Make A Wish (Only for it to be corrupted in the next post)

Granted but your mayor's house becomes infested with roaches that become impossible to get rid of.

I wish I can live in my AC town IRL.
granted but they are just regular old animals and you are never allowed to leave.

i wish for a cute pretty dress i can wear tomorrow
Granted, but then it snows so hard that you're snowed in and can't go anywhere!

I wish I had a HUGE reese's cup to eat!
Granted, but you can never get off and are bound to ride it forever

I wish I had all the stuff I ever wanted
Granted, but then you accidentally fall in the garbage chute when you get your last one.

I wish the furnace won't light when you hit the bottom.
Granted, but the door is locked and he can't get out.

I wish I could go back in time and confront the person who put two r's in February
Granted but you lose your temper and get arrested for assault.

I wish I could evict all the fugly villagers in my town.
Granted, your obsession with chocolate leads you to eat it all at once and bam! it's all gone~

I wish I could just quit my stupid job :/
Granted, but I gave you a best friend.

I wish for my cats to not be stupid no more!