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Join My Shiny Hunting Club!

Congrats! Now if only that could happen with Ralts... Ralts, WHY!

Oh, and, completely off topic, but... Who remembers the Shiny Pichu event that got one a spiky-eared pichu? Because I was going through the boxes in HeartGold, and I found one of those fluffy things! I also remember using an Action Replay, which I lost, to hack that into being shiny on a SoulSilver, and wowing all my friends with it.

I still have mine in SoulSilver(I think). Made me mad when I found out I couldn't transfer her off of SoulSilver though.(OR EVOLVE HER INTO A SPIKEY EARED PIKACHU/RAICHU!)
I still have mine in SoulSilver(I think). Made me mad when I found out I couldn't transfer her off of SoulSilver though.(OR EVOLVE HER INTO A SPIKEY EARED PIKACHU/RAICHU!)

I know, right?
Just got to a chain of 36 with Electrike... Mareep broke it! :D
Got a question for you all regarding PokeRadar Shinies and Chain Fishing Shinies..

Why are Shiny pokemon obtained through Chain Fishing viewed as valueless compared to pokemon obtained using the PokeRadar? Both ways use, pretty much, the exact same mechanic.

I mean, sure chain fishing IS a lot easier to do that PokeRadar; but it doesn't seem fair that somebody could put in all their hard work into getting a shiny from fishing; only to be told their shiny pokemon is garbage because it's from chain fishing.. while somebody who used a PokeRader gets praised for having a shiny pokemon from that.

Honestly.. it seems unfair to say one is more valuable than the other, as both people probably put in, about, the same amount of effort to get their prized shiny pokemon; right?

edit: Forgot to mention that people using the PokeRadar technically have it easier than people fishing. After a chain of 40, the PokeRadar user doesn't have to keep encountering pokemon from his/her chain anymore. The fisher has to keep right on fishing in hopes of eventually catching a shiny. PokeRadar even tells you when a shiny is available for you, fishing has no clues like that.(But both ways DO increase shiny odds until you reach a chain of 40, at which point the odds stop going up)
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Got a question for you all regarding PokeRadar Shinies and Chain Fishing Shinies..

Why are Shiny pokemon obtained through Chain Fishing viewed as valueless compared to pokemon obtained using the PokeRadar? Both ways use, pretty much, the exact same mechanic.

I mean, sure chain fishing IS a lot easier to do that PokeRadar; but it doesn't seem fair that somebody could put in all their hard work into getting a shiny from fishing; only to be told their shiny pokemon is garbage because it's from chain fishing.. while somebody who used a PokeRader gets praised for having a shiny pokemon from that.

Honestly.. it seems unfair to say one is more valuable than the other, as both people probably put in, about, the same amount of effort to get their prized shiny pokemon; right?

edit: Forgot to mention that people using the PokeRadar technically have it easier than people fishing. After a chain of 40, the PokeRadar user doesn't have to keep encountering pokemon from his/her chain anymore. The fisher has to keep right on fishing in hopes of eventually catching a shiny. PokeRadar even tells you when a shiny is available for you, fishing has no clues like that.(But both ways DO increase shiny odds until you reach a chain of 40, at which point the odds stop going up)

how about you go teach yourself to chain for pokemon using the pokeradar, then go chain for one using chain fishing - and then tell us which one was easier.


But seriously though, there is such a huge difference between chain fished shiny's, and pokeradar shiny's, and no matter how hard people try explain the difference, you don't seem to understand. It just seems like you're butt hurt over the fact that you can't get anything good for your shinys...
Shows what you know, Jake.. I've already gotten an offer on my shiny mewtwo(which is currently stuck back in Black version). So I may not be able to get valuable shinies this gen, but I've got plenty of valuable ones just waiting to be moved to Y.

So, how about you stop being rude, hm? Besides I asked the question both here and in the trading topic. No need to come here and bite my head off over something we've ALREADY settled elsewhere, am I right?

Plus not everyone is going to view things the way a handful of people do. There's plenty of people out there willing to trade for the fishing chain shinies still. Most of the greedy people, like yourself, come from gamefaqs where all they seem to care about is their precious perfect IVs. Personally, I like to trade to HELP others; (obviously something you can't quiet grasp the concept of) and thus my shiny mewtwo will probably not go for a very even trade on my part. Because I don't care enough about him to be greedy over what I know I COULD trade him for.

You just keep right on riding that high horse of yours while I help the less fortunate actually GET a shiny or two(heck, I'm probably one of the few that's willing to trade shiny for non-shiny still. Again, because I DON'T care about shiny status. It doesn't benefit the pokemon anyway. Purely cosmetic. So why be greedy over trading them?)

edit: Of course, certain shinies I'll probably only part with for a shiny I'm looking for.
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Hey, you know what would be cool.

If this stopped.

My apologies. I'd assumed Jake. and I had settled things already(as I'd said I was backing off over in the Pokemon Trading Center). Apparently I thought wrong. Ah well, not going to keep it going any further.
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So, how about you stop being rude, hm? Besides I asked the question both here and in the trading topic. No need to come here and bite my head off over something we've ALREADY settled elsewhere, am I right?

Plus not everyone is going to view things the way a handful of people do. There's plenty of people out there willing to trade for the fishing chain shinies still. Most of the greedy people, like yourself, come from gamefaqs where all they seem to care about is their precious perfect IVs. Personally, I like to trade to HELP others; (obviously something you can't quiet grasp the concept of) and thus my shiny mewtwo will probably not go for a very even trade on my part. Because I don't care enough about him to be greedy over what I know I COULD trade him for.

we were never even arguing, i was just explaining why chain fished shiny's aren't valued, and you took it personally, then you took it out on me, attacking me personally calling me greedy, and implying i am selfish.

yer SOZ i am a selfish ***** who just traded Pokemon with Jen to help her complete her Pokedex, who goes on other forums to help people get the Pokemon they're after.

And since we're on the topic of calling me greedy, i'm also a homophobe who thinks gay people are a joke :)
we were never even arguing, i was just explaining why chain fished shiny's aren't valued, and you took it personally, then you took it out on me, attacking me personally calling me greedy, and implying i am selfish.

yer SOZ i am a selfish ***** who just traded Pokemon with Jen to help her complete her Pokedex, who goes on other forums to help people get the Pokemon they're after.

And since we're on the topic of calling me greedy, i'm also a homophobe who thinks gay people are a joke :)

Alas, I always seem to forget that sarcasm doesn't work over computer screens. Kinda requires words to work. I didn't mean to insult you in any way and I apologise for having done so. (even though I kinda did come across as rather.. rude.. myself). Once again, I apologise and I hope we can leave this disagreement/discussion to rest now and move on with our lives before we get ourselves in real trouble with the moderators. Last thing I want to to be banned from this amazing community over something as silly as this; and I'm sure you agree.

With that, I am moving on from the discussion and I do plan on learning to use the PokeRadar at some point. I just wanted a shiny Skrelp or Horsey first for myself.
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