Miitomo General Discussion

I could use some friends :) my twitter handle is (at)Vindikatif the forum won't just let me post it because it thinks i'm posting a link x[
My twitter handle is @bueller_ferret for those who want to add me. :)

Miitomo nickname is Ferret. I'm cool with being added to the list and I'll follow back on twitter for those mii-tomoing.
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So, I'm really confused how to add people on here. I just followed a bunch of the Twitters you guys left. Mine is @DarkDesertFox on Twitter. It didn't show up on the Google search since I never use it so I left a link. My Mii name is also Tyler.
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Really liking this so far! I have a feeling it will be a lot better with friends lol.

My Twitter is jasjasisawesome. :D
Twitter: @universaljellyf
Name In game: Gabi
follow me and I'll follow back ^^
Miitomo is a bummer for me, my phone isn't compatible for it. But, hey, at least I got that new club My Nintendo working for me. Silver coins only, no gold.
oh btw, if you link your nintendo account to your miitomo you get an extra 2.5k coins !!!
i'm gonna make a twitter tomorrow, so ye.
I'm not allowed to add friends
is there a way for me to get coins?

not a single one? you can get them by answering questions but there's a cap for that + its hardly anything

and there's also this:
oh btw, if you link your nintendo account to your miitomo you get an extra 2.5k coins !!!
i'm gonna make a twitter tomorrow, so ye.
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I'm starting to find friends from here through recommendations, so if you see a random add from "dapper" and I haven't added you on Twitter, that's why!
ALSO im super lucky with the miitomo games, ive gotten sooo much cute stuff. sorry for everyone else who gets candy
I began playing it today. It's pretty fun. The voice I implemented for my Mii is rather humorous.

Twitter is @Pokebub1 if anyone is interested in friending me. I'll try to like & comment on all photos daily so that My Nintendo coins can be obtained easier.
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All righty, I bulk added a bunch of ya.

Sorry if ya end up in a Miifoto bahaha.
I got one, my twitter is @lukipom and my Mii's name is Kai if anyone wants to add me
Just message me on twitter who you are here 'cause I'm forgetful (also I'm gonna sleep soon so)

Also feel like I should add my Mii's a bit of a potty mouth just in case people are uncomfortable with that :)
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Rip your shoes :'(

Yeah they were actually probably my second favorite pair of shoes ever so you could imagine I was pretty livid/bummed lol.

But anyway, here is my lastest masterpiece.

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if you guys follow me on twitter ill follow you back, i have only one friend on miitomo :(


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please let me know if you follow me that way i know who you are, also you guys can hit me up on twitter if you want to play some ACNL, i spend most of my time on social media/twitter, looking for people to play with.