January 1st, 2016-The One Year Animal Crossing Challange Thread

I forgot to mention yesterday, I did buy a net and build a Snowboy. He gave me a snowman bed!

I built a Snowman right now, and his number of the day is 36! If anyone needs that number, please let me know!
savin' the bae

I forgot to play yesterday, whoops xD All I've done is plant my tree in my town, but I do have a tumblr set up for this challenge if anyone wants to follow it :)
Day 3 in Cedrata


Kyle just moved in and he's already trying to flatter me. This guy will go places.
I suggest watering all the flowers with the can Isabelle gives you and just sucking up to villagers!

I would totally be watering flowers, but I don't have a watering can!

The villagers keep talking about tutorials.....

Like I've been playing ACNL for a long time now and I have four copies of the game. You villagers don't need to tell me how to do stuff. I think I know xD