Miitomo General Discussion

my twitter is @finkployd42 and my name in game is Fink if anyone wants to add me :)
I'm just accepting everyone even though I have no clue who anyone is

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I'm just accepting everyone even though I have no clue who anyone is


Same :p
It's just answering random friendly questions.
Thought it would be nice to know who's who in the app, I don't think its much of a problem if we add someone we don't know on this app.

Also, it appears that I've been missed for the list:

Twitter name: @ItsMarkTravis
Mii Name: Venice
eek, so many names, i don't really recognize many of them (oops lol).
mine is pretty obvious, its gracelia. n_nb
I would like people to add me, my dummy account is @aemail_dummy and my mii is Dylan
Heh, I made a Twitter account a few seconds ago for the sake of Miitomo. Add me @pixelatedegg
I'll add back :) Mii name is Paula
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I'll add you guys but right now Twitter is refusing to load on Safari. It's being a pain.
Oo I just downloaded the app, mine is Cinny :}
People who answer 1,000 questions a day kinda ruin the whole thing by flooding me with book recommendations and all the reasons they love cats.