Still need to think of some minigames that are doable....
EDIT: Minigame time!
Leaf Me Alone! (FFA)
A bunch of furniture is laid on the ground. Your job is to find the item that is called out by the host before anyone else and pick it up. Perhaps can have enough rounds so whoever wins it twice first wins?
Track Feet (FFA)
A simple footrace, first to the finish line wins.
Fruit Fanatics (FFA)
Simple fruit collecting challenge. Whoever grabs the most when the time runs out wins.
Gotcha! (1v2)
One person has a net and has to hunt for the other players, hitting each of them once with the net within the time limit. Essentially a reverse of the hide and seek game.
Floral Aggravation (2v2)
Each team is tasked with creating a pattern of flowers by the train station. This pattern will be of 2 colors - the catch is, each player can only pick up one color, and it can be annoying to place the flowers in the right spot. Could be multiple rounds.
So what's up guys, i'm back. Played for a bit today, rearranged some of my rooms, and now i'm gonna make a new board for the game!
A problem with our last game was the board was to big, so it took too long to reach a KK spot, so the map will be a bit smaller this time. I think that will be better.
It's late now, but if anyone wants to play a game, i'll probably host one tonight.
Cool mini games, Roy. I'll have to update the OP too.
Don't forget the items! And alright, smaller board is fine. Should try to compare to the official Mario Party boards and see how they look, since yours should be maybe a bit smaller than those.
I'd join, but it's getting late. Maybe tommorrow night.
Aww, I was looking forward to more items, not just different.... especially some more offensive items than just the Pitfall. I really liked that Beehive idea... but ok fine.