i've got both in my town currently, they're both cute and charming in their own ways.
Raymond has the aspect of being new so I'm always curious as to what he's going to say.
and the thing I love most about Marshal is how small he is, it's hard to resist him.
They've both got their good aspects so it's hard to choose...
raymond. i love the cats already, and ive never been a big fan of marshal.
he isnt 'ugly' to me, im just not as much of a sucker for the stereotypically 'cute' villagers. hes got his charm tho.
i'm like 99% sure i've already replied to this thread. nevertheless, my answer at the moment is raymond. he's so sweet. then again, i also JUST got marshal, so my answer may change
Marshal all the way! I found out about his existence way late (when I joined TBT) and I screamed a lil when I saw him, he's been a must have since
He's SO small and loves coffee <3 my lil heart cant contain
I have Marshal in NL and Raymond in NH and I like Raymond’s design more. I feel like I liked the smug personality more in NL though. Anyway, my answer is Jacques.
Raymond is cool and all but Marshal's my favorite. I was fortunate enough to get him at my campsite and I've loved him ever since he moved in! He's so adorable. X3
i have both & i love them sm, but raymond is wayyyyyyy too overhyped he's literally like every other smug villager. i choose marshal because i wanted him since new leaf & he's one of the cutest squirrels he looks like an anime boy & his name is so perfect edit: LMAO i answered this thread awile ago i just realized but my answer never changed !
Lmao. They both have a ton of appeal; Nintendo saw that the "Marshall formula" worked incredibly to their benefit so they exploited that as much as possible to create Raymond. Not that I'm complaining. They're both adorable but I'm a sucker for glasses so Raymond it is