I found out I was Asexual after having to deal with many annoying boyfriends. (They motivated me to go to the internet to find out why I experience no sexual attraction. Lol.)
All of them, up until my current one have all tried to pressure me into doing sexual things with them. They gave me stupid 'excuses' to try to justify why I wasn't 'being fair' to them by 'denying them sex'. I made sure they felt like crap after their statements.
"We've been dating for ____ already."
And we don't need to date for another ____. 'Kay?
"How else will you show how much you love me?"
I dunno. Spending time with you? Giving you presents? Supporting you? Making you happy? Literally every other way besides bumping genitalia together? I guess those aren't enough for you!
"If you don't have sex with me after 6 months, I'll dump you."
lol not before i dump you right now bye.
"Everybody's doing it."
Funny. We're 15. Statistically speaking, most people our age aren't.
"Give me sex. I'm a guy. I need it or else I'll get blue balls."
You don't "give" away sex. Also, you have hands for a reason, a**hole.
I never gave into the pressure. Looking back on it now, I'm glad I didn't.
I've been with my current boyfriend for about 4 years non-stop. Even now, I have no desire to do anything sexual with him. He's fine with it, I'm fine with it, we get along great. *shrugs*