Lost It's Charm

Audrey Marie

cozy adventurer
Apr 5, 2018
Silver Mailbox
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Tasty Cake
I don't know if it is just me, but I feel like New Horizons doesn't have the same charm as other games. You can practically get any villager you want with amibo (i know you could in new leaf but not at the beginning of the game coming out.) and with crafting i get they wanted to try something new but golden tools should never break- i mean you work hard for them

@ForgottenT 's Words
Only 1 Nooks Cranny upgrade, no brewster cafe, no resetti "hideout", no police station, no kicks shop, no Leif shop, no museum upgrades, no Katrina shop, no Retail, no club lol, no diving, no paintings, no exotic fruits, no perfect fruit, no gyroids, no bushes, no club tortimer, no minigames, no Kapn shop, no Gracie shop, no town square, no room size upgrades
(Nintendo what am I gonna do with these overpriced closet size rooms)
No Katie, no post office, letters aren't physical anymore, more convinient but I dislike the change.
8 bridges, and incline limit wtf?!
Etc etc.
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while i do love new horizons, i’m slowly getting bored as i’ve unlocked all the npcs and buildings that currently exist. all that’s really left to do is craft, bug hunt and fish and that gets kinda boring over time lmao so i’m excited for the upcoming earth day update and fishing tourney to have a bit of a change
I don't use amiibo... I don't mind tools breaking and I enjoy passing time on NH like I did in NL, actually since we can landscape our island, decorate it etc it's much much more interesting than NL or WW. What did you do in NL that it made it much more enjoyable for you? NH is still "work in progress", as in we will get many new events in the following months.
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I really hope they update the game with some more things to do after a while ... I'm still not bored with it, but can see it getting a bit stale after you've maxed out what's currently available. There's so much potential there though, so hopefully they'll keep pushing out content to keep players playing.
What does this have to do with losing charm? Animal Crossing has ALWAYS been about making it the town you want.

What about New Leaf?
i meant like terraforming, and then amibo only joined in the last years :) I didn't mean to make people upset hahait's just how i feel
I don't think its "charm" was ever derived from the ability to terraform or easily move in villagers. While I agree the music doesn't slap as hard as it did in previous games, I think overall this game has way more charm to it. The way it looks, the new things villagers do like hold items and sit around town, I could go on and on about how charming this game is.

It seems you disapprove of the game mechanics, which I also think have been vastly updated. I don't have to worry as much about villagers moving away without me knowing, I love being ablate create new things around my town with terraforming, and I'm not stuck with maybe some part of the landscape being absolutely annoying to deal with.

Every game will have its downsides especially when compared to previous iterations, but I think NH is by far my most interactive game in the series and I'm gonna play for ages.
I love the game so far, the only thing that's making it "lose it's charm" for me is the amount of stupid glitches it has. I'm really looking forward to future updates, it makes me excited thinking about where the game is going to be a year from now. I don't see how being able to customize your entire island is a problem? It's incredible what you can do with terraforming.

I can definitely agree on the golden tools though, I was very disappointed to hear that they can break. Yeah they probably last a long time but they should be unbreakable, that should be the entire reason to work towards getting them..
I don't think its "charm" was ever derived from the ability to terraform or easily move in villagers. While I agree the music doesn't slap as hard as it did in previous games, I think overall this game has way more charm to it. The way it looks, the new things villagers do like hold items and sit around town, I could go on and on about how charming this game is.

It seems you disapprove of the game mechanics, which I also think have been vastly updated. I don't have to worry as much about villagers moving away without me knowing, I love being ablate create new things around my town with terraforming, and I'm not stuck with maybe some part of the landscape being absolutely annoying to deal with.

Every game will have its downsides especially when compared to previous iterations, but I think NH is by far my most interactive game in the series and I'm gonna play for ages.
i do agree that its nice the villagers don't move away :)
I think there are really good things about this game but there are also some very bad behind irritating things so I can understand getting frustrated I'm kind of starting to get a little bored with it myself
I wish they had unbreakable tools too. But really, the normal tools are not that hard to make. So it's fine really.
as for running out of things to do, I see that happening to me eventually. once my island is "complete" and I have nothing else to improve, I know I will move on. but I haven't reached that point yet. I'm enjoying my time playing and I like the journey to the perfect island paradise.

Though I am looking forward to future events. to see what they add.
I understand how you feel, I feel like in NL there was much more to unlock and it was more work. Like the brewsters, club LOL, dream suite, katrinas. Shops took longer to unlock. I miss the mini games on the island. I feel like they're going to add more to this game, or at least I hope so, because I feel like we are just scratching the surface.
personally, i am still having fun after putting in over 100 hours! the changes make it more charming to me, and helps set it apart from the other games. i get the sense that a lot of people just wanted something very similar to new leaf but with better graphics, but i'm glad that they are doing something different to set it apart. tbh though im really big on crafting mechanics in games + am a big completionist, so for me after finishing the unlocks it's where the real fun of the game begins. also, in terms of changing your town + amiibo (which was in nl too) it's completely optional. if that takes away from the game for you, just don't do it.
I totally understand what you mean, I think the build up for me personally seemed way more intense than for NL. We've been looking forward to it for so long and already have sunk so many hours in, so it's understandable that you're burnt out or feel like it's lost its charm.

Personally I feel like there are so many options in this game that it's not that the 'charm is lost', more that it's overwhelming to have everything available straight away and then be stuck thinking, well what do I do now? I think the best thing to do in this situation is take a little break from it, maybe watch some YouTube videos or even streamers who might inspire you to try something new!

This is definitely a game that will be around as long as NL was and with the frequent updates and special event days, it'll keep us intrigued and help the game stay 'fresh'. That said, if you are struggling to find enjoyment - maybe check out the airport or nook's cranny, I've found that keeps me interested if I'm feeling a bit bored, and you might even make some friends who make the game more enjoyable for you c:
You're older that's why. I personally think new horizons game is amazing apart from harvs island.

Animal Crossing is quite a nostalgic game for most people so they might be quite attached to older games, just a personal opinion
I think I'll feel more optimistic about it once it's actually a finished game.
Right now, we're a little over 2 weeks into it being released and I have done everything I possibly could in that time, now I'm waiting for a Nook's Cranny upgrade coming at some point and that's it. I've even themed out my town already. Now what? :s