Miitomo General Discussion

tfw u gotta make a twitter for this @_@ i just got the app and its drained my battery 10% already eheheh, ill have a lil more time later to set it all up!

q: do both people have to add each other, or will a friend request show up?

dunno if qr works to add, but here it is:
Q^Q embarrassing
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q: do both people have to add each other, or will a friend request show up?
Naw, friend request if the person sends it to you.

Also QR codes don't add as friends, just adds you to a Mii we can use.
tfw u gotta make a twitter for this @_@ i just got the app and its drained my battery 10% already eheheh, ill have a lil more time later to set it all up!

q: do both people have to add each other, or will a friend request show up?

dunno if qr works to add, but here it is:
Q^Q embarrassing

If 2 people are mutual followers (means I follow you, You follow me), our profiles will be suggested to each other to be friends. After having so many, more mutual friends will start showing up.
huehuehue, time to add all these mutual friends I have listed

get all the swek
ah yeah! thanks guys :$

i gotta put my phone down otherwise i won't be able to study OTL ahaha no willpower!!!
I made an account - my twitter is @Mooshroome64! I made it on the ipad (As I do not have a smartphone as of now) so if I do not accept friend requests for a few days that is why!

I spent all of my money on cat drop games...
So I think I've gotten a lot of friend requests from this thread based on mutual friends but not everyone's names are obvious at to who they are. So if you know me (we've interacted on here before), added me, and your Mii name isn't super obvious, maybe leave me a VM or something? I don't want to add people if I don't know who they are in the game at all.

EDIT: I just noticed the reference list in the OP with Mii names. That's helpful
my twitter is hanbaei if anyone wants to add me lol
i made it just for the game tho so don't expect much
I have added everyone who sent me a friend request and added a bunch of people from mutual friends. I will try to give you all a bunch of hearts and comments in your mii-answers later tonight haha