• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Join My Shiny Hunting Club!

Well, yeah, it was... Hey, I might be the winner, so I won't gain anything, though... Ummm... Yeah, We have 27 1/2 hours left... You can still win, Jinjiro, it just isn't likely...

Oh, wait, who wants to walk me through the process of giving Forum Bells? I completely forgot, and Lynn105's explanation wasn't good enough...

@Dizzi Parasise: Oh my gosh! Finally, another male with the female persuasion!

Edit: I think we both mean personality. At least, I do.
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I'm not too worried about winning or losing anyway. This was all just for fun, no? And I certainly had fun collecting shinies[even if they don't count for the challenge]
Yeah, it was for fun (and 100 forum bells, propesed by me). Yeah, even ARed Shinies give me a rush of exhiliaration, just to hear that jingle... And the blue stars flying out of it.
Oh, wait, who wants to walk me through the process of giving Forum Bells? I completely forgot, and Lynn105's explanation wasn't good enough...

I believe you click on Currency then on bells, and then click change where it says 'To Account'.
Not sure though, haven't transfer bells before.

It wasn't a bad idea at all, we just needed more active hunters. :3
And I needed better luck... (Yeah, I'm looking at you Smeargle... >.>)
Yeah, amen DemonOtaku. If you had caught that Smeargle, what would you be doing now? Anyways, thanks!

Edit: I love my number of posts. Anyways, it didn't work. Is it because I am a junior member, or what?
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@Dizzi Parasise: Oh my gosh! Finally, another male with the female persuasion!

Edit: I think we both mean personality. At least, I do.

Nope, I mean I'm a female with the female persuasion. I think. I am female, I am OLD by TBT standards (43), I am married, I am mum to a 16 year old boy and a 4 year old girl. That kind of female ;-)
Well, if I had caught that Smeargle it would have motivated me to look for more shinies. :p

Actually after I finish my routine in NL I'll switch over to Pokemon to breed for a shiny Torkoal as my last attempt, it's my dad's favorite Pokemon and it's shiny form isn't half bad.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh....... *Facepalm facepalm facepalm*

Wow, I thought you meant a little old to be masquerading as a female...

And, how much grief has your sixteen year old given you?

Sorry, I feel really bad for this... Epidemic.
LOL, no, just a little old to be referring to myself as a girl!

16 year old gives plenty of grief, yeah. He'll do ok though, he's a good kid.

Don't feel bad Blu Rose! It's all good.
Lynn105, I see that you are about to taunt me down there... Don't even think about it.

Thanks, for being a sympathetic person. I am currently laughing.
If it makes you feel better I'm female with male persuasion. I just don't say it much because people judge and I like it when others mistake me for a guy. :p

Anyways, if you can't transfer because your a Junior member, I can try it. How much are we transferring to her?
@DemonOtaku: I was mistaken for a female twice on the guess my gender thread... Anyways, Same here, same here, except I find it quite funny when people mistake me for a female (it even happened at school, after I had moved).

Anyways, we would transfer... Say, 50? I will pay the amount back when I am no longer... Restricted to this level. Feel free to pester me until you get your money back.
Unfortunately I can't look like a guy, hairstyle wise, because of my mother, but I'm able to wear some guy clothing, yet I still look like a girl. Though I sound kind of like an awkward 13 year old boy so that kind of confuses people.

And it's no problem, you don't have to pay me back.
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Oh... I was expecting to be forced to pay you back with threat of tying to a rope amd throwing off a building (I guess that is only what one can expect when one hangs out with guys too much, am I right?). I can't wear girl clothes, but I have worn a skirt before... Best feeling ever. Except I do plan on wearing leggings sometime, though, in public at a public school... There is no dress code rule against it.

Just saying, I am what the world colloquially calls a "Grammar Nazi (although it should be grammatical Nazi)." In other words, I don't use emoticons, nor text language and/or slang, and hate it when people make these mistakes... Just saying.
Hehe, yeah that's pretty much how it is, that or threatening to hit one in the groan. But I'm more calmer then my male companions, like a gentleman. I guess...
I actually have a male friend that went to school one day in short shorts and leggings. Have to say he pulled it of pretty good.

I really dislike text talk and slang, but I use emoticons so others won't get mislead when I type something that can either be taken as good or bad.
That is very good to know... (the male friend, I mean). Most of the males at school hate me, and I don't care. My feminine companions do just fine, and they are quite enticing to have a conversation with (not in a perverted way...), and being the only boy within a ten-foot radius in Band helps a lot too (I play the flute). Now that I think about it, I have never had more than one male friend at each school I've been to, and I just started a new one this year! (I have done this a total of 7 times) Overall, seven male friends, at least 17 female friends...

I think it is plain hilarious how the talk got from Shiny Hunting to a Shiny Competition to this. I am quite fine with it, but, just pointing that out.
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I am so glad I'm not young anymore. Kind of. Honestly, being any kind of different was hard enough when I was at school. I think in some ways there is more tolerance now but in other ways there is less. I'm just glad I don't have to go through that anymore, but I really feel for anyone going through it themselves.

Now I am old enough to get away with being a bit odd without having to deal with narrow minded stuff like you guys have to. I am sure the other mums think I'm weird (pink hair is the most obvious weird thing about me) but it doesn't affect me. And I'm self employed so I don't even have to be dealing with office gossip and that kind of thing. I love it!

And yes, I don't do text speak either, even in texts. I like emoticons though as I think they help with understanding where text might be misread. Especially on a forum like this where the average age is generally quite young and there is the divide between British English and American English, as well as more than a few posters for whom English is not their first language. Anything that can aid understanding is always a good thing.

ETA for what it's worth Blu Rose, nearly all my husband's friends at school, and all his best friends, were female. He just got on better with women than men. He's an engineer and can out-banter all the other engineers he works with but still he gets on far better with women and understands them far better than any other man I've ever met. Makes him an absolutely wonderful husband!
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Lol need me to tell Lynn off for you Blu Rose? (I'm part of the Open Social chat group with her, and also part of the staff =D[and I'm always giving her a hard time xD])
@Dizzi Paradise: Well, I guess I am glad that you are in a happy relationship, and hope I will get one where I can be as happy as you.

@Jinjiro: I am a good schoolfriend with her: She is the only reason I am on these forums! Don't worry, I go lenient on her, meaning you can give her all the grief you want!

Update: 21 2/3 hours left everyone! I can only hope that people will beat the crap out of me in terms of shininess.
LOL Time to steal as many of her flowers as I can next time I'm in her AC town then xD [I kid, of course. I'd never do something like that to anyone. Turn their town into pothole haven? Maybe.]