Covid actually improved my mental health because it gave me a couple of weeks off from school but then as soon as I started online school my depression and anxiety returned.
I cried over English homework today.
My head's been such a mess these past weeks. I can't get anything done because my anxiety and fear of failure have been getting in the way of everything recently.
This isn't anything new or unusual to me but my mental health improved a lot in 2019 (still had a lot of downs but overall I managed to keep my anxiety at an okay level majority of the time) and I was hoping that it would continue to improve in 2020 but right now it feels like I'm back at square one.
I never thought I would make it to 18, now I'm 11 days away from turning 20 (May 30th) and I really want to turn 20 cause then I can tell myself that I've made it through the awful teen years somehow but right now it doesn't feel like I'll ever get there.
(I also apologize for the lack of commas I never quite know where to put them. That is one of the many things my brain just doesn't understand how to do).
Hi there, what you are going through sounds uneasy.
Teen years can be trying with hormonal changes and stuff and as you grow older, your mental state will only get better.
I grew up in an environment with three languages but speak and learn English most of the time and until today, I still get ridiculed sometimes for my English. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's questionable
Back to topic, language is a lifelong learning process and it's okay to make mistakes, as long as you are learning and improving gradually, you'll eventually get to a level you are satisfied with.
Hang in there, you'll turn 20 soon and you have your whole life to look forward to after this ongoing pandemic
Covid has massively affected me in ways I thought it would. I’m a single mum to a 3 year old and 1 year old and even before coronavirus I had them 6 days a week and my mum would have them so I could still go to work 1 day a week to feel like I was providing.. I feel like a lot of my ‘friends’ haven’t even bothered to see how I am and even when I’ve reached out to them they’ve been very ‘half arsed’ with replies etc which is **** for me cause they are my only adult contact.. I’ve since deleted all my social media after nearly overdosing, fast forward 6 weeks and I’ve got instagram & Twitter (for news) back but still not back on anything else. Although I feel very lonely I’ve just completely focused on my children and my other love (animal crossing).
just gotta keep reminding myself this isn’t forever ... ❤
To everyone having a bad day/week/month/year. I’ve been there. I am there currently. We gotta push eachother to better places. Our time will come
First of all, I must applaud you for being a strong single mum. It's never easy. My mum had me in her teen years and I was born prematurely at just short of 7 months with blood poisoning and other complications. My father is not exactly a good dad and our family dynamic is dysfunctional and questionable at best until recently. Hence, in a way it's like my mum is a single mum. Since my mum had my sister earlier (a year apart), she did not know how to juggle two children and sent me to be taken care of by other people. I'm glad you chose to look after both your children! You don't understand how much it affects their mental state
"'I feel like a lot of my ‘friends’ haven’t even bothered to see how I am and even when I’ve reached out to them they’ve been very ‘half arsed’ with replies etc" - Your friends are probably too occupied with their lives. Try not to look to friends for comfort because they are only there when it's beneficial to them (mostly). Your family especially your children will be the most important people in your life and you can seek comfort from their precious smiles
You can bond with your mom for some adult session and learn about how your mom views parenting.
Continue your focus on your children and animal crossing and most importantly to avoid seeking verification from people. You're awesome for being a strong single mum!
To be honest, my mental health was in a really bad place a few weeks before school closures, and I remember crying almost every day and sometimes several times a day for about a week because of school because the quarter was coming to an end and I had quizzes and tests every single day and each class was just quiz and test being thrown at me and I couldn't take it. At one point, I just broke down and stayed home from school because of how bad it had gotten. I remember having so much homework that I was getting like 3-4 hours of sleep, and I was doing homework and studying during lunch and dinner, so I wasn't eating either (I don't normally eat breakfast). When school closures happened I started feeling so much better, more relaxed, and I had significantly more free time than I had had for a very long time, probably since last summer. Things ere going well until AP exams started. I made a thread last week about how my ap exam didn't submit and how devestated I was, and I cried for so long because of the stress the class put on me, and the stress of the test, and then the stress of my test not submitting and having that stress loom over me until the retake. Not only that, but college board then a few days later allows for an email submission if your test doesn't submit which felt like a huge kick in the teeth, and is frankly so frustrating, as submission failures had been happening for a week, and yet they didn't implement this email submission until testing is almost over-- Anywho, the last of my schoolwork is due today and I have another ap exam tomorrow, and the retake of my failed one is early june, so it's almost over, and I just have to keep on going
First of all, good luck in your upcoming AP exam!
Next, I graduated from an American international school so I understand the pressure of the college board but I never applied for American universities despite getting scholarships. Hope you get through it all! I have graduated university with my bachelors with honours and looking back, it seemed miniscule but during the moment, it was overwhelming. You'll eventually get to different stages in your life and when you look back, everything will seem small and ridiculous but you should always applaud yourself for making through those situations
Maybe not being able to submit your AP exams is a blessing in disguise! Just saying, think positively!
I was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder when I was 4 and generalized anxiety disorder at age 10. As I struggled through High School, I also developed auditory hallucinations. Despite all of the mental disorders and illnesses, the only struggle I've had in quarantine is loneliness. I moved away from my IRL friends years ago and most of online friends are busy with other things. Getting back into Animal Crossing after my break from New Leaf has helped a lot. It's given me something to look forward to each morning. When my online friends have been available, going to their islands alleviates some of the social isolation.
If you need someone to just talk to and hang out with and your online friends are busy. Feel free to come over to my town (if you are still playing New Leaf) to hang out. You can find my friend code below