Giveaway Mario Party Game Night! (JOIN NOW!, PLAYING ASAP!)

I thought it was a reserved service, since I and 2 others reserved spaces.
all that's really left after making the patterns is making the board, then were ready!!

Im eastern time zone its 5:03 here
I'm really going my fastest, i still have to make some patterns. (Only Tom Nook and Red pattern) and then I have to make the game board, it's still going to be a little while. Be patient though! Not much longer!
Hello, you have a very good idea! I have a wheel of fortune type of item you can use for your game if you want (you spin it and it land on a number) as your dice. xD pm me if you want it for free
I'm happy everyone wants to help :) but i just can't think of much at the moment. Thank you for offering! I'll let you know if I need any help though.
Ok I am ready now, the item is called "colorful wheel" it has numbers 0 to 9 an when you click on it the arrow on the wheel spins and lands on a random number xD.

Ill add you open your gates please :)
Gates open! Sorry guys it is taking longer than expected, I still plan on having game 1 tonight though!