ok! it’s fine idk why sometimes it doesn’t ping ppl@gigii I missed your post. I'll put it together right now and PM you.
TBT is the website currency that is called Bells! Just click on Liz's bell count and you can choose an amount to donate. Bells are used as currency on the website to buy collectibles such as the little ones under my profile. People will sometimes charge them for items, and even real art that they will draw for you! You get bells just by being active on the forums and posting.Hi may I order the following?
pompompurin full set plus wall and floor (12 items) (I’m also including all the clothing items btw!)
3 pompompurin chairs
3 pompompurin tables
3 pompompurin puddings
1 Kiki and lala wand
1 pompompurin rack
Splatoon Spawn Point
ink splattered wall
ink splattered floor
Hi id like to to thank you for how much you’ve helped me in the acnl game! Thanks so much!!
also what is tbt and how do I give you some if I have any?