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Is your island completed?

Have you finished designing your island?

  • Yes, completely !

    Votes: 16 19.5%
  • It's almost done

    Votes: 13 15.9%
  • It's about half-way done

    Votes: 8 9.8%
  • No where near done, no.

    Votes: 38 46.3%
  • I haven't even tried to design it (':

    Votes: 7 8.5%

  • Total voters


into oblivion and unto death!
Jul 2, 2017
Sautéed Mushrooms
Booton Foraged Mushroom
Porkini Foraged Mushroom
Embarrassed Foraged Blushroom
Morellul Foraged Mushroom
Pink Poyopuffball Foraged Mushroom
Pink Bunny Balloon
Pink Balloon
Pink Feather
Pink Balloon
Sky Grass Scenery
In the three years we've had Animal Crossing New Horizons many people have created absolute works of art, while those of us who are less creatively talented have just spent these years running around aimlessly. What I want to know is: Are you done with your island(s)? Where are you at with the process - are you aimlessly running around or have you made something so beautiful it should be in a museum?
I'm just curious to know where folks feel they're at with their islands and if they see any end in sight to the mania that is cultivating a beautiful town. If you've completed your island and have no further work to do how long did it take you to get to that point?
I'm not too sure. I just voted for nowhere near done because, while I feel content with my island so far, I feel like I might change things up a bit every now and then.
I voted almost done even though it's pretty much finished, just because there might be some things I wanna change around before I'm 100% satisfied. There's also a whole house I haven't decorated yet but I'm leaving that for now so that I still have something to do if I feel like decorating again.

I have no idea how people have already finished multiple islands, but that might be something to do with being a massive perfectionist.
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For the main island yes its completed

For the 2nd island its almost complete but its tempoaray meaning that I can redo it whenever I want.
Technically, it is, but I'm always using random gyroids and fake artwork as decorations.
So, for a long while, I considered it more or less complete since I had paid off all my characters' housing fully, had all the animal villagers I wanted as permanent residents, and had all the stuff like buildings, farm, etc. situated where I wanted them.

That said, as of late last year sometime, I started getting the urge to rearrange things. I haven't been playing regularly in that span of time and only just recently returned to the game due to the Camp Bell Tree event here on the forums since a few of the events required Animal Crossing New Horizons. I intend to do a grand rearranging to beautify and organize the residential area, I plan to swap the locations of my farm and my museum, and there would probably be other such tweaking of things.

That said, even if I wasn't going to rearrange, I still have a few deep sea creatures that I somehow never caught that I still need to donate to the museum.

I'm also considering the possibility of maybe getting a second Switch eventually (or the next Nintendo console that is rumored to be coming next year) and a second copy of the game since I have an idea for a second island and residents I'd want. So that would be a whole new bag of worms to deal with too.

So yeah, no, not really complete anymore I suppose.
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The main places on Wahu (my 3+ year old game-release island) are done; I'm just touching up spots here and there, and I may actually redo some of the flowers & foliage because I'm not completely satisfied with that just yet. I'll probably need to read up on some inspiration for how to decorate smaller areas with flowers and keep a 5-star rating, as I'm trying to avoid doing major overhauls at this point (except for maybe house interiors). As it stands right now, I'm at the top end of 4-stars because of "lack of flowers". I did update Wahu's dream address today, so check it out if you want (code is in my signature).

Parkwood, my second island on my old switch, is still nowhere close to being done. I have a residential canal area that's laid out how I want, and the area around the shops and RS is looking pretty good. However, the whole north end is still big flat land as I'm currently trying to figure out how to do the transition between the town and farm areas without it looking bad or having too hard of a transition. I may share some screenshots and try to gather suggestions from others to see how I can do this well. I'm time travelling only on this island (it's just a month or two old) as this island is just for looks only. Once I get the basic places laid out, I may share Parkwood's dream address and continue to update it as time allows.
axolotl is unfortunately nowhere near being complete 😅 i haven’t spent all that much time designing my island or trying to design it over the past three years (aside from a few occasional creative energy surges i’ve had where all i wanted to do was decorate lol), i’ve mainly just been focusing on other things that i enjoy more, like meeting new villagers and obtaining their photos/posters, trying to complete all of my nook mile achievements etc.

i did have a couple of decorated areas on my island, mostly just some items placed here and there and a few abandoned design ideas, but i completely flattened my island earlier this year, so it’s back to being pretty much barren and undecorated 🤣 i haven’t touched my game since i flattened my island either, so i’m not sure when i’ll get around to trying to decorate again either :’)
I'd say about 95% done! I actually don't want to finish my island at all, so that's why I'm taking it real slow. I have one area to design, few spots I want to touch up, and just need my last permanent villager. It's exciting and also a little bit sad.
i don't think i've ever had a completed island and i'm three save files into the game (although one of the, from early on was meant to be a cataloguing island but that flopped and never really took off. i'm satisfied with certain parts of my island, and i absolutely love the villagers that i have on my main island. i've never been the type to be fully satisfied with anything i do anyways unfortunately LOL...... there always seems to be something i can tear down, add, change, revisit and it just throws me into a cycle of making and remaking lil different areas
I restarted my island about a year ago and haven't nearly played as much compared to my first island. However I have decorated it more than my previous island and found it a lot easier to decorated now that I'm not constantly looking at other people's fully decorated island.
I was close to being almost done, but then the hhp update released ruins items that I had been wanting since the start of the game, so now I'm redoing an area of my town. Other than that I already wanted to redo one area, start on the final area I've been procrastinating on because it's being used for flower storage right now, and then do the insides of houses.
Who knows how long that will take me though.
i have got to a point where every area of my island is decorated but some areas i do change or am not fully happy with whenever i pop onto the game - unfortunately i don’t play as much as i used to so haven’t got round to any redecorating yet so my island will probably be at the stage of almost done for quite a while.
I finished my island a long time ago then the 2.0 items came out and I decided that I hated my island so I collected all the items I had placed sold them for bells and flattened my island to start again.

I am still trying to design my island and I worry that I will never be happy with it :(
I picked almost done since my main island is almost done. I haven’t been playing that island recently since my limited time is spent on my second island I restarted back in December.
On my main island I am done with terraforming. I have a few small spaces to decorate. Through I do try and change some of the decorations for each season. Have had this island since release.
I was almost done with the island on my second switch just needed to figure out villager yards when I decided I wanted to restart instead. Had for almost a year.
Now with this new island I started back in December it is about halfway done . Most of the terraforming is done. I just need to get to fixing the waterfalls near Cyrano house. Decorating it has been more of a challenge then I thought it would be. Many ideas had to change since lack of being able to put wall items on cliffs. I can’t seem to get the rest of my island decorated . Nothing looks right and I keep changing it. I have barely decorated my playable characters houses since I can’t figure out how I want them. This island may never get close to finished . I have now taken a break from decorating and focus more on getting villagers pictures and nook mile achievements. I may go back to decorating if I can figure out which items would be best to use.
I'm in the middle of terraforming (the hardest thing in this game) so I'm no where near done. But my current island isn't 3 yrs old. It's only 6 months, I think. (Had data corruption).
Plus I'm not using amiibos, so it's going to take a while getting villagers.
No, it wasn’t anywhere near completed , it was kind of still a mess at 600 hours in then I restarted and haven’t had the motivation to play lately so I’m still in the starting phase , still waiting for Nooks cranny to be built etc I don’t know how to design an island to look nice. Mine was always kind of back and forth between being plain and being a mess lol

we're all in this together.mp3 !

three cheers to all of us still running around trying to decide where anything and everything should go! we're the real ones. 😂

i have been trying steadily to design my island and build it for a long while now but i find my problem is that i'll get 90% done with an area and then decide actually i don't like it and completely tear it down to restart. i know the common piece of advice is to tell people not to focus on the whole island as a whole when designing, but i wonder more and more if i am one of those strange folks that actually needs to, since i can't help constantly thinking about how the section i am working on relates to everything else.

oh well! i will continue to try my best and continue to enjoy what progress i have made. at the least, it allows me to continue playing acnh ad infinitum, hahaha.
since i can't help constantly thinking about how the section i am working on relates to everything else.
I think this is one of my biggest problems. I have areas here and there done that I like. But can’t figure out what to put in between them to connect them and make them make sense.