LGBTQA - Discussion and support.

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You will get different opinions depending on who you ask but here's what I think: Honestly, I think 14 is too young to know that one is asexual. I myself thought of myself as asexual when I was 17. Looking back now (I'm 21 now) even 17 is too young to know. When I was 14, I had no interest in boys or girls either. In my opinion, you have to have experimented with both sexes to really know that you feel no attraction to either sex. I think the same about people who identify as straight: Unless you have experimented with the same sex, how do you know for 100% that you have not the slightest attraction for people of the same sex? Of course this also goes for gay people but the difference is that many or most gay people have tried to be with the opposite sex before.

My advice: Don't force a label on yourself too fast. Take your time to find out who you are. If you come out now and then realize in a couple of years that you are something else, it is very hard to change people's minds of who you are.

I think this is my new favourite video in existence.

Also, I should warn you guys that it includes a lot of swearing.
Whoops bumping the thread but I'm currently a gay trans guy, except I'm super feminine so sometimes I kinda lean towards genderfluid.
My sexuality is... tbh I don't even know anymore. I thought I was aro for a while, but now I'm leaning towards ace... It's not that I find no specific gender attractive (certain traits for me are), I just cannot see myself getting funky with someone I've known/dated for any period of time. Idk why I feel like this... .-. Normally people who have known each other for a long time and have a connection feel the need to get physical, but I just can't do something like that with someone I know... weird right? But the thought of having sex with someone I look at everyday turns me off. It would be okay with someone I didn't know, if there weren't so many people with horrible attitudes in the world...Anyway, I defiantly don't believe that intimacy is the strongest form of love connection, there are other ways to show that you love someone. I don't know why it's something so glorified to the point that if you don't have it, you're considered that you don't love that person. Absolute sh**.
Ughghgh I'm back to questioning my sexuality, which is normal at this age, but idk

All I know for sure is a prefer girls, but I can find anyone attractive no matter what they identify as
i was unfair on u all the last time i posted in this thread (i got an infraction for being rude) and i have come to realize that everyone is different it doesn't matter which gender u love bc it's up to u and u should block out the h8rs bc all they do is h8

i support this thread!!
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i'm trans (trigender) (yes that's real) (yes i'll take the time to explain if u realllllly dont get it) and aroace :)
I'm forever questioning and I personally don't like labels but I believe I'm close in the gray category.
I think I'm demisexual but I'm becoming more aromantic and asexual, so idk.
my sexuality is Panromantic Ace, despite how I joke around about sexual stuff, I have a very low sex drive and never been interested in it. btw before anyone ask I'm 25 and I've been like this since I was 19

and I'm really confused about my gender so I don't bother with pronouns anymore, I just have people replace pronouns with my name when referring to me and they/them when needed.
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I'm raising this thread from the depths, as I'm a recently joined transpeep (MTF is the label but I've always been a girl ofc) and LOVE there's such a large thread devoted to the community, even though where I am (Canada) the LGB usually tells the T to go elsewhere x.x its kinda crazy how that happens in alot of places, not saying that's here but yeah....

any transpeoples around lately that wanna kick the can topic wise? :3
So I'm currently under the impression that I am bisexual. I like men and women, both sexually and romantically. I used to think that I was straight but I've come across some girls who I would totally date in a heartbeat.

How can you really tell if you're bisexual?
So I'm currently under the impression that I am bisexual. I like men and women, both sexually and romantically. I used to think that I was straight but I've come across some girls who I would totally date in a heartbeat.

How can you really tell if you're bisexual?

Usually, if you're into both dudes and chicks then you're bisexual.
So I'm currently under the impression that I am bisexual. I like men and women, both sexually and romantically. I used to think that I was straight but I've come across some girls who I would totally date in a heartbeat.

How can you really tell if you're bisexual?

you could be pansexual too, if you don't have issue with the middle genders (of which there are just SO MANY)
Ughghghghghghghg OK so like I know I'm pansexual, but I'm much more easily attracted to women/woman-esque bodies. I can definitely be into dudes, but the thought of a woman is much more appealing
Sorry, Long Story Here!

I'll start by saying I am an adult woman. I've been openly bisexual since I was 11 years old. I came out to my parents and their immediate reaction was to tell me I had no way of knowing I was bisexual unless I've had "relations" (trying to keep it PG) with both a man and a woman, then I'd know for sure. Which of course is asinine. I decided my parents needed time to absorb what I had just told them.

My father was extremely homophobic. My mother was somewhat more understanding since she had a gay brother, but she was also a very traditional Catholic. I assumed things would get better since they didn't react HORRIBLY. However the next few years of my life were spent without friends and constantly being bullied at school for my sexuality. My parents decided they couldn't take any chances so I was not allowed to have any male OR female friends.

During school I would be beaten up daily by boys who were twice my size. I had a girlfriend when I was 13, but she started to receive the same treatment at school as I did. It broke my heart that I couldn't protect her from it. So we decided to go our separate ways. High school was somewhat easier for me because there was a very wonderful Gay/Straight Alliance club I could attend. At least until my parents found out I was in it and forbade me from ever going again.

Coming out can be the most difficult thing you will ever do. I might not have had it as bad as other people in the LGBTQA community, but I have seen my share of bad times. One thing I can reassure ALL of you in this community, I am a lot happier living my life as I was truly meant to: AS MYSELF. I could never forgive myself if I lived my life in fear or shame. Today, I am happily married and am enlisted in the U.S. Air Force. My husband has always been accepting of my sexuality. And yes I am STILL bisexual despite being in a heterosexual marriage. Unfortunately, this something many people do not understand about people who are bisexual. But I digress...

Be who you truly are and nothing anyone else has to say will ever matter. What matters is if you are proud of who you are and where you come from. Everyone in our world makes up this beautiful rainbow which we use to represent our community, so never be ashamed to show ALL of your beautiful colors.
I think coming out is the most ridiculous concept around nowadays. You shouldn't have to come out as any sexuality. You bring home a girl, your parents should treat them the same as they'd treat a boy. I think the only good thing about it is gaining confidence that those closest to you support you in all that you desire, but I don't necessarily think people should feel obligated to do such a thing. I just needed to get that off my chest.
I think coming out is the most ridiculous concept around nowadays. You shouldn't have to come out as any sexuality. You bring home a girl, your parents should treat them the same as they'd treat a boy. I think the only good thing about it is gaining confidence that those closest to you support you in all that you desire, but I don't necessarily think people should feel obligated to do such a thing. I just needed to get that off my chest.

Not everyone is blessed with a super supportive family that would automatically treat their child bringing home the same sex the same as if they were to bring home the opposite sex.

But I hope that the next generation of kids will get to see being supportive of different sexualities more as the norm.
Not everyone is blessed with a super supportive family that would automatically treat their child bringing home the same sex the same as if they were to bring home the opposite sex.

But I hope that the next generation of kids will get to see being supportive of different sexualities more as the norm.

I'm aware of that. I'm not trying to say it isn't necessary. I'm trying to say that it shouldn't have to be.
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