• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Join My Shiny Hunting Club!

If the swap hasn't been completed within a certain time frame, "angels" will step in and provide spare swaps. I've done enough swaps like this to know that life happens, people drop out or forget and I don't want someone doing all the work only to find that their partner hasn't bothered. So we'll be needing some "angels" to volunteer (if I had my way I think I'd go with Jinjiro and Scribbler, because both have access to SV-ed shinies). But that position is purely voluntary.

I also have access to SV'd Pokemon, so you can message me if no one will step up to do the job.
Thanks DemonOtaku, the more angels we have the better. Hope you'll participate too?

OK Shiny Hunters, I've just heard about Operation Zubat Storm, which is happening next Wednesday 4th December. People will be Wonder Trading out as many Zubat a possible that day. I think that's both a) interesting and b) awful. Interesting because the concept is a great idea for the Pokemon "community" (using that word in its loosest possible sense), awful because, well, Zubat... So my thought is, anyone who is currently breeding, or will be, something more interesting, either for IVs or shinies, let's all release our unwanted hatches that day. I'm thinking of sending out lots of Pokemon I don't see often on WT - Phanpy, Shinx, Krabby, Yanma come to mind immediately but there are plenty more. The more of us that do this, the more likely we are to divert some of the Zubat from their intended targets. And we have just over a week to breed them and store them up. What does the panel think?

Edit - We could even have a competition of sorts. The person who receives the most Zubat on 4th December gets... what? I don't know. I don't even know how we could check for cheating. But it would make it more fun.
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I love the Secret Santa idea! And I'd be happy to collect the shinies and distribute them if everyone trusts me enough to do it. I think though that it would be better to use the same kind of formula as postal Secret Santas I've been involved with before. Everyone who wants to participate sends me their FC, in-game name, their 6 or so "dream" shinies and another 6 or so they'd really rather not get. I then pair people up and PM each person's dream/don't want list to their partner. That then gives everyone an idea of what to look out for for their partner without revealing who the partners actually are. Then, on the designated day (and I would suggest a few days before Christmas Day, as people will be busy), I send out the FCs and you guys take it from there. This means that everyone gets to swap the actual shiny.

If the swap hasn't been completed within a certain time frame, "angels" will step in and provide spare swaps. I've done enough swaps like this to know that life happens, people drop out or forget and I don't want someone doing all the work only to find that their partner hasn't bothered. So we'll be needing some "angels" to volunteer (if I had my way I think I'd go with Jinjiro and Scribbler, because both have access to SV-ed shinies). But that position is purely voluntary.

Caveats - SV-ed, chain fished, MM-ed shinies are allowed. You don't get to specify gender or IVs or anything like that, and if your entire dream list consists of legendaries we might have to re-think your participation. Maybe we could have a rule that nicknamed Pokemon should have names that are Christmas related. For example, I would love a shiny Skiddo called Rudolph. Or a Snorunt called Tannenbaum. In fact, I already have a WT idea for Christmas Day based around that idea.

Thoughts, anyone?

Got instacheck working btw, so I can check yours later so you can have sved shinies too. I have only gotten a couple shinies from this method, but they are really the only ones I have that I didn't fish for.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Thanks DemonOtaku, the more angels we have the better. Hope you'll participate too?

OK Shiny Hunters, I've just heard about Operation Zubat Storm, which is happening next Wednesday 4th December. People will be Wonder Trading out as many Zubat a possible that day. I think that's both a) interesting and b) awful. Interesting because the concept is a great idea for the Pokemon "community" (using that word in its loosest possible sense), awful because, well, Zubat... So my thought is, anyone who is currently breeding, or will be, something more interesting, either for IVs or shinies, let's all release our unwanted hatches that day. I'm thinking of sending out lots of Pokemon I don't see often on WT - Phanpy, Shinx, Krabby, Yanma come to mind immediately but there are plenty more. The more of us that do this, the more likely we are to divert some of the Zubat from their intended targets. And we have just over a week to breed them and store them up. What does the panel think?

Edit - We could even have a competition of sorts. The person who receives the most Zubat on 4th December gets... what? I don't know. I don't even know how we could check for cheating. But it would make it more fun.

It is cool how everyone around the world can coordinate an event like this over the magical internet! I remember a time before that when something like this could never achieved! I can't imagine life without the internet now.

I got a little off topic there. Back on topic, I have a couple extra chain fished shinies to use for the Secret Santa. I think, however, that we should include people from the other site as well (most of you will know what I am talking about. if you don't, take a look at the banner in my sig ). The group is mostly tbt members, but there are a few who aren't and I know that they would love to participate in this! It is truly a wonderful idea, and I think that it would be great if we spread the happiness as far as we can. :)
It is cool how everyone around the world can coordinate an event like this over the magical internet! I remember a time before that when something like this could never achieved! I can't imagine life without the internet now.

Amazing, isn't it? Back when I was working for a computer mag, there was no internet. We could send WordPerfect files (blue screen, remember that?) computer-to-computer via an ordinary telephone line, and CompuServe was around, but that was all. And the best available desktop computer was a 386SX, which would set you back around ?3,000* not including monitor etc. That beast didn't have anything like as much computing power as the cheapest smart phone today. At my job before that we had one IBM PC that was kept in its own climate-controlled room and was used for doing the accounts. No email, no Google, no MP3 (this was before CDs, even, music came on vinyl disks or cassette tape) no mobile/cell phones, digital cameras or laptops. Yep, the internet is magic - mostly.

Anyhoo, yes I agree with Scribbler that we should get the other forum involved, both with Secret Shiny Santa and with Operation Stop Zubat Storm. I note that some of the OZS guys on Reddit are at least planning to send out high IV 'bats, some with Pokerus and great abilities - but your average 12 year old isn't going to give a stuff about that. Especially if they've got 5 in a row. Scribbler, do you want me to cross-post over there? One thread for each subject, of course.

*ETA - for reference, at the time a loaf of bread was about 35p. Now that same loaf of bread is over ?1.
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Omg shiny skarmory is so awesome looking! She looks like she's made out of platinum![so that's what I named her x3 Platinum]
Amazing, isn't it? Back when I was working for a computer mag, there was no internet. We could send WordPerfect files (blue screen, remember that?) computer-to-computer via an ordinary telephone line, and CompuServe was around, but that was all. And the best available desktop computer was a 386SX, which would set you back around ?3,000* not including monitor etc. That beast didn't have anything like as much computing power as the cheapest smart phone today. At my job before that we had one IBM PC that was kept in its own climate-controlled room and was used for doing the accounts. No email, no Google, no MP3 (this was before CDs, even, music came on vinyl disks or cassette tape) no mobile/cell phones, digital cameras or laptops. Yep, the internet is magic - mostly.

Anyhoo, yes I agree with Scribbler that we should get the other forum involved, both with Secret Shiny Santa and with Operation Stop Zubat Storm. I note that some of the OZS guys on Reddit are at least planning to send out high IV 'bats, some with Pokerus and great abilities - but your average 12 year old isn't going to give a stuff about that. Especially if they've got 5 in a row. Scribbler, do you want me to cross-post over there? One thread for each subject, of course.

*ETA - for reference, at the time a loaf of bread was about 35p. Now that same loaf of bread is over ?1.

Yeah! You can go ahead and post about the secret santa. I saw a digital flyer for zubat storm the other day, and I would love to post that because it has instructions and suggestions. I'll see if I can find it when I get on my computer (on my phone now).
So basically like a Secret Santa sort of thing?
Yeah, that would be interesting. Would shinies that were obtained through SV Method be allowed?
But who would decide who trades with whom?

(And that avatar is so distracting. xD)

I don't see a problem with allowing shinies from any method for this. It's a Secret Santa Giveaway, so you'd get what you get. Most people would be happy to just to receive a shiny and wouldn't really care how their new shiny was obtained[especially if they get one they like a lot]
I agree. I'd say allow any method - with the exception of randomly traded shinies, because of the naming thing. The point of this is not to get a specific shiny, but to get a Christmas shiny. So yeah, Christmas-related nicknames. No guarantees on anyone getting anything from their dream list, but we'll try at least not to give out Pokes on the don't want list. Don't want list to be a maximum of 6? Maybe have people choose a type they like as well as their dream list - this is to give the Gifter an idea of what to look out for for their Giftee. This is meant to be fun, and provide a shiny Pokemon with memories attached of a fun time, not a way for people to fill their shiny want list.

And oh for goodness sake, I've maxed out my PC boxes with non-shiny Charmander. Again. Jinjiro, do you want some of these eggs? You can have them for whatever. Send 'em out to people who can use Instacheck, or keep 'em to breed, or whatever.
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I agree. I'd say allow any method - with the exception of randomly traded shinies, because of the naming thing. The point of this is not to get a specific shiny, but to get a Christmas shiny. So yeah, Christmas-related nicknames. No guarantees on anyone getting anything from their dream list, but we'll try at least not to give out Pokes on the don't want list. Don't want list to be a maximum of 6? Maybe have people choose a type they like as well as their dream list - this is to give the Gifter an idea of what to look out for for their Giftee. This is meant to be fun, and provide a shiny Pokemon with memories attached of a fun time, not a way for people to fill their shiny want list.

Like that idea a lot[though with the nicknames on traded pokemon.. I'd say no nicknames. If you can rename it and want to donate it, don't have a nickname on the pokemon[since so many people dislike nicknames]

- - - Post Merge - - -

LOL traded my third shiny eevee to my friend, whom caught a random pidgey to use as trade fodder... and the pidgey he caught turned out to be shiny. He didn't even realize until I'd mentioned it to him when I went to move it to my random pokemon box xX [heck, I didn't realize either until I went to move it xD]
I guess people can specify if they want a nickname or not? If we're going to be doing an actual swap, rather than one person collecting them all and then sending them out, it should be no problem to nickname or not, whatever the Giftee chooses.
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It kind of is Jinjiro, it's kind of awesome in a way. But... Zubat? At least evolve the dratted things to Crobat first. But that's a lot of work if you want to spam WT with them. I'm going to try to spam with stuff I don't see often, help people fill up their 'dex maybe. At least throw some exclusives out there.

Scribbler, I'll post tomorrow. Need to get my thoughts in order and have a small child who is late to bed already. I'll see you guys in the morning.
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It kind of is Jinjiro, it's kind of awesome in a way. But... Zubat? At least evolve the dratted things to Crobat first. But that's a lot of work if you want to spam WT with them. I'm going to try to spam with stuff I don't see often, help people fill up their 'dex maybe. At least throw some exclusives out there.

Scribbler, I'll post tomorrow. Need to get my thoughts in order and have a small child who is late to bed already. I'll see you guys in the morning.

Ok! See you in the morning. :)
I got my first shiny ever yesterday! Can I join the club?

Don't recall you requiring a shiny to join the club[just a shiny eevee =P]

Course, gratz on the shiny; what'd you get?

edit: Got my shiny dratini egg. Now she just needs a name.. any ideas?
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Don't recall you requiring a shiny to join the club[just a shiny eevee =P]

Course, gratz on the shiny; what'd you get?

edit: Got my shiny dratini egg. Now she just needs a name.. any ideas?

How about... Ryu? (Dragon in Japanese)
so last night I'm throwing my latest boxes of non-shiny Charmander onto Wonder Trade, and got this:


I think the Universe is laughing at me... But thanks Cj, whoever you are!
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