• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Join My Shiny Hunting Club!

They are wonderful creatures, everyone should have a Gastrodon in their lives.

Off topic but... I finally found out how to get my Forretress's Speed IV of 0 to a Torkoal! It involves alot of Egg Group jumping, but I'll get it there.
Oh, I used to chain breed... Painful process, but overall fun... I was able to get Crush Claw Cyndaquil, and Wish and Baton Pass Spinda, along with a Teeter Dance Oddish.
Shinies I own that are currently for trade: shiny togepi, shiny eevee, shiny Gardevoir, shiny gengar, shiny sylveon, shiny scizor, shiny medicham, shiny breloom, shiny dunsparce, shiny cubchoo, shiny vanillite, and shiny luvdisc. PLZ post offers c:
Shinies I own that are currently for trade: shiny togepi, shiny eevee, shiny Gardevoir, shiny gengar, shiny sylveon, shiny scizor, shiny medicham, shiny breloom, shiny dunsparce, shiny cubchoo, shiny vanillite, and shiny luvdisc. PLZ post offers c:

You do know that no one here is going to trade you for those, yes? Your a known scammer, not going to be easy getting people to trust you again.

edit: Plus you've likely scam cloned for almost all of those.
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Scam cloned? What does that mean?

Anyways, Luvdiscs are awesome! I plan on getting one myself one day...

Oh, and over Thanksgiving Break, I might just be able to go to my great aunt's house, who has WEP wi-fi. In other words, I might trade away Scargo over Thanksgiving! Maybe Scurryer#1, too!

Edit: Not to be immature, but I couldn't help but notice the page number...
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Scam cloned? What does that mean?

Anyways, Luvdiscs are awesome! I plan on getting one myself one day...

Oh, and over Thanksgiving Break, I might just be able to go to my great aunt's house, who has WEP wi-fi. In other words, I might trade away Scargo over Thanksgiving! Maybe Scurryer#1, too!

Edit: Not to be immature, but I couldn't help but notice the page number...

hmm.. now that I think about it.. you probably can't scam clone since you need two 3DSs to clone pokemon anyway. Though you could give them a **** pokemon as collateral and never actually give them back their pokemon.

Nope. Plus wtf is scam cloning? -.-

Something I probably made up on the fly. Your still a known scammer though, no one will trade with you.
hoping to run into a shiny mawile in this safari looking for femaleeeees
I'm hatching a third shiny eevee myself(though I'm not keeping him for long if my friend ever takes him)
I've never had luck with the FS... Does the person have to be online?

Aw I wanted to be on page 69... ;A; (My fav #)
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I can feel the tension, even through Rick...
(Yes I gave my computer a name)

ANYWAYS... seems like someone is declining my gift of a Torchic egg that has their SV but they are willing to hatch it for me. Seems like I'm getting another shiny Torchic.
Nah, it's just a matter of luck in there. Pure luck(SMILE ON ME LADY LUCK!!!)

- - - Post Merge - - -

No. It just increases the shiny rate by a ton c: that's how I found my shiny togepi

Wrong. Your friend being online has no effect on shiny rareness in the Friend Safari.
Lol hey *****, I meant friend safari does, not that.

That was totally uncalled for; your lucky I'm not reporting you for that.

Also, shiny male eevee hatched now! That makes three shiny eevees for me =D[though, as I said, I'm trading the newest one to a friend who asked me to help him get a shiny eevee]

edit: And that's still wrong, K.K. Fanboy. Friend Safari is only easier to find shinies at because there's only three pokemon per safari; therefore it only randomly spawns one of three pokemon[whom all have the same shiny odds as everywhere else]. So your information is still incorrect.
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That was totally uncalled for; your lucky I'm not reporting you for that.

Also, shiny male eevee hatched now! That makes three shiny eevees for me =D[though, as I said, I'm trading the newest one to a friend who asked me to help him get a shiny eevee]

edit: And that's still wrong, K.K. Fanboy. Friend Safari is only easier to find shinies at because there's only three pokemon per safari; therefore it only randomly spawns one of three pokemon[whom all have the same shiny odds as everywhere else]. So your information is still incorrect.
Yup , Your info is incorrect K.K

Congrats on the shiny eevee Jinjiro! , I hatched my own little shiny just yesterday out of pure luck. He also had the " Run away" ability so that's great!.
I love the Secret Santa idea! And I'd be happy to collect the shinies and distribute them if everyone trusts me enough to do it. I think though that it would be better to use the same kind of formula as postal Secret Santas I've been involved with before. Everyone who wants to participate sends me their FC, in-game name, their 6 or so "dream" shinies and another 6 or so they'd really rather not get. I then pair people up and PM each person's dream/don't want list to their partner. That then gives everyone an idea of what to look out for for their partner without revealing who the partners actually are. Then, on the designated day (and I would suggest a few days before Christmas Day, as people will be busy), I send out the FCs and you guys take it from there. This means that everyone gets to swap the actual shiny.

If the swap hasn't been completed within a certain time frame, "angels" will step in and provide spare swaps. I've done enough swaps like this to know that life happens, people drop out or forget and I don't want someone doing all the work only to find that their partner hasn't bothered. So we'll be needing some "angels" to volunteer (if I had my way I think I'd go with Jinjiro and Scribbler, because both have access to SV-ed shinies). But that position is purely voluntary.

Caveats - SV-ed, chain fished, MM-ed shinies are allowed. You don't get to specify gender or IVs or anything like that, and if your entire dream list consists of legendaries we might have to re-think your participation. Maybe we could have a rule that nicknamed Pokemon should have names that are Christmas related. For example, I would love a shiny Skiddo called Rudolph. Or a Snorunt called Tannenbaum. In fact, I already have a WT idea for Christmas Day based around that idea.

Thoughts, anyone?
First chaining session about an hour in, shiny Riolu <3 Only shiny poke I wanted! And my first shiny since Gold, with my shiny Zubat (first shiny period)