Miitomo General Discussion

deleted the app & redownloaded on my USA account, didn't lose any data, got to keep my cute pachinko stuff that isn't available anymore, and now i can buy coins. nice
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Added everyone who wanted to be on the list!

I deleted all the Japanese friends I added for the bonuses so now I only have 6 rip.
Add me @wolfnattt if you want. :)
Just downloaded it. Enjoyed Tomodachi but it got stale after a while, I hope this one will be more entertaining.
Looks fun though. Hate that popular apps are never fullscreen on my phone. It might work with this game though.

My mii name is Riedy, signed up with my NN ID miniriedy. I haven't got to any Twitter part, but my handle is @miniriedy too.
Feel free to add me in the game or to the OP.
Here I am.
My country is excluded from this... First I had to put my 3DS country as UK because I couldn't even access any form of online things, now I can't download this.
I set my phone down finally, and the notification was a mii sneezing at me, oh my gosh.

The first time I heard it, I jumped, ngl.

But yeah, here's my info if anyone is trying to add!

@thingsjavsays // Mii name: Jav
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Just downloaded this, it's so cute. I'm @choco_pug, and my Mii name is Heather. I'd like some friends! :3
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So it looks like they fixed the text bug which is SO AWESOME. The app forced my shift key for some reason so if I wanted lowercase I'd have to hit the thing two times for every single letter and it was so annoying. So glad I don't have to do that anymore.

It was getting to the point where I'd do it outside the app lmao
Hit me up on Twitter if you wanna meet mii!


I'll add pretty much anyone. (as long as you don't stank)
Just got the app. I would love to add people here & be added to the list!

twitter (never use it): @treapalette & my mii name is hannah

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Just got the app and in need of some friends there haha, my twitter is @thebigbowclub I'll add you guys here!
i got this app today! did a few things like answer a few questions, buy some clothes and try out that miitomo drop thing. i also took a picture of my mii, wearing the clothes i bought from the shop:


oh, and i've made a twitter account, so i can have some friends. you can add me if you want - my twitter is @SuperStar2361 and my mii's name is Super☆2361.
It's under the shop section. ~ There will be a few.

Anyone who I haven't added, I'll be adding later. I need to stop paying attention to this thing for a bit, lol.
Added some of the people faces on my friends list to some group picture bodies. Can't post them tho cuz NSFW