Miitomo General Discussion

My twitter name is SuperPinkJojo

I'll try to follow and add anyone who send contact request to me :)
I just downloaded this and it's so weird!! I don't know many others with it so I'd like to add you guys!!


My Mii is Alli :)

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Aight, I just followed everyone on the OP. If you got a follower named Alli, that's me :)
Lmao when i woke up today i had like 20 requests cx

Not complaining though the 10 game tickets got me some nice clothing :p

This app is dumb, I'll just call it Memetomo now.

Add me @SireHyogo by Twitter, I'll follow u back ofc.
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Think I followed everyone in the thread on twitter now, so if you see @SpaceReindeer popping up, that's me.
Sent a bunch of friend requests through the suggestions in Miitomo as well.
My Twitter is @akirachan143 I follow everyone who adds me so if you wanna add me just follow me!

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Oh and my Mii name is Akira!
I tried to add everyone so far so if I missed you I didn't mean to. I'm saving my coins until I see an outfit I really want.
Oml i just added someone with the personal option and it doesn't work well at all.
You both need to press the same symbol at the same time to befriend each other but it didn't even detect the other person! I had to try like 20 times before it actually detected her...
I have tried to add some people here and I will try to add more people tonight. Thank you a lot to the people who followed me, I gave hearts and comments on your answers haha
@pandabears twitter that I never use

Can you link your profile? I'm having a hard time finding it on twitter.

I don't have a Twitter but add my qr.
Unfortunately, you can't add friends this way. Apparently QR's are only for adding Mii's or something, not friends.

Also I added everyone else previously, here is my information:

Twitter @ItsMarkTravis
Mii Name: Venice

Just note, Mark Travis is just an online name I created for the gaming stuff :p
I'm following a bunch of you right now while my ios is updating 'cause why not :)
Can you get this on multiple devices? (ie have it on your ipad and iphone)