I wasn't making fun of them either, I was just confused as to how someone could identify as an inanimate object.
i'm sure not all "skoliosexuals" are the same, and while trans people can and do get surgery, not ALL of them do. that's just one possible explanation that i just threw out there
double-standards much?
Irrelevant. Why is it unacceptable to find certain features more attractive than others?
its oki'm sorry, i apologize. i merely forgot.
What's going on fill me in.
because you're writing off millions of people who all look different all because of skin color???
as a trans person i definitely don't think it's okay for cis people to fetishize trans people because it alienates us and reduces us to some 'exotic kink' and that's hecka dehumanizing.
Yes. I also write off millions of people with other characteristics that I don't find desirable. Are you going to deny doing the same yourself?
Sorry but if a person wanted to date you and they were everything you wanted in a partner but you didn't date them because of their ethnicity that is literally racism, but this isn't what this board is about, you can have your prejudices but don't pretend that they're okay or acceptable please.
ok so like
say, for example, you are a straight male
you are sexually attracted to females
does that mean you like females just because they are females? no, they all tend to have certain similar qualities/appearances; granted, you may not like females who look/act masculine, or who have features that are generally unattractive to you.
is it impossible for you to be attracted to a male who absolutely epitomizes everything about what femininity is to you? no, you could see past it and be attracted either way, or you might not even know
now say you are a skoliosexual person
you are sexually attracted to trans people
does that mean you like trans people just because they're trans? no
it's a preference. if i say that i prefer my sexual partners to be women with long hair, it doesn't mean i have a fetish for their hair, and i'm not dehumanizing them. have you ever liked something and not known necessarily why?
Idk i just think if you're not trans you dont get to decide what is acceptable or not ikd
Replace ethnicity with height. Or red hair. Or freckly. Or any other feature.
except race has been used against people to institutionally oppress them? people of color have been enslaved and stripped of their humanity for centuries but that hasn't happened to people with freckles specifically. race is not just another physical feature. race is part of identity and power structure.
But that doesn't mean it's right to openly express that prejudice. That is "common sense".We as a race and as intelligent, independent sentient beings are predisposed to be prejudiced. It's a form of common sense and a defence mechanism.
except race has been used against people to institutionally oppress them? people of color have been enslaved and stripped of their humanity for centuries but that hasn't happened to people with freckles specifically. race is not just another physical feature. race is part of identity and power structure. and that's what makes it racist.
specify? i don't get why my cissexuality should disqualify me from logically debating