Introvert or Extrovert?

I'm very much an introvert. I prefer to people watch and not get noticed. I prefer to listen over talking. Being the center of attention is very stressful to me. Even in my group of friends, I'd rather be the sidekick than the hero.
I feel like the introvert/extrovert binary is kind of stupid. Everybody gets tired after social situations, and everyone gets lonely if they're left alone for too long.

I also know a frustrating number of people who use "oh, I'm an introvert" as an excuse for making no effort in social situations, and then post loads of "introvert pride" things on facebook. Why would you be proud of being a social embarrassment?

It's a bit harsh to say they are a social embarrassment. I think some people do like to play it up though because it's become somewhat of a trend to be "socially awkward" nowadays, even though there are also lots of other people out there who do get nervous and shy and it's completely normal (not trying to belittle people who have anxiety as I unfortunately have had to suffer with that badly in the past but, even now I'm still shy). But some people do just generally get tired out after social interaction, and do generally prefer listening over talking in conversations. However, you can still be good at socialising and also be an introvert. I'd say I do get pretty nervous when being around large groups of people but, even so, I'm still a friendly person. If someone talks to me I'll talk to them too, I try to seem approachable to others and even though I will admit that by the end of the day I do feel worn out, it isn't because I'm a social embarrassment. And that's probably the case for the large majority of introverts - we are able to go out and enjoy ourselves and hang out with friends and talk to people, it's just unfortunately is draining for us, and we value alone time much more perhaps than an extrovert would do. I always have to have a bit of alone time at the end of the day to just relax and unwind and think to myself just because I'm an introvert.

So really, I do agree with you, it is a bit irritating and unfortunately embarrassing when people try to play up being an introvert and being "socially awkward", making it seem like it's a cool and trendy thing to be, when it's not really. It's not fun to be like that. But I think it is again harsh to say that people are social embarrassments because they are introverts, as the vast majority of introverts actually can socialise and talk to other people, it's just they find it draining.

Edit: Oh whoops, my bad, I misread what you said! ^^" But my point still stands anyway since I know a lot of people who say similar things like that about introverted people.... (welp, I've had people say it to me too)
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It's a bit harsh to say they are a social embarrassment. I think some people do like to play it up though because it's become somewhat of a trend to be "socially awkward" nowadays, even though there are also lots of other people out there who do get nervous and shy and it's completely normal (not trying to belittle people who have anxiety as I unfortunately have had to suffer with that badly in the past but, even now I'm still shy). But some people do just generally get tired out after social interaction, and do generally prefer listening over talking in conversations. However, you can still be good at socialising and also be an introvert. I'd say I do get pretty nervous when being around large groups of people but, even so, I'm still a friendly person. If someone talks to me I'll talk to them too, I try to seem approachable to others and even though I will admit that by the end of the day I do feel worn out, it isn't because I'm a social embarrassment. And that's probably the case for the large majority of introverts - we are able to go out and enjoy ourselves and hang out with friends and talk to people, it's just unfortunately is draining for us, and we value alone time much more perhaps than an extrovert would do. I always have to have a bit of alone time at the end of the day to just relax and unwind and think to myself just because I'm an introvert.

So really, I do agree with you, it is a bit irritating and unfortunately embarrassing when people try to play up being an introvert and being "socially awkward", making it seem like it's a cool and trendy thing to be, when it's not really. It's not fun to be like that. But I think it is again harsh to say that people are social embarrassments because they are introverts, as the vast majority of introverts actually can socialise and talk to other people, it's just they find it draining.

Edit: Oh whoops, my bad, I misread what you said! ^^" But my point still stands anyway since I know a lot of people who say similar things like that about introverted people.... (welp, I've had people say it to me too)

This kind of thing is exactly why I view socially awkward people as just that, socially awkward. Not all introverts are like that and it's unfair to assume they can't function in society all because they prefer alone time to hanging out.
I feel like the introvert/extrovert binary is kind of stupid. Everybody gets tired after social situations, and everyone gets lonely if they're left alone for too long.

I also know a frustrating number of people who use "oh, I'm an introvert" as an excuse for making no effort in social situations, and then post loads of "introvert pride" things on facebook. Why would you be proud of being a social embarrassment?

In some ways, yes, the whole idea of introversion/extroversion can be seen as stupid. It's a bit presumptuous To assume that everyone gets tired of social situations eventually, but it seems about right.

Many associate introversion with being shy and awkward. It does seem foolish that some may pass the blame to being introverted but perhaps they say it in order to get the point across. I would hate having to say things like "I just get tired from talking to others" and then having to explain myself. Perhaps they felt no need or desire to make an effort in that social situation. I see nothing wrong with that. "Introvert pride" would just be a thing where "they get it", you know? (Lol my English be poor at night) It's all stereotypes and miscommunication, really. It would take a lot more research to fully expound on this topic thoh
I can honestly say I've never felt "drained" after being in a large crowd or speaking to people. But I'm not an extrovert in the slightest.

yea, I'm the same. I really like keeping to myself and such, but even when I'm in a place with lots of people I never really feel anything.

But mostly it depends who I'm with. If I'm by myself I'm really introverted, but if I'm out with my friends I'm a lot more open.

i'm usually hYPE around friends but like, other than that, i hate getting unnecessary attention
like the first week of school i was too scared to sneeze sjdf
Definitely an introvert. I really like going out, socializing, parties, etc. but they are always super draining! A lot of alone time is needed afterwards or beforehand to avoid getting burned out.
extrovert. although i think i get introverted moments sometimes. but majority of the time i really prefer being with other people & not alone.
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I have very good social skills but it takes a lot of energy and I very much dislike being around so many people. I need a lot of recharge time and all of my good friends know that I have really strict boundaries. I can look like the most extroverted person at times but it's just what I do when I don't actually want to invest time talking to people.
I'm mega introverted im pretty shy akward towards everyone i dont know really really well and being social is draining for me. I've legit fallen asleep at parties before i just got really tired, left the room and fell asleep
Socialising isn't draining for me at all, but it's probably because I don't do much of it.

But to be honest, I don't like sitting there listening and letting others lead. I actually loathe it, but I do it anyway. I'm known for being extremely introverted and if I ever told anyone that I prefer leading, they'd laugh at me and remind me that I will never be able to achieve my dreams. (I am pretty terrible at socialising though)

I'll prove the dream crushers wrong one day. :blush:

(I used to be known as someone who loves being the centre of attention)

I'm an ENTJ.
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I'm definitely an introvert. Talking to people except for very close friends and some relatives is so boring and tedious and it just uses up all of my energy. I'd much rather be in my room with some sort of electronic device than being outside or interacting with people.
I used to be super introverted, later on I was super extroverted.... now I'm a mixture of both... it varies at times, XD....

I guess if I had to choose one percentage-wise of myself though I'd be mostly introverted... I have close friend that I hangout with, but most of the times I enjoy just relaxing on my own... :)
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i'm an introvert. i'm terrible and talking and really shy
I feel like if I'm with my introverted friends, I have to "step up" and be the extrovert...e.g noone wanted to call a store to find out if it was open, so I had to call, which is no big deal to me. Otherwise, I like a quiet evening over a party, usually.
I guess I'm both, but I have little apprehension towards talking to new people. :)