Mental Health

I suffer from depression, anxiety, OCD, PTSD, s*xual trauma, and ADHD. It's... a lot. Things were going relatively very well for me this last year because I got a good job, and with financial stability comes security to invest in yourself. So I was doing that for the last several months but then I got laid off. COVID-19 affects me both negatively and positively: I live with my family and hearing them stress about their finances gives me a lot of anxiety, and it's hard for me to tune them out. But on the plus side, I've gotten to play video games in peace, watch anime, and finish books I've been meaning to read. And with that added free time since I'm now unemployed, I want to try recording myself singing and get some sort of rough VO demo reel going. I'm trying so hard not to get in my feels and intrusive thoughts about my self worth since getting laid off, because I think my job also "validated" a lot for me. Like one of my deepest fears is I'm a fraud, a fake, an idiot.

I truly wish everyone in this thread the very best, especially during this difficult time. My DM's are also always open.
I suffer from treatment resistant Major Depression, Anxiety (both social and Agoraphobia) and PTSD from childhood abuse. It's a long hard road, but I see my therapist and psychiatrist religiously and they're committed to getting me better. And I am in better shape than I was before I moved to where I am now and started seeing them.

With COVID-19, I can't get out of the house and clear my head as much as I'd like, or go see my boyfriend's family, or have some retail therapy... And I worry that our world will never be quite the same. On a selfish note, I keep hoping against hope that things will clear up before the end of June so I can travel to our yearly vacation spot... so many good memories are made there. But it likely won't happen this year and it bums me out.

The positive is that we can still play D&D with our friends over Skype on the weekends - I look forward to hearing their voices. It soothes my soul. We laugh a lot together.

I cannot even start to imagine what you have to go through with agoraphobia.. and I hope it will only get better for you in the future :)

The pandemic is clearly affecting everyone mentally and the wold will never be the same after. It's not selfish to want to travel but it should be done after the pandemic has subsided or green light is given by the authorities for free movement (although it is best to practice social distancing and good hygiene practices during your travels until a vaccine is available). Don't be bummed out and think of what future good memories can be made at your yearly vacation spot or reminisce of the good times and take note of what you missed out on then and would like to accomplish next time around (make a list). Keeping yourself occupied or distracted with things you enjoy doing can help alot with your anxiety and depression!

It's good that you can be comfortable with your friends on the weekends. Hang in there and look forward to your weekends and know that when things hit rock bottom, the good stuff has yet to came and will surely come (only a matter of perspectives :)).

I suffer from/have 'classical' autism, SPD (sensory processing disorder), misophonia, hyperacusis, hypersensitivity, social anxiety, slight amnesia (ever since I first started living on my own with counsellors), and certain phobias including thanatophobia.
I also think I have a predisposition for other kinds of anxiety, depression and PTSD, of which I even have quite some symptoms that became worse ever since age 13 or 14, and lately (indeed, since age 16, I think), I've also been suffering from mental pain* with an unknown cause, for which I think I'm mandatory to visit a psychologist or psychiatrist anytime soon. (Hopefully when this pandemic clownery is all done and gone.)

And despite my diagnoses and possibilities in that respect, people still like to put me under pressure while they know very well that I cannot handle that, and it always has a negative outcome/result anyway.

I usually have music therapy to somewhat calm my mind down successfully, which has now been put on hold due to the current virus situation (don't worry, I'm not sick with it, it's just for safety), and I formerly had cognitive behaviour therapy, which, to be honest, was a bit difficult, as my social anxiety consistently blocked me from telling my therapist the things that bothered me the most at that moment, even when I knew them (the therapist) a bit better after a while.

Despite the advice of many people who think they're experienced with people like me, I do not take any medicine, and never did either, as I'm convinced that those only make my mental state worse, rather than better. I am considering to take CBD oil, though, as it's one of the few natural kinds of medicine, rather than the 'artificial' kinds like ritalin or oxazepam.

Even in situations like right now with the ongoing virus, I try my best to live as good and balanced as possible, since I'm also glad to be alive anyway, but my disorders and predispositions often tend to make things worse than they really seem to be.
At the moment, things like doing the groceries, writing while listening to calming music, playing (calming) video games, reading (out loud to myself, occasionally) and doing things with my hands (e.g. drawing or crafting) are some of the few ways that help keep my head a tad clear.

*To me, mental pain feels as if my entire body is in pain, with a difference being that I don't even experience physical pain anywhere until occasional further notice where the pain somehow becomes worse. I don't feel the pain whenever I'm distracted by music therapy or things that I like to do, but for most of the time, no matter how I really feel, I always feel it, and in different degrees per time, too. (Even already explaining this hurts me, to be honest, most likely because I don't think anyone would really understand.)

What you need is a hug and I'm sorry I cannot give you one :confused:

"..despite my diagnoses and possibilities in that respect, people still like to put me under pressure while they know very well that I cannot handle that, and it always has a negative outcome/result anyway." - People can be cruel and heartless and I hope you meet better people during your life's journey.

" anxiety consistently blocked me from telling my therapist the things that bothered me the most at that moment." - Maybe you could try to keep a journal whenever you have a thought process and show it to your therapist :unsure:

"I do not take any medicine, and never did either, as I'm convinced that those only make my mental state worse, rather than better." - You are correct! You have no idea what sort of cocktail ingredients the drugs are made of and it could lead to dependency on it, which is detriment to your overall condition.

"I try my best to live as good and balanced as possible, since I'm also glad to be alive anyway" - Being a good person is enough to justify your existence (not god, not your family, not your friends, not anyone). Remember that there are always people suffering from much worse conditions than you and you should learn to love yourself and your body (it may not be perfect but its not the worse either :); I mean there's no such thing as perfection, everyone is flawed, we just need to accept what our flaws are).

"..most likely because I don't think anyone would really understand." - You are not wrong but you are not correct either. People may not truly understand you because they are not you but people (those suffering from similar conditions or decent human beings) will relate or try to relate to your situation. One thing that intrigues me and I would like you to know is that everyone will have a different perception of you even yourself (be kinder to yourself and rather than think you are broken, think that you are unique and that there are people out there just like you that would someday need your help and that your experiences will be your greatest asset in helping them and those experiences will help you realize something that you might not have :)).

Stay safe and stay strong! If you cannot find a light at the end of a dark tunnel, then make a light to light your way (your possibilities are limitless only limited by what you set and expect of yourself)!

The last few months have been hard for me, I was just about to start therapy but I can't because of social distancing. I've considered therapy via phone or webcam but I have pretty severe phone anxiety. I'm Autistic, extremely likely to also have ADHD, and struggle with mood and trauma issues, and on top of that, I'm trans and need to work on assessing with a therapist if I'm ready for hormones or not, so it's been kind of gloomy to have to put that all off.

Just a suggestion, why don't you send emails instead? Since you are able to post and explain your condition, email a therapist and let them know that you have an anxiety with phone or webcam and have the therapist find a solution or method that you can practice on your own offline and in a safe environment. Remember that you are unique and your uniqueness is something that people should be appreciative of, since normalcy is overrated.

About being trans, I think you need to seriously consider your sexual orientation, hormones can mess with your body and mental state and should not be taken lightly even with advise from a therapist. If you are comfortable with your sexual orientation the way it is, then be confident about it. You will meet stubborn and close-minded people everywhere but there are also open-minded curious people that would more than happy talk to you about your life (because it is interesting and different from their own) :)

I suffer from depression, anxiety, OCD, PTSD, s*xual trauma, and ADHD. It's... a lot. Things were going relatively very well for me this last year because I got a good job, and with financial stability comes security to invest in yourself. So I was doing that for the last several months but then I got laid off. COVID-19 affects me both negatively and positively: I live with my family and hearing them stress about their finances gives me a lot of anxiety, and it's hard for me to tune them out. But on the plus side, I've gotten to play video games in peace, watch anime, and finish books I've been meaning to read. And with that added free time since I'm now unemployed, I want to try recording myself singing and get some sort of rough VO demo reel going. I'm trying so hard not to get in my feels and intrusive thoughts about my self worth since getting laid off, because I think my job also "validated" a lot for me. Like one of my deepest fears is I'm a fraud, a fake, an idiot.

I truly wish everyone in this thread the very best, especially during this difficult time. My DM's are also always open.

Don't put too much pressure on yourself. I recently graduated from university and was about to start working soon but has been postponed continuously until the pandemic is over (I specialise in the hospitality industry, in particular but not limited to hotels and resorts). The pandemic is affecting everyone everywhere, those suffering from poverty are the hardest hit victims.

I currently live with my family too but I am teaching math, history and geography to Grade 1 kids and thus have a side income. Despite that, my family still talks about the financial burden of keeping me around (it is natural). However, remember that they are speaking only because they are worried and stressed too but family will always value family unless the family is broken... Deep down, they are relieved that you are safe and sound during this pandemic :)

You are neither a fraud, fake, or an idiot - you are not a con man/ woman, neither are you a gold digger (can be both male and female, I'm not bias) and you are not stubborn and illiterate. Every life has a value, humans or plants, but your value decreases the more your actions hurt people around you or is not beneficial to surrounding community as a whole. Willing to help people is a good trait, if you need validation, then your actions of wanting to help others makes you a decent human being :) Actions are stronger than words! Remember words can be spoken easily but actions takes geniunity ;)
AC was always a positive and safe place for me since I was a child. I struggled a lot growing up, and had a lot of bullying/ other circumstances affect my view of myself. I have been called ugly numerous times in my teenage years, but recently joined a discord server (for AC!!) only to have someone anonymously message me a few days after joining to tell my my profile pic was ugly. I was dumb and had used a picture of myself, and it really shattered my heart. Most because the AC community has aways been so kind, accepting, and loving to me.

I have ocd, BD, and rheumatoid arthritis. --a terrible combination lol
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AC was always a positive and safe place for me since I was a child. I struggled a lot growing up, and had a lot of buying/ other circumstances affect my view of myself. I have been called ugly numerous times in my teenage years, but recently joined a discord server (for AC!!) only to have someone anonymously message me a few days after joining to tell my my profile pic was ugly. I was dumb and had used a picture of myself, and it really shattered my heart. Most because the AC community has aways been so kind, accepting, and loving to me.

I have ocd, BD, and rheumatoid arthritis. --a terrible combination lol

I'm sorry that's so ****ing disgusting that somebody would say that to you! You are not ugly, nobody is -- it's not real! All it does is make people feel bad for not fitting some made up standard of beauty. Conventional attractiveness is a facade, too. But in the end all that matters is how you view yourself, and if you're happy with yourself. It's okay if you're not. It's hard to be when our society is so dominated by marketing that preys on insecurities. But that's capitalism, I suppose.
I cannot even start to imagine what you have to go through with agoraphobia.. and I hope it will only get better for you in the future :)

The pandemic is clearly affecting everyone mentally and the wold will never be the same after. It's not selfish to want to travel but it should be done after the pandemic has subsided or green light is given by the authorities for free movement (although it is best to practice social distancing and good hygiene practices during your travels until a vaccine is available). Don't be bummed out and think of what future good memories can be made at your yearly vacation spot or reminisce of the good times and take note of what you missed out on then and would like to accomplish next time around (make a list). Keeping yourself occupied or distracted with things you enjoy doing can help alot with your anxiety and depression!

It's good that you can be comfortable with your friends on the weekends. Hang in there and look forward to your weekends and know that when things hit rock bottom, the good stuff has yet to came and will surely come (only a matter of perspectives :)).

The Agoraphobia has gotten loads better in the past few years. There are just times where I WANT to go out but just stand at the door or window in fear of what's out there. It was honestly getting out across the street every week for my therapy appointments that helped. The act of crossing the street, and not minding the cars passing by, not mind-reading them or anything... Just waiting patiently and crossing. And sometimes after therapy going to the corner store for a treat. :) Of course now it's Telehealth appointments from my laptop in my office... But I get out at LEAST once a week to go grocery shopping with my partner, or go for a short walk down my street.

We're considering a winter trip instead if things wrap up by then. If not, there's always next year. I have to get over my attachment to the trip. With depression, it was one of the things I looked forward to all year. It made me feel not so terrible. But You're correct; we now have time to plan what we'd like to do next year instead in a little more depth.

Games with friends on the weekends are still going strong, and I'm enjoying them quite a bit. Even just the chatter before and after the game itself. I miss shooting the breeze with my buds.

As far as my depression goes, I started a new med recently that has helped tons, and I've had more good, happy, productive days than bad. I'm more energetic and more rested at night because I don't spend the day asleep. I do spent most of the day playing Animal Crossing, but my Apple Watch screams at me to get up every so often and move, which I oblige. It prevents Dead Leg. I sit on my feet.

Things are getting better, but I often wonder for how long? I'm medication resistant, so that means most everything stops working on me pretty quickly. I hope that's not the case with this new one. Thankfully my anti anxiety still works. Less effective, but it works.
I don’t really love putting myself out there but I think it’s important to be open about my own struggles. I’m 30 and have drank since I was 18 when I went to college. Once in a while I’d take breaks from it but overall I drank large amounts and pretty consistently. It happened socially or alone. During this quarantine in early April I stocked up on 2 bottles of vodka and they were gone within 4 days. That Saturday night after I finished the second bottle, I contemplated if I could use alcohol delivery to get more and decided I just need to stop, go to bed, and not keep doing this cycle. I woke up that Sunday feeling nauseous and anxious, but that isn’t an unfamiliar feeling. I am anxious easily anyway, so hangovers just elevate anxiety times a million. Anyway, I joined a support thread on another site and became active in posting my thoughts and feelings, started listening to a self help audiobook, and I have been doing a morning home workout each morning since. Today is day 30 of rewiring my brain and I am so thankful for the internet. It has allowed me easy access to others who are struggling, which has helped me not only encourage others but also hold myself accountable for my choices. If I did not have access to technology, I would be sitting in my apartment alone and probably would not have made change. At the end of the day, we all struggle with our mental health in varying degrees and forms. I know some people see this as my own choice, and it was early on in college. Then it just became a response, a crutch, and a reflex. I just want anyone that is reading this to know they aren’t alone and we truly are in this together. Shame is a very common emotion that can close us off, but it can also pave the way for us to be vulnerable. That vulnerability can allow us to make these connections with others feeling the exact same way. Never assume someone can’t understand the place you’re in just because they seem to be alright. Those who need help most often are the best at not letting it show.
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AC was always a positive and safe place for me since I was a child. I struggled a lot growing up, and had a lot of bullying/ other circumstances affect my view of myself. I have been called ugly numerous times in my teenage years, but recently joined a discord server (for AC!!) only to have someone anonymously message me a few days after joining to tell my my profile pic was ugly. I was dumb and had used a picture of myself, and it really shattered my heart. Most because the AC community has aways been so kind, accepting, and loving to me.

I have ocd, BD, and rheumatoid arthritis. --a terrible combination lol

I do art a little and this saying applies to everything in life, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". Not everyone will find something beautiful or attractive for what it is, not everyone admired famous paintings or artworks but they appreciated it for what it is. There will always be bullies on the internet and in society but you should not let it get to you just like @moonbox said. What matters most is not about beauty, people will grow old eventually and beauty will be like a passing fall/ autumn, it's your personality and character that will be timeless and undying. As long as you are not rotten to the core, you are beautiful :)

The Agoraphobia has gotten loads better in the past few years. There are just times where I WANT to go out but just stand at the door or window in fear of what's out there. It was honestly getting out across the street every week for my therapy appointments that helped. The act of crossing the street, and not minding the cars passing by, not mind-reading them or anything... Just waiting patiently and crossing. And sometimes after therapy going to the corner store for a treat. :) Of course now it's Telehealth appointments from my laptop in my office... But I get out at LEAST once a week to go grocery shopping with my partner, or go for a short walk down my street.

We're considering a winter trip instead if things wrap up by then. If not, there's always next year. I have to get over my attachment to the trip. With depression, it was one of the things I looked forward to all year. It made me feel not so terrible. But You're correct; we now have time to plan what we'd like to do next year instead in a little more depth.

Games with friends on the weekends are still going strong, and I'm enjoying them quite a bit. Even just the chatter before and after the game itself. I miss shooting the breeze with my buds.

As far as my depression goes, I started a new med recently that has helped tons, and I've had more good, happy, productive days than bad. I'm more energetic and more rested at night because I don't spend the day asleep. I do spent most of the day playing Animal Crossing, but my Apple Watch screams at me to get up every so often and move, which I oblige. It prevents Dead Leg. I sit on my feet.

Things are getting better, but I often wonder for how long? I'm medication resistant, so that means most everything stops working on me pretty quickly. I hope that's not the case with this new one. Thankfully my anti anxiety still works. Less effective, but it works.

I'm glad you are thinking positively, the most important remedy for your mind! I'm happy you have friends and a partner to get through tough times with you :)

I don’t really love putting myself out there but I think it’s important to be open about my own struggles. I’m 30 and have drank since I was 18 when I went to college. Once in a while I’d take breaks from it but overall I drank large amounts and pretty consistently. It happened socially or alone. During this quarantine in early April I stocked up on 2 bottles of vodka and they were gone within 4 days. That Saturday night after I finished the second bottle, I contemplated if I could use alcohol delivery to get more and decided I just need to stop, go to bed, and not keep doing this cycle. I woke up that Sunday feeling nauseous and anxious, but that isn’t an unfamiliar feeling. I am anxious easily anyway, so hangovers just elevate anxiety times a million. Anyway, I joined a support thread on another site and became active in posting my thoughts and feelings, started listening to a self help audiobook, and I have been doing a morning home workout each morning since. Today is day 30 of rewiring my brain and I am so thankful for the internet. It has allowed me easy access to others who are struggling, which has helped me not only encourage others but also hold myself accountable for my choices. If I did not have access to technology, I would be sitting in my apartment alone and probably would not have made change. At the end of the day, we all struggle with our mental health in varying degrees and forms. I know some people see this as my own choice, and it was early on in college. Then it just became a response, a crutch, and a reflex. I just want anyone that is reading this to know they aren’t alone and we truly are in this together. Shame is a very common emotion that can close us off, but it can also pave the way for us to be vulnerable. That vulnerability can allow us to make these connections with others feeling the exact same way. Never assume someone can’t understand the place you’re in just because they seem to be alright. Those who need help most often are the best at not letting it show.

I used to have a university mate that was in the same situation with you, the way I helped him was to get him to trick his mind into thinking he was drinking alcohol but it was actually soda. In the beginning, I would always hangout with him to make sure he was not hard drinking but drinking cocktails mixed with soda. Then eventually, he was only drinking mocktails without realising that there were no alcohol in his drinks. After a while, his body didn't need alcohol at all, it was just in his mind. Nowadays, whenever he drinks, he limits to a glass or two and drinks soda after as an alternative. All about self-control.

I hope you find someone that can support you and guide you out of your situation. Sometimes, it's not that we want to make the choice of doing drugs or hard drinking but sorta get pulled into or ended up in those situation. What's important is to find that friend that will stand strong and be a pillar of support :) Stay safe out there!
thank u for making this thread, especially during this pandemic and the strain its causing on many of us ;_;

ive struggled with pretty severe depression, anxiety, and obsessive compulsive symptoms my whole life, and also what i assume are adhd symptoms? i wouldnt know the specifics because my family didnt believe in therapy or psychiatry and thus ive never had a proper professional assement or diagnosis of anything. ive been going to behavioral therapy after i really hit rock bottom, but im still unmedicated (save for selfmedicating with thc/cbd). even then i lost access to my therapist abt a half a year ago due to my health insurance changing, and now i cant afford to see her.

i had a lot lined up for me this year, with lots of plans for the future. my girlfriend moved back to our shared city and i was planning on learning to drive to visit her, i had conventions to go to where i would get to meet some online buddies, i had a study abroad trip i was so excited for! but none of that can or will be happening anymore... ive really got nothing to look forward to right now

and just... overtime during this social isolaiton i can feel my self unknowingly distancing myself from my friends and family that i care about... its hard to keep trying when theres not an end in sight. paranoia and general fear of this whole event is making it hard to care about anything. i have college work i should be doing right now and im weeks behind but it just sort of feels pointless to try. ):

its very hard to talk about with anyone im close with because i dont want to be burdening anyone with this pretty messy information about myself, or let anyone know how much im struggling, bc i know theyre struggling too! its a slippery slope or something ..

trying to keep going though. trying to get out of bed everyday, eat something, wash up, put on fresh clothes, attend my online class, do laundry, something. little victories i guess.

thank you for making this thread again, i hope anyone and everyone who reads this has a better day <3
thank u for making this thread, especially during this pandemic and the strain its causing on many of us ;_;

ive struggled with pretty severe depression, anxiety, and obsessive compulsive symptoms my whole life, and also what i assume are adhd symptoms? i wouldnt know the specifics because my family didnt believe in therapy or psychiatry and thus ive never had a proper professional assement or diagnosis of anything. ive been going to behavioral therapy after i really hit rock bottom, but im still unmedicated (save for selfmedicating with thc/cbd). even then i lost access to my therapist abt a half a year ago due to my health insurance changing, and now i cant afford to see her.

i had a lot lined up for me this year, with lots of plans for the future. my girlfriend moved back to our shared city and i was planning on learning to drive to visit her, i had conventions to go to where i would get to meet some online buddies, i had a study abroad trip i was so excited for! but none of that can or will be happening anymore... ive really got nothing to look forward to right now

and just... overtime during this social isolaiton i can feel my self unknowingly distancing myself from my friends and family that i care about... its hard to keep trying when theres not an end in sight. paranoia and general fear of this whole event is making it hard to care about anything. i have college work i should be doing right now and im weeks behind but it just sort of feels pointless to try. ):

its very hard to talk about with anyone im close with because i dont want to be burdening anyone with this pretty messy information about myself, or let anyone know how much im struggling, bc i know theyre struggling too! its a slippery slope or something ..

trying to keep going though. trying to get out of bed everyday, eat something, wash up, put on fresh clothes, attend my online class, do laundry, something. little victories i guess.

thank you for making this thread again, i hope anyone and everyone who reads this has a better day <3

I created this thread to let people know that they are not alone when it comes to their mental wellbeing and I never expected it to become what it is now. I'm glad it was able to help in some form.

The pandemic has put a lot of peoples' lives on hold and suicide rate is reportedly higher than the Covid-19 death toll in certain countries. Everyone is dealing which this uncertain times their own way. I hope you do not give up on yourself and know that only you can help yourself. A therapist can only help you so much and can never give you a 100% accurate diagnosis because he/ she is not in your shoes, only you know what your flaws are. With the help of internet, you can slowly but surely pinpoint what you might have and find methods to help you cope.
Drugs have always been a means to temporarily fix a problem, mindset is the most important, with the right mindset, your body can self-heal (the placebo effect).

If you have nothing to look forward to then look forward to what you desire to be. You want to be able to drive, then read on road rules and driving tips and do some homework, after the pandemic, you can apply what you learnt on the road and get your driver's license. You want to go to conventions, then hit up your friends and do some planning and maybe save on travel expenses or get more on your itinerary.

Hit up people that you are close with and have a talk, who knows maybe they feel the same way you do. Maybe they need someone to talk to, being alone and isolating yourself can be detrimental to your mental health in the long run. Remember it's not the virus that will kill you but your mental health, mental health directly links to the wellbeing of your immune system because stress can weaken your immune system. Viruses will be around until the end of human civilization and beyond, it's not something humans can control and governments are not doing a good job either. There's no need to fret over things you cannot control but you can control your future. Make tiny steps for what you wanna achieve, does not need to be much but something. Sooner or later, motivation will just naturally come back once you built momentum :)

I don't know if I come across as hard and blunt but I just want you to know that you owe it to yourself, to your gf, and to your family to look after your well-being. If you don't want to burden your family and friends, it's understandable, you can post as much as you like on this thread or DM me if you want privacy, I'll gladly help however I can :)
Thanks for making this thread ♡

I've suffered from mental illness since I was a young kid but this year I'm in finally back in specialized treatment after a big relapse with Anorexia and COVID has really ****ed me on that score. Pretty much as soon as I restarted therapy it all changed to phone appointments which are just...not the same...and overall the situation just sucks (limited access to 'safe' foods, lack of control, having to self-report my weight, less accountability and knowing the illness is taking advantage of everything...)

I hate to complain because obvs there are people way worse off but yeah. Honestly, ACNH is a huge part of what's keeping me mostly 'stable' right now like...I struggle with assorted other ~issues~ too and it's been a godsend for distraction.

(also if anyone needs an understanding ear to vent or w/e feel free to hmu! Much love to everyone here)
I do art a little and this saying applies to everything in life, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". Not everyone will find something beautiful or attractive for what it is, not everyone admired famous paintings or artworks but they appreciated it for what it is. There will always be bullies on the internet and in society but you should not let it get to you just like @moonbox said. What matters most is not about beauty, people will grow old eventually and beauty will be like a passing fall/ autumn, it's your personality and character that will be timeless and undying. As long as you are not rotten to the core, you are beautiful :)

I'm glad you are thinking positively, the most important remedy for your mind! I'm happy you have friends and a partner to get through tough times with you :)

I used to have a university mate that was in the same situation with you, the way I helped him was to get him to trick his mind into thinking he was drinking alcohol but it was actually soda. In the beginning, I would always hangout with him to make sure he was not hard drinking but drinking cocktails mixed with soda. Then eventually, he was only drinking mocktails without realising that there were no alcohol in his drinks. After a while, his body didn't need alcohol at all, it was just in his mind. Nowadays, whenever he drinks, he limits to a glass or two and drinks soda after as an alternative. All about self-control.

I hope you find someone that can support you and guide you out of your situation. Sometimes, it's not that we want to make the choice of doing drugs or hard drinking but sorta get pulled into or ended up in those situation. What's important is to find that friend that will stand strong and be a pillar of support :) Stay safe out there!
Thank you! I am doing well with staying away from it all! Now that I’ve taken a step back from it it shocks me how normalized a devastating habit is in society. I’m just happy I am getting a handle on things while I am young. I don’t want to grow up drinking life away. Anyway, I’ve been having lots of coffee in the morning and Coke Zero. Someday I’ll stop that as well ha.
😊Wow I'm really happy that I found this. I didn't expect to find such a thing. I suffer from extreme anxiety, agoraphobia, and severe depression. I was on various medications in the past that had varying degrees of success/failure. I had one psychiatrist put me on the highest dose of valium and then tell me that I was a addict. I got really upset and weened myself off the medication. I think he was trying to create an addict so that I would keep running back to him. I decided at that point I wanted to try without docs and meds. 😓 I had very little success and the pain of my mothers death that the meds covered up came out all at once. I had a complete breakdown. It took years for me to recover from such overwhelming depression and that's when I developed the agoraphobia. A few months ago after trying it alone with little success. I started seeing another psychiatrist and doing virtual visits helps out a lot. We discussed medication options. To which I firmly stated I wanted no addictive substances and nothing like valium or xanax. I didn't want temporary bandaid. I wanted a long term solution. My meds have been a major help this time. I feel like I'm gaining back some of my life. It's a slow process. I read about Animal Crossing and helping people with mental health issues. So I gave it a try and fell in love!🥰 I kinda realized though I don't really have any friends. So I found The Bell Tree Forums.... 😨 it took me week just to sign up. But, here I am! Playing my first Animal Crossing game, trying to make friends, and posting about my mental health issues. 😅Wow that was hard.... But, kinda therapeutic.
Thanks for making this thread ♡

I've suffered from mental illness since I was a young kid but this year I'm in finally back in specialized treatment after a big relapse with Anorexia and COVID has really ****ed me on that score. Pretty much as soon as I restarted therapy it all changed to phone appointments which are just...not the same...and overall the situation just sucks (limited access to 'safe' foods, lack of control, having to self-report my weight, less accountability and knowing the illness is taking advantage of everything...)

I hate to complain because obvs there are people way worse off but yeah. Honestly, ACNH is a huge part of what's keeping me mostly 'stable' right now like...I struggle with assorted other ~issues~ too and it's been a godsend for distraction.

(also if anyone needs an understanding ear to vent or w/e feel free to hmu! Much love to everyone here)

You're welcome :)

Complain all you need, no harm in that as long as you are not harming someone else. I know the pandemic is really causing all sorts of problem for everybody, it's miserable indeed. That's why this thread exists, for people to vent their frustrations as well as to let people realise that they are not alone when it comes to suffering mentally.

Stay strong and stay safe! You're not alone in your fight :)
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😊Wow I'm really happy that I found this. I didn't expect to find such a thing. I suffer from extreme anxiety, agoraphobia, and severe depression. I was on various medications in the past that had varying degrees of success/failure. I had one psychiatrist put me on the highest dose of valium and then tell me that I was a addict. I got really upset and weened myself off the medication. I think he was trying to create an addict so that I would keep running back to him. I decided at that point I wanted to try without docs and meds. 😓 I had very little success and the pain of my mothers death that the meds covered up came out all at once. I had a complete breakdown. It took years for me to recover from such overwhelming depression and that's when I developed the agoraphobia. A few months ago after trying it alone with little success. I started seeing another psychiatrist and doing virtual visits helps out a lot. We discussed medication options. To which I firmly stated I wanted no addictive substances and nothing like valium or xanax. I didn't want temporary bandaid. I wanted a long term solution. My meds have been a major help this time. I feel like I'm gaining back some of my life. It's a slow process. I read about Animal Crossing and helping people with mental health issues. So I gave it a try and fell in love!🥰 I kinda realized though I don't really have any friends. So I found The Bell Tree Forums.... 😨 it took me week just to sign up. But, here I am! Playing my first Animal Crossing game, trying to make friends, and posting about my mental health issues. 😅Wow that was hard.... But, kinda therapeutic.

There are good people in AC and the communities have mostly been friendly except for a small amount of "bad apples". Stay safe and I'm glad you got out of that potential addiction situation.. scary to think about it (getting goosebumps). Enjoy the game and if you need help, just post on The Bell Tree forums and people will surely help or take a little while depending on your requests but you won't be alone :)

I have quite a few illnesses:

1. High Functioning Autism
3. Bipolar Disorder

and they're a burden.

If you need help, post away on this thread. You can find people on here that are suffering the same way as you, tag them using @ or DM message them. I'm sure they'll be willing to help, There are more decent people than you realise :)
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You're welcome :)

Complain all you need, no harm in that as long as you are not harming someone else. I know the pandemic is really causing all sorts of problem for everybody, it's miserable indeed. That's why this thread exists, for people to vent their frustrations as well as to let people realise that they are not alone when it comes to suffering mentally.

Stay strong and stay safe! You're not alone in your fight :)

Definitely. Existing mental health problems or not, I think everyone is feeling it right now. Such strange times.

How are you doing today? :)
Today I had my meds adjusted again - doc suggested we double the dose on one we recently started to good effect, but was starting to lose effectiveness. It's a stimulant, and she had me take the second dose in the middle of the day. So now I'm still up at midnight with a cup of Sleepytime tea. Good day though. Productive, and I got outside twice - once to eat lunch on the porch and another to take a walk up and down my street.

My doctor's offices are ceasing telehealth appointments by month's end, because insurance won't pay for them anymore. But I'll finally be able to get out, walk across the street and see my therapist and primary in person again, all masked up. It's especially comforting to be in the same room with my therapist; she reads body language very well. And not having to work around computer glitches will be nice.
Today I had my meds adjusted again - doc suggested we double the dose on one we recently started to good effect, but was starting to lose effectiveness. It's a stimulant, and she had me take the second dose in the middle of the day. So now I'm still up at midnight with a cup of Sleepytime tea. Good day though. Productive, and I got outside twice - once to eat lunch on the porch and another to take a walk up and down my street.

My doctor's offices are ceasing telehealth appointments by month's end, because insurance won't pay for them anymore. But I'll finally be able to get out, walk across the street and see my therapist and primary in person again, all masked up. It's especially comforting to be in the same room with my therapist; she reads body language very well. And not having to work around computer glitches will be nice.

Continue the good work! Glad you are feeling better :)
I'm graduating with my BSN (bachelors of science in nursing) after 5 hard years of college this year.
I feel so unmotivated and depressed because I wont have a graduation or pinning ceremony at all. My school is having an online ceremony but it was pushed from the original 9th grad date to the 23rd. I'll be out of school for a month at that point.
I have PTSD and really struggle with my memory, I barely remember the majority of my childhood prior to college, so having huge events and celebrations to look back on is important to me. I wont have those.
I got my cap and gown in the mail just to put on for an hour to take pictures and then take off again. I'll be getting my nursing cap, lamp, and pin in the mail. I'll be getting my diploma in the mail.

I already did not have many people truly supporting me, but I at least wanted to feel celebrated. The "congrats" on fb means nothing to me. Even the virtual graduation feels like a joke. Everyone posting their grad pics in "honor" of us makes me want to cry. I cant go on a trip before starting my nursing career because everything is locked down; I have no break from the chaos.

Every year of my life I've had to struggle and fight, this was supposed to be the one I was going to look forward to and remember for the rest of my life. Coming to terms that I wont even have this single moment of celebration is hard and I'm really struggling. I havent cleaned in weeks didjsnxjmdjsj if it werent for me living with my boyfriend of 5 years I'd probably have isolated myself entirely.
I'm graduating with my BSN (bachelors of science in nursing) after 5 hard years of college this year.
I feel so unmotivated and depressed because I wont have a graduation or pinning ceremony at all. My school is having an online ceremony but it was pushed from the original 9th grad date to the 23rd. I'll be out of school for a month at that point.
I have PTSD and really struggle with my memory, I barely remember the majority of my childhood prior to college, so having huge events and celebrations to look back on is important to me. I wont have those.
I got my cap and gown in the mail just to put on for an hour to take pictures and then take off again. I'll be getting my nursing cap, lamp, and pin in the mail. I'll be getting my diploma in the mail.

I already did not have many people truly supporting me, but I at least wanted to feel celebrated. The "congrats" on fb means nothing to me. Even the virtual graduation feels like a joke. Everyone posting their grad pics in "honor" of us makes me want to cry. I cant go on a trip before starting my nursing career because everything is locked down; I have no break from the chaos.

Every year of my life I've had to struggle and fight, this was supposed to be the one I was going to look forward to and remember for the rest of my life. Coming to terms that I wont even have this single moment of celebration is hard and I'm really struggling. I havent cleaned in weeks didjsnxjmdjsj if it werent for me living with my boyfriend of 5 years I'd probably have isolated myself entirely.
I'm really sorry your class won't be getting a ceremony. My brother is also graduating this term and he's pretty bummed he doesn't get closure on a ****ty four years of his life. It's not fair to any of you. You deserve to be celebrated and recognized; you put in a lot of hours in and that's honorable. I know there's not much I can say or do to make this easier for you, but I hope that once this is all over you'll find something else to celebrate, and will actually have the opportunity to experience it. I'm sure you will. Things will get better <3 here if you want to talk