl aside from my parents anymore. i do school online, i don’t have a job, and i didn’t have any friends or a job prior to the pandemic, so my socializing opportunities have been slim to none. but even when they do present themselves, or i have the chance to make an online friend that could become an irl friend, i don’t go for it because i’m so scared of being rejected, annoying or doing/saying something stupid. i’m also in such a bad place mentally that i don’t even feel i’m capable of being a good friend rn (and anything less than that is not acceptable to me), and i rarely ever have the energy to reach out or keep a convo going, so i don’t bother. i wish i was an extrovert like my dad, though. he says stupid things a lot, but he has absolutely no problem talking to people, asking questions, AND he’s good at math, so i’m lowkey jealous lol. my mom’s a huge introvert and hates people, though, so i guess i take after her... even though i don’t hate most people.

i’d say i’m slightly more ambiverted online, though. i’m still extremely guarded and awkward, and i don’t like messaging people (even my own friends) first out of fear of bothering them, but i’m definitely more bold in the things i say, reaching out, putting myself out there, etc. it’s why i have a fair amount of online friends and acquaintances, and none irl. 😅
I’ve taken some online tests years ago and I’ve always gotten ‘ambivert‘ so yeah. I’ve kind of realized I’m both, like I love regularly going out with friends, but I also get really anxious talking to people online and I do get tired of socializing at some point. I don‘t have as many friends/connections as the extroverts I know do, but at the same time I’m not really opposed to the idea of talking to my friends almost daily.
Most people think introverted, but I am very extroverted when I want to be. I talk a lot, sometimes I think I talk too much. I say what I think and sometimes
I don’t think before I talk, lol.
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i don’t go for it because i’m so scared of being rejected, annoying or doing/saying something stupid
You shouldn‘t think you’re annoying. That’s what I always thought, but it usually isn’t the case. If you don’t behave like an idiot (which I assume you don’t because you seem like a very kind person), no one will think you’re annoying.

I always thought it’s my fault when people don’t like me, but it’s not. I tried to think positive (only seeing the good in others and myself). And I made it to a point where I can actually say I am satisfied with myself, and if someone doesn’t like me, it’s their problem. That awareness came recently, and I hope you’ll get to that point soon,
too. <3
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I'm an introvert through and through. Being around people (even people I love, unfortunately) can get really draining and I like to be alone to recharge. I don't dislike being around people, but I do need to take time to be by myself after talking and interacting all day long.
I am an introvert, though nowadays most people wouldn’t necessarily guess that. I’m very friendly at work (it’s not part of my job exactly, but it is very important) and I have gotten a lot better in terms of my social anxiety (not connected to the introversion I don’t think- but makes socializing waaay more difficult.) I used to have a really insurmountable level of social anxiety and was consequently super shy. It didn’t go away entirely, but I’ve gotten better at managing it (with the help of lots of therapy and some medication) Now that I am more able to chat and engage, people mistake it for being extroverted. also I think many people in the US still tend to equate introversion with being antisocial/ maladjusted.

But no matter whether I am in an anxious mood or not, I’m always an introvert. Talking to people and being in groups is draining to me, even when I enjoy it. And I always need recovery time by myself to truly feel rested and refreshed. Most of my hobbies and interests are solo or mostly solo. Sometimes I get so tired just thinking about how with pandemic restrictions lifting/ lifted people want to go out and do things with other people…like all the time. It’s really hard for me if it don’t have my weekends to recharge.

I am lucky to have a small group of very close friends. They are people who know sometimes I need to just disappear for a bit, or can’t handle a social outing on short notice.
An undercover introvert. Basically I smile while putting on a personality which fits the other personality I am interacting with.

Such as yesterday, I was browsing the dog section in our countries leading hardware store. A lady employee who seemed to be past middle age had over heard me squeeking a Nerf football, which I'm sure my puppy would have chosen for herself. Upon hearing the squeaking she approach me saying, "Sounds like someone is having fun over here."
I replied, "You don't have any duck jerky, it is my dog's favorite. I see you have the wrapped kind but she will take the yam right out!."
As she gazed upon the top shelf, I knew she understood the dilemma I faced. Honestly, there was a chicken variety but it is no comparison to the duck. The red haired lady didn't even bother to offer the other flavors, for she knew I was facing a crisis more than a simple change in diet.
After we glanced across the shelves, she pointed to a little white tag beneath an empty spot, 'Vitalife %100 Duck Jerky' and stated "Looks like we're sold out." "Okay" I replied, "I am not from here, and my dog is getting spayed today at the vet across the road. Her favorite treat is this duck jerky, so I thought it would be a nice surprise for her afterwards."
The lady said "Sorry about that, I know we don't have any in the back because I have been stocking shevles all morning. But we should be getting another shipment in later this week.". "Okay, thank you." I replied.
As she spoke I could sense her tiredness, a longing for excitement. As she turned to walk away through an aisle of camping gear, I humbly said "Has it been pretty busy today?" She responded, "Oh yeah, especially in the beginning on spring. I have already unloaded an entire cart!".
Reflecting back on my previous position at a local dollarstore, I remember how unloading certain stock carts took time, and time led my mind to wander, I would think if this is what I 'should' be doing, if there is something better I could do with same amount of simplicity and yet still feel I am doing some thing good.

So depending on the person, I may be an extrovert.
Introvert. I was basically mute through my youth. Scared of attention. As I have grown older I have learned how to become the life of the party, because it is expected of me. I laugh, joke, compliment, etc.. but in my head I am quickly dying. I can't wait to get home to my "nest" with my cat.

I am sincerely jealous of extroverts. How do you do it?
I'm definitely an introvert. I don't really enjoy being forced to talk to people irl sometimes. I think it's also gotten worse over time...
I'm better at talking online, though I still have terrible anxiety about it in certain situations.
I fall into the ambivert definition. I remember taking the Meyer Briggs test at my campus and scoring an exact 50/50. (our professor wanted it for team pairing, as I recall).

I've had instances of feeling fueled after constant social interaction and being drained. I'm rather picky about company. It's hard for me to click with others. I'll speak with anybody and everybody, but it's rare for me to enjoy a person enough to crave wanting to spend time together.

I'm very relaxed with how I go about things. If it's not matched, it's tough to enjoy myself. Confrontation, judgmental remarks, and mean spirited behavior turns me away quickly.

Even then, it's unlikely for me to ever say "I didn't enjoy spending time together". I simply lose the urge to do it again.
def an introvert. i sorta tried faking it (being extroverted) but it eventually became too much and now i'm just.. incredibly introverted lol
I'm way more introverted than I am extroverted due to my ASD. The tough thing I typically face is the fact that I find it difficult to engage conversations on my own. When I'm past that phase, I'm mostly okay afterward. I think that's also a major reason why I've never been in any relationships (heck, I've never been on a real date period), even though I'm really wanting to be in one. I have somewhat of a fear of rejection, coupled with me being afraid of unintentionally making others feel uncomfortable. Some of you can agree that I've definitely said things in the past that sound okay to me, but to others, it comes off as being sort of wrong. I want to maintain good relationships with everyone I meet, and I'm still figuring out how to be a better communicator every day. TBT has somewhat helped with my social anxiety, so I'm at least thankful for that.

It's also safe to say that I've had way less social interactions than most people my age, and unfortunately, I'm just past that "college" phase where the so-called "final batch" of lifelong friends are usually made. Some of you know this about me already, but I tried the University experience for a single semester nearly five years ago, and permanently dropped out because of both me not feeling like I fitted in and my personal thoughts about such environments in general. The social interactions I had there all felt forced, and there were activities that you were required to attend in order to maintain your student status. It was one of the most miserable experiences I've ever had; even more so when you take into account the student loans I'm still trying to pay off to this day.

I'm now finding it increasingly difficult to make new real-life friends, and I don't even know if I'll ever get past this "lone wolf" phase. It sort of doesn't help that I live in an area where you have to drive long distances to find places to hang out that aren't loud and crazy, or filled with elderly people. The reason I say the latter is because most of the co-workers I've talked to are elderly, and they usually don't fully understand my likes and interests. Please know that I have absolutely nothing against them in general; I have a suspicion that it's simply me being super sentimental about my time in high school.

On the bright side, at least I have more free time to focus on the hobbies I like doing, such as collecting music, movies, and maintaining my personal living space in my parent's house. It would help if I were a bit more extroverted, but I'll let therapy help me with that.
Introvert, but primarily for social gatherings or events. This is mainly because I find most social situations draining. If its three to five people it isn't so bad. If its like 20+ and I don't really know anyone, my social battery burns really fast.
i'm somewhere in the middle so i would say i'm an ambivert. i do enjoy socializing and meeting new people. i really like group social outings like parties and such, but i also need time to recharge. i do enjoy alone time and going to places by myself as well.
i was an ambivert, then covid made me an introvert, and now i’m back to being an ambivert. i don’t get drained socially anymore like i used to but i don’t feel better with or without people.
I’m an introvert. I can be talkative with people I’m close to and most comfortable with, but that’s pretty rare.