"We made the tough decision early in the year to cancel the TBT Fair for this year's winter. After the last two TBT Fairs, we realized that the winter timeframe is really not the best time for such a massive event, so we hope to move it into the summer timeframe going forward. However, there's another reason too...
CHRISTMAS! We've always wanted to do a Christmas/Holidays focused event, but with the TBT Fair it's never been feasible in terms of too much going on at once. But this year... it's definitely gonna happen! Look forward to that in December most likely." -Justin
Can't wait for it to be snowy for me tomorrow! I bet it's super pretty!
I'll see it tomorrow so that's exciting! :D
It?s very pretty, but I think it really is too bright, it hurts the eyes after a while.
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I already seen what it looks like, but its not December where I live.
Not my first time seeing it (though it hasn't changed for me yet), but am looking forward to that Christmas event!
A snowy look? I already got that Wednsday.

Wait? Your talking about TBT? Ohhhh! Its only 6 PM here
hmmmm.... it's over 80 degrees fahrenheit where i live.... that snow making me fill chilled...
I made a thread about it in brewster's cafe but StarryWolf ruined it, so I'm glad you made another thread! (●?ω`●). Personally, I love this banner! I love winter after today, when I watched Narnia:The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. It's my first Christmas on TBT!
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i made a thread about it in brewster's cafe but StarryWolf ruined it, so I'm glad you made another thread! (●?ω`●). Personally, I love this banner! I love winter after today, when I watched Narnia:The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. It's my first Christmas on TBT!

*slow clapping for StarryWolf*