I'm aware of that. I'm not trying to say it isn't necessary. I'm trying to say that it shouldn't have to be.
Yeah I'm agreeing with you. It'll be a good day when heterosexuality is no longer considered the automatic default.
I'm aware of that. I'm not trying to say it isn't necessary. I'm trying to say that it shouldn't have to be.
finding someone to date ur age that accepts transgender ppl is Hard but i hope this girl understands
other option for me is mormon friend whos into me i think but dont mormons hate trans and gay ppl
depends on the mormon but probably yes
depends on the mormon but probably yes
finding someone to date ur age that accepts transgender ppl is Hard but i hope this girl understands
other option for me is mormon friend whos into me i think but dont mormons hate trans and gay ppl
I'm mtf trans and pansexual, and jeez is dating hard after coming out, although part of it is probably due to how I'm weird about my sexuality. 90% of the people I get that hit on me are just really creepy dudes that are probably just fetishists, which sucks.
I feel weird at the fact that nowadays, people feel that they need to "come out" as whatever. Why do people care so much?
Good luck with school! I'm sure it will go fine, usually that generation typically doesn't care as much as you think. At least that's how it was when I was in school.
Depends where you live tbh
Like I have never been worried about being out as trans or gay since everyones really liberal around here. But my friends down south still get ****, and they're terrified to be out so yeah. (Talking about the US lol)
Other countries idk, I would assume Canada is more relaxed about it than the US.
I got a nice, vintage floral shirt today. It's pretty darn feminine, and It's the closest I can really get to cross-dressing, right now. I intend to wear it out, so it'll be fun to see people even more confused than they were before about my sex.
Okay, peeps. Sooooo I'm only physically attracted to men, and I'm only emotionally attracted to women. What the heck is up with me? >_> I'm only attracted to model-status dudes; not average ones. So it's still hard for me to find men attractive. (Is it because many of them don't tend to put as much effort into fashion/looking good like women?)
As for the emotional attraction towards women, I'm easily attracted to them. Especially when we're good friends and they identify as bisexual or lesbian. When it comes to physical attraction towards women, I find them beautiful and easy to look at, but it's never sexual. At all.
If I start dating again, I'm going to be confused as heck. I don't know what the flip I want.
floral is pretty hard to pull off...you could try different cut clothing (like most of the summer I've been wearing female cut tops, mind you I've started to get the boobs for it the past year on hormones) and no one would probably bat an eye.
on a random offnote: everytime I see your signature I keep imagining David Bowie as the next Doctor for Doctor Who...I feel like he would have been way more charming than the current (12) one, Capaladi (sp?) for sure <.<