Sheep Villager
Feel free to call me Sheep
Briefly popping in though it's very late on a monday so extensive thoughts will come tomorrow. Feel free to ping me or ask about stuff and I'll get back to them eventually.
Liked this.Ok but this is an emotional appeal to no elim in a logical game. You act like bloodlust is an issue but if someone was going to get eliminated d1, than they're likely to get eliminated d2/d3 as well. By trying to "save" someone, you're giving town one less chance to vote off who they need to vote as well. I mean, just hope the detective gets lucky is a way for town to win. But it's not like you're backing it up with statistical odds either.
I think if he were to be mafia Shawo would’ve taken the opportunity to jump on this and be suspicious of random, but he seemed to actually have some really good points as to why the “got it” post wasn’t maf, and I agree with a lot of them. I also agree that we should not look into it too much, please lets move past it now.It's not being let go, hence why I've offered like, THREE theories as to why it isn't a mafia thing. I'm way more comfortable just voting someone who's maftelling.
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Was this not explained? Town's losing an elim. That's beneficial to mafia. Think about it like this. Town has 5 votes to find 2 mafia. By voting no one, town gets 4 votes to find 2 mafia. Is that not an added benefit for the mafia?
I don’t think I understand what part of that reads maf. It would be obviously scummy to say something like “well what about me? Isn’t that important to you?” TOO obviously scummy, and looking back many of Trents posts were directed as questions towards people. He asked me a lot of things and didn't elaborate on them but stirred the pot for sure. Shawo just seemed too against Trent saying there wasn’t many posts of value but in all honestly his play style was more in a solvy-interrogate type of way and I wished I would’ve said something about that sooner.TBH this +
this reads maf to me.
The first post isn't inherently maf, because it reads kinda like "why are you interacting with Betsy but not me." But... when offering their own reads... it just seemed lackluster?
It just feels like an attempt to post something relevant without... any reason. I'm struggling to word this now that I'm describing it, but I feel like town!trent gives reads in a more natural way. This just seems like a self directed play.
But then he refutes any suspicion by still saying Sidney is town. If you don’t feel suspicious of Sidney I don’t see the need to call things like this out? Plus the reasoning on this post also doesn’t make a ton of sense. Sidney was saying she wasn’t good at icebreakers and stuff and you said she used that as an excuse for her plays, but no plays were being made in those posts as far as I can understand? Idk just feels like you’re looking for reasons to have against her but still staying by her side so that if, potentially she were to get voted and be mafia, you could say you made points against her to cover you up. This scenario isn’t the most likely out of my takes, because I’m reading Sidney as more town than I realized day one, but it’s just something I felt like I could bring up just as a potential duo, cause I didn’t love the reasoning behind this post and I’m curious one everyone else’s thoughts.Since you're curious,
Here and here you repeat yourself with the idea that "I'm not good at day one."
Sure. But that looks like a setup to excuse yourself from any scumtells you might make when called on it.
IE: yeah, I said I was bad at d1, that's why I'm playing like this.
So, I was going to push you to see a reaction... but by the time you came back... it was really late for me.
I actually only think you are town because I understand the way you've gotten your reads. Which is also why I was defending myself to you. While direct, I don't think the process you used to get reads looked like you were pushing an agenda. -> Especially since you seemed fairly committal about them. I'm not willing to commit to a town!Sidney because you still do make posts that I tend to dislike, but I think your reads have been more telling about your alignment than anything else.
Adding on to this, I noticed on this post Shawo/Sidney were also agreeing and being buddy-buddy, idk guys what do you all think??I went back and checked, and weirdly this is true? Sheep is fairly committal on the elim though, which is a + imo, but what's weird is that I think that might've been happening in lieu of trying to get a read on the more active players?
They were rooting for no elimination (i’m telling you guys, it’s scummy!)Would no-vote still be the wisest after all?
Considering if we have a miss and someone gets done in by Mafia we lose two people which is two potential people with the detective role.
So behavior from sheep (even though we’ve received little to no substantial information, hopefully timezones are better for you!) seems to be different then mafia sheep that i’ve played with before. Comparing games isn’t always the greatest evidence, but it’s worth mentioning.I'm an advocate for d1 violence unless we want d2 to just be d1; the sequel.
I didn’t love hearing that because many of sheep’s posts haven’t had a lot to offer so far? Mostly I’m just wanting to hear more from them.Since this was the first thing I saw I'll respond to this before reading any further. If I'm asked to pick a d1 kill without anything to go off of then I quite mercilessly vote out people who don't contribute much to conversations. I'm aware this is a pretty coldblooded stance to take but if I get the feeling someone will remain silent/filler-y for the rest of the game I'd rather have them voted out over someone who is giving me something to grab on to. Being forced in to possibly solving silent/filler slots late game also makes me want to eat drywall, which only fuels my bloodlust.
I'm not sure if there's a point in me giving actual names given I've got 4 pages to read and things might've changed, but people who fit my silent/filler category are shawo, sidney, totally_randomYT and possibly the AFKs.
Going to keep reading now.
Serotonin list part 1.
Betsy- Putting on my meta hat because I can't stop myself from doing this. Betsy has been notably un-aggressive for how she usually is. I expected way more pot stirring in the first 24 hours than what ended up happening...The problem with this whole thing is Betsy has almost always been cursed to wolf in past games so I'm suspecting she might be town here. It'd kinda make sense for her to just not aggress in the name of not getting the boot d1 as town. Early on I also noted Betsy took a moment to reinforce the merits of no-vote to Sidney who is new. Just a minor interaction that felt more town-y.
Shawo- Kinda touched on Shawo earlier but yeah, he's been the one to do the most poking and rattling peoples brains. The 24 hour drought was also ended by him. I'm not seeing chaotic-force-of-nature Shawo this game which feels indicative of making an effort to solve given the cast we have in this game. Agreeing with a lot of his posts in general.
Tae- Kind of feels like Shawo: Lite and I'm not sure if that's because of the matching icons tricking my brain or not. I'm getting mild town from the fact they seem to dumpster out thoughts when prompted (and sometimes without even being prompted) so like... either really good at making stuff up on the spot or genuinely just not afraid of what comes out of their mouth. The same cannot really be said for everyone this game I feel. That sorta crashing around recklessly like an elephant is p rare for mafia.
Trent- I genuinely still don't get the early plays from Trent tbh. Hating d1 is one thing but what was with the early insistence on putting us on route to a d1 sequel for d2. Like if you hate d1 just.... why do that? I already pointed out the one post I specifically didn't like early and I'm too lazy to go dig it up again. Going in to the last 12 hours I am seeing more questions from Trent at least but it just doesn't feel natural when you compare the zzzz start. I'd also like some takes on who he's planning on voting?
Starlit- I'm still a bit confused about the very last post they left, however I will note that I did see the point raised that they might've voted no vote due to knowing they won't be at EoD and I actually kinda get that. When I signed up for this game and there was a possibility of 4-6AM EoD I remember agonizing over how the heck I was going to vote. I do kinda wish if this was the case they'd actually said it themselves... Looking at Starlits other activity I will note there wasn't really much prying done in to anything either, which is kind of a weird thing to do if you already showed up late with limited time. If you're town on that position wouldn't you want to make the most of the time you do have...?
Tessa, Sidney and Random will be in the next post since those people posted while I was ISOing this batch of people and I want to give them my full attention.
I like that they’re willing to look at everyone individually and have a few words on each. That made up for a lot of confusion and null-ness I was feeling. Not to mention Sheep read me like a book, wolf tessa sucks but it’s been a while! When I get mafia sometime (i keep getting townie but it’s nice) I’ll show you how good i am sheep you’re gonna be flabbergasted.Tessa- Pretty much giving me normal town Tessa? Wolf Tessa I know as someone who will bounce on to the first suspect they can and then camp there regardless of what else is going on in the thread. I'm seeing more interest in gathering information than latching on to something with the intensity of an alligator.
Random- Not much has changed tbh. Looking in to the new post doesn't give much at all and I'm still at that 50/50 could go either ways spot. Kinda getting the energy of someone who just doesn't like reading, which isn't exactly a new thing on tbt mafia. I'd also like to point out a lot of people are assuming Random will get subbed out for their current behavior, however it's worth keeping in mind if this is a mafia strat they might not get subbed?
This feels like something far too spicy for a new wolf to say ngl. Setting yourself up to catch the bad end of the stick if you wagon is not a look I'd ever expect. When you're a new wolf it's far easier to just sheep and firmly squeeze yourself in to the pocket of whoever is the loudest and most widely tr'd.
Sheep Villager:
Was also anti-no-elim. I’ve played with town sheep and I’ve played with goon sheep, and here’s a quote from mafia sheep:
They were rooting for no elimination (i’m telling you guys, it’s scummy!)
Here’s a quote this game:
So behavior from sheep (even though we’ve received little to no substantial information, hopefully timezones are better for you!) seems to be different then mafia sheep that i’ve played with before. Comparing games isn’t always the greatest evidence, but it’s worth mentioning.
Sheep was also asking questions which I think is towny enough, they’re looking to get information for sure.
Also they mentioned they were willing to vote starlit, I don’t think wold Sheep would’ve been like “ahaha I’m gonna be mafia and say I’m against starlit but then also kill her n1” that wouldn’t make a whole lot of sense. Maybe I’m reading too much into it.
Talked a lot about how posts with less info is more maf like in this quote:
I didn’t love hearing that because many of sheep’s posts haven’t had a lot to offer so far? Mostly I’m just wanting to hear more from them.
Adding to that thought to mention that eventually we did get a couple of good reads from sheep:
I like that they’re willing to look at everyone individually and have a few words on each. That made up for a lot of confusion and null-ness I was feeling. Not to mention Sheep read me like a book, wolf tessa sucks but it’s been a while! When I get mafia sometime (i keep getting townie but it’s nice) I’ll show you how good i am sheep you’re gonna be flabbergasted.
So my read on Sheep is town for now, I just want to hear more from them. But the posts I have heard have had a lot of potential to be good and the information and few takes they have provided have been substantial.
Not digging how quiet it's been. Beginning to wonder how manufactured this is.
I'm sorry don't mind me I'm doing these out of order cause I'm disorganized and inconsideratedang i got beat to sheep..
here's all i've got to add
sheep did point out the quiet, which seems on the surface as if it would be disadvantageous to mafia
additionally, i was concerned about the switch to voting trent, but re reading that seems to make sense as well and follows with sheep's reads so far. perhaps sheep truly is a sheep...i know i'm not funny
They seemed to want inactives to be eliminated a lot at the beginning, and a lesser active person (one mentioned being on the chopping block for sheep) was eliminated last night. I would think that would be against the outcome for maf if sheep is mafia; as now both of their biggest targets yesterday are gone. I'll be curious to see what they say today.
ok moving on
no you're good LOLI'm sorry don't mind me I'm doing these out of order cause I'm disorganized and inconsiderate![]()
Wait i'm actually doing you you're good LOL
i'm doing you now![]()
Just reads to me slightly confused town. I think the start of the game might have been rough, but she genuinely seem to have the intent of wanting to solve the game.maybe leaning some pressure on the active but less active people to see if they’re trying to hide but i’m personally not super on board with just killing inactives when we have replacements
That she didn’t want to post too much randomness and didn’t feel like she had much to contribute to the conversation, which was a fair argument for early d1. Later on, she did contribute a lot more, so kudos to that.i just didn’t want to keep adding randomness during thw first bit
Iffy about shawo as well? (I need to stop milking this theory but I keep finding things that support it)I would say random over shawo today, since shawo has been generating discussion at least. I’m still weird on that interaction, but I also m weird bout the interaction with betsy.
Random seems way more suspicious to me; seems maybe guided?
I think the chat thingy from betsy brings her up on my list, too, so i’d say my list of sus rn is random/shawo/betsy. Unsure whether i rank shawo or betsy higher.
Also the internet on my computer decided to quit agin, nd my phone is being weirr, so ignore my finger typing mistake and ill iso people to make sure im not missing thing if i cn get it back up
First shawo goes for me, an anxious newbie + low hanging fruit + i know my own alignment
I did not love the repetitiveness of “people are targeting me because I’m a newbie” during day 1. If I have any complaints that weren’t already cleared about her, it’s this one. Here are some quotes to show what I mean:It is entirely possible it was of honest intent to target me…however, in my opinion, it would be pretty easy for mafia to decide to target me, as the new player with the least confidence (while i realize we have many new players, much of them have been pretty confident, even for day one). If I was mafia, I could see targeting me as a way to kill off a townie without drawing any suspicion of being mafia myself.
pretty open here right off the bat; i agree with elim-but-not-due-to-inactivity; focus on actual posts etc etcI've played a hefty amount of games here, since about may 2021. I'm trash at the game though haha, and for some reason I am always in f3 and I always screw it up for my side.
This makes sense to me. While reading d1, I feel like I'm agreeing with the anti-no-elim train. I usually am for games though, because for starters it gives mafia less ability to control the game because pushing a vote can look really suspicious especially day one.
Adding on to this on page 6, with the Sidney versus Shawo stuff. I've played fanes with Shawo hosting before, but I don't think we've ever played before. Started looking at his games and his energy is kind of always controversial, or just upfront in general which is good cause it stirs the pot, and I don't think he would push an elim so strongly if he was mafia d1. Thats an easy way to get people to vote you out.
At first I was surprised by the vote and the unusually assertive play this game but I get it now. For now, townread.
To me, this is a townread. Voting inactive is useless when inactive will already get kicked/replaced eventually. Being inactive imo is usually less intentional than people think, for example I just spaced the whole game and was a little too busy to play at first. I should've set a reminder so it's on me, but my or anyone else's lack of activity shouldn't be a read on their role. Their posts combined with the activity? Occasionally. But I think it's good to focus on the actual posts that they make.
you're old
Okay thats all I really have to say about today, idk there isn't much going on and my brain likes to speculate and not elaborate, if you have any questions for me I'm down to answer them, lets shake things up a little
I'm curious to see more opinions/detailed read on tae today, esp since i think multiple people sussed themHmm maybe tae or sidney, the vibes are just off. Going off of gut though as there is little to no substantial information we can go off of.
willing to align with points agreed with; admitting some weaknesses. Unsure if these are good town traits or just general good traitsHey good points are being made here. I personally find it very difficult to make reads off of tone than others, so for me it's hard to make reads when I feel that we don't have a lot to go off of, or when I can see both sides of an argument.
consistency here; asking good questions instead of just going with an elimWhy starlit? Voting ia is a no go for me.
I think an expansion on betsy would be interesting here; looking to a more detailed read on them. These seem like pretty...confident? opinions thoughOkay I'm here VERY last minute lol to give you all a quick who I'm voting and stuff
Who I WILL vote:
Sidney: I'm not backing down from this one even though some of her stuff has been explained I feel weirdly about the ins and outs of changing positions and ideas that's been happening, but I can see why she might be confused town. Idk it's still kind of scummy to me. I also didn't love the bandwagon onto trent after pushing so strongly a no elim.
Trent: He's gonna be my vote today because I am very against no elim for so many reasons, and I don't think we should split d1. He's also not given many great points that haven't already been said (ex: asking sidney a question I had literally just asked right before lol). I can get behind this for the sake of information for d2, he could be maf or couldn't be but I'm leaning more towards maf.
Tae: I will vote tae cause angry person haha (please dont come after me this is a joke)
Random: Literally no information from him but it's been very suspicious with the no elim and last minute opinions that have no actual value. But this would be my last option.
Who I WON'T vote (for now):
Shawo: Solid points, seems very town to me and has lead a lot of good discussion. From previous games I've seen he seems pretty standard town behavior. Maybe he's just really good, idk.
Starlit: STOP BEING SUSPICIOUS OF IA, LOL, they'll get replaced
Betsy: I think she has more to offer d2. That's really all I gotta post this before it locks.
I actually appreciate it, lol. Makes me feel better about my own aggressiveness.hi y’all just got home from work and i’m trying to catch up. from what i read so far @Sidney @tessa grace read my past games. I’m just aggressive. Trent confirmed that d1 i’m two moods- ANGY & OH NO. and it’s very accurate.
please don’t take my aggression personally it’s just how i am. i push hard and it’s bc i’m trying to elicit strong feelings, helps me scum hunt imo. if i go too far just tell me i’m a bully & to be nicer. don’t be like past shawo & tell me i’m an idiot & i play like dog ****.![]()
Was immediately against no elimination first thing. (not to mention a cool pfp but that’s unrelated) He was also looking to start some engagement at the beginning of the game which was good to lead and start stuff.
Liked this.
Also he’s not scared to stir things up or call certain moves and actions out, which I actually really like. It’s bold and I feel like it’s coming from a place of “i’m trying to read you” and not “i’m trying to frame you” most of the time.
Finally another pro I liked from Shawo
I think if he were to be mafia Shawo would’ve taken the opportunity to jump on this and be suspicious of random, but he seemed to actually have some really good points as to why the “got it” post wasn’t maf, and I agree with a lot of them. I also agree that we should not look into it too much, please lets move past it now.
Cons: Was against Trent the whole game lol. Some of his points against trent were valid but this quote?
I don’t think I understand what part of that reads maf. It would be obviously scummy to say something like “well what about me? Isn’t that important to you?” TOO obviously scummy, and looking back many of Trents posts were directed as questions towards people. He asked me a lot of things and didn't elaborate on them but stirred the pot for sure. Shawo just seemed too against Trent saying there wasn’t many posts of value but in all honestly his play style was more in a solvy-interrogate type of way and I wished I would’ve said something about that sooner.
(OKAY PLEASE TAKE EVERYTHING I SAY HERE WITH A GRAIN OF SALT IT IS A VERY THEORETICAL TAKE LIKE IM JUST BRINGING EVERY POSSIBLE SITUATION TO THE TABLE) If and only IF a shawo/sidney duo was mafia (which is not likely? i have to finish the iso first) I could see Shawo slightly calling out/disagreeing with sidney in some aspects, like this post for example:
But then he refutes any suspicion by still saying Sidney is town. If you don’t feel suspicious of Sidney I don’t see the need to call things like this out? Plus the reasoning on this post also doesn’t make a ton of sense. Sidney was saying she wasn’t good at icebreakers and stuff and you said she used that as an excuse for her plays, but no plays were being made in those posts as far as I can understand? Idk just feels like you’re looking for reasons to have against her but still staying by her side so that if, potentially she were to get voted and be mafia, you could say you made points against her to cover you up. This scenario isn’t the most likely out of my takes, because I’m reading Sidney as more town than I realized day one, but it’s just something I felt like I could bring up just as a potential duo, cause I didn’t love the reasoning behind this post and I’m curious one everyone else’s thoughts.
Adding on to this, I noticed on this post Shawo/Sidney were also agreeing and being buddy-buddy, idk guys what do you all think??
Anyways, for now I’m null with a small townlean on Shawo. A lot of good towny posts that I agree with, but I need some things explained and answered before I feel more solid on his alignment.
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onto the next person (ugh this is taking too long and i'm reading too far into these posts)
That first part wasn’t meant to send lollooking back once, one thing I have to say is that if you aren't killed any
once again I’m still kinda sus of shawo
Anything on me (probably not since there’s not too much but might as well ask) kinda want to clear up anything you don’t knowWait i'm actually doing you too...its about to go down
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Man have I been on and off about Sidney. I think that I had a lot of misjudgement about her d1, so feel free to question my change of heart (i question myself every day hahaha ha ha…) but this take on her is going to be drastically different from what I was thinking, 7 hours of sleep makes a difference when you’re manic and overthinking I guess
Pretty pfp (fr ugh botw is just MMMM)
Voted instead of no-elim
Was also against killing inactives (which I GREATLY misunderstood) , as shown in quotes here:
Just reads to me slightly confused town. I think the start of the game might have been rough, but she genuinely seem to have the intent of wanting to solve the game.
She mentioned in posts like this:
That she didn’t want to post too much randomness and didn’t feel like she had much to contribute to the conversation, which was a fair argument for early d1. Later on, she did contribute a lot more, so kudos to that.
Iffy about shawo as well? (I need to stop milking this theory but I keep finding things that support it)
I did not love the repetitiveness of “people are targeting me because I’m a newbie” during day 1. If I have any complaints that weren’t already cleared about her, it’s this one. Here are some quotes to show what I mean:
If maf!sidney exists this could be seen as an excuse for why people are targeting her. I’m gonna be honest I wouldn’t have thought she was very new and unconfident based off the more newer posts we’ve received, in fact for a newbie Sidney has done pretty well. (So fr, don’t worry about being targeted because you’re new. How long you’ve been playing usually doesn’t play a big part in mafia, unless you’re geoni)
First reads on people was kind of weak day 1, but mine weren’t any better and that's just d1 things. I’m looking forward to hearing more iso’s from Sidney today now that we have more information and I haven’t interrupted her.
I’m gonna say townleaning for now. There’s not a lot I could comment on Sidney because a chunk of her interactions were with me and I already cleared/commented on them, so this is what I have.
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Anyways adding on to this cause I forgot to mention I'm eating dinner and taking a break. I'll post the other three in a few hours, who knows. My brain is mush rn so I need to step back and think things through a bit.
Hi just finished dinner and remembered I have to cram a metal embossing art project tonight, so the rest of my reads will have to wait a bit. But I will get to you soon! i'll be on and off here just checking in and adding small commentary and stuff.Anything on me (probably not since there’s not too much but might as well ask) kinda want to clear up anything you don’t know
where am I on this?For what it's worth, my bw on Trent wasn't actually as strong as my read-on Trent, I used strong language and pushed a scumlean, and I don't regret that, but my actual goal was trying to identify the vote pattern leading up to the elim.
It's a pretty clear follow.
Betsy/Sidney/Tessa/Sheep followed, Tae voted no one.
Out of the five people that voted, I actually think Tessa's/Sheep were the most natural. However - an addendum, there's often times that mafia feel the need to play in a certain way due to having a preset persona/reads. For example, once Sheep agreed that they SR'd Trent, when I pressured them to vote Trent they were basically forced into doing it. They couldn't just agree that they had an end of day fos on Trent and then NOT vote when asked.
Tae's vote stands out a lot as a no elim when explicitly told that No Elim was bad. For what it's worth, there are a lot of reasons that can be the case, but now that we're not under pressure of EoD, I would like... at least a logical explanation as to why.
Betsy's flip was fairly interesting, IMO, as I offered to vote their vote, under the precondition that we weren't splitting votes into EoD. I think Betsy does have the most awkward vote pattern, but I also townlean Besty for d1 so it ends up being less relevant imo.
Tessa and Sidney are both interesting because both players came in right onto d1, and were essentially pressured into being forced into a kill on a null read. I'm actually going to go ahead and say it probably doesn't alignment tell, and that the BW formed pretty naturally. If anything, I don't really think both Betsy/Sheep are mafia together, but that's not a super useful read given the circumstances of the rest of my reads.
I think the actual issue is that the alternative vote was a No Elim. And given that No Elim is basically pushed as being anti-town... why would anyone vote for No Elim just for an unnecessary scumlean? ... Tae.