Hoo boy.
Grew up in a dysfunctional family, and alcoholism, still love my family though, it's not really anyones fault what happened.
But as a teen I went through many years with severe depression, ended up just being a shut in for a couple of years, could go longer than a week without leaving my room to eat, didn't talk with anyone etc.
Eventually I went to study graphics design, and although I found out it wasn't the kind of job I wanted anyways due to it mostly being about text formatting etc it gave me the push to get better, moved out, found a job, been pretty good since, although I'm still pretty shut off from the world other than my co workers, and the older lady living in the apartment downstairs.
All of it feels like a distant memory though, but that was also 6 years ago.
Compared to that Corona is nothing, even though I had it, and so were quarantined for 5 weeks.
Luckily where I work haven't been shut down, so we're still working.
Hey buddy (forgive me if I assumed we could be)!
I grew up in a dysfunctional family too, the amount of drama, headaches and heartaches I've been through puts Asian melodrama movies to shame (from an Asian family). I only started to open up when I was 16 going on 17. Despite opening up and getting better over the years with the help of my more extroverted gf, I'm still awkward around strangers and only when those strangers join my small circle of friends will I feel more comfortable and more open (takes awhile to open up to strangers). It seems you have a small circle of acquiantances, that is good, it gives you the social interaction you need (you don't need the whole world) and sooner or later, your circle will gradually but surely increase in size
I'm glad you got SARS-COV-2 virus out of your system and that you are still able to financially support yourself with your work. Those are the most important things in life, to be healthy and stable, and with those in place, life goes on and time will mend your soul and spirit
All the best and stay safe!
Yeah covid is playing havoc on people with mental health issues right now. I don't really want to delve into my own mh issues but I have begun to take cbd oil for my mental wellbeing and it helps me immensely with anxiety. The lockdown has been a nightmare for me (lost my job being the main issue) so I can empathize with the pain others are feeling but I couldn't even imagine what it's like to lose a loved one or be stuck in an abusive situation during the current climate
Yes the Covid-19 pandemic have mentally affected more people than it has taken the lives of and will continue to do more as it endures. I follow the news around the world and everywhere, everything look bleak and gloomy, it's sad and I hope that the worse is behind us and only better days are ahead
Stay safe and take care of your mental wellbeing and I hope your anxieties get better
During covid my schizophrenia has heightened, I find it hard to sleep properly, eat properly, remember to do all my hygiene task, but i'm still using my coping skills and trying to make it through, I haven't been hospitalized since march which is a big win for me, as i've been stuck in the cycle of going to one repeatedly over the last three years. I'm pretty proud of myself for being able to use my coping skills during all of this, but I'm also disappointed that most of my coping skills right now are just cooking and calling friends and gaming with them, but I still have a tinge of happiness every time I do them.
Why are you dissappointed? It's amazing how well your coping skills are! Some of my friends are perfectly normal individuals and they look like blobs now (unmotivated with life apparently or just being bummed they can't go out and socialise). As long as you're happy and you're mentally well, all is good
Life is too short to be dissappointed in what you could have done better because you can't relive the past, be amazed and confident in how your current self is doing and praise yourself when you are doing much better than before! Cheers and stay safe
I would definitely be interested in text or email based therapy, but the therapist my doctor put me in contact with said that wasn't allowed, so I'm not sure what to do about that. I am trying to find mental health work I can do without a therapist, like meditation and journaling, but I feel like I really need a professional to talk to.
I'm somewhat confused by your second statement, I don't really get what my sexual orientation has to do with me being trans. Sexual orientation refers to what genders someone is attracted to, where as gender identity has more to do with self-image and doesn't really have much to do with attraction. I'm also definitely aware that hormones have downsides, as I have been doing my own research and speaking to doctors about it for years, but untreated gender dysphoria also messes with my body and mental state, so the way I see it, the benefits outweigh the risks for me.
Maybe you could ask your doctor to reference you to another therapist that allowed text or email based therapy? I don't have much experience in this and only trying to help, sorry if I'm not being much of a help and I hope you'll be able to find what you are looking for
As for the previous statements, I was referring to your gender that you identified with (gender identity) and I misused the sexual orientation term (sorry if I confused you). I'm glad that you are doing your own research, I know some people don't, if you believe that the benefits outweigh the risks and your doctors agree with you, then by all means, give it a shot, it is your life and you deserve to have a better one