actually, what I find most suspicious about bianca is her lack of any explanation in her town reads. this comes off as not looking to find town to work with (which I think town finding each other is more powerful in the early game than just making cases). mafia and town will both make red reads, of course, but mafia is significantly less inclined to form town cores because it will ultimately lead to them being caught out
the blooming elimination feels just like a repeat of last game. but they really didn’t do anything yesterday so can’t blame the wagon ig, even if it felt like LHF
a little more theorizing-storytelling - not an accusation, just a case study:
Damniel & Betsy team?
Damniel has always been insistent that Betsy is town. So has Geoni. eliminating Geoni could be a smokescreen to solidify Betsy as trustworthy (what mafia would eliminate the person with the most trust in them?). Now Damniel is very solid on both me and Betsy being town - an attempt to form a towncore around 3 people 2 mafia, would be a great towncore move for maf.
also, i watched baby park and it seemed like mafia was the first to comment after elimination announcements there >_> Damniel and Betsy are also just a couple very active players in this game, though, so it could be nothing.
how often do mafia try to fly under the radar and say nothing? is it common? do people really clam up in response to getting the mafia PM?
actually, what I find most suspicious about bianca is her lack of any explanation in her town reads. this comes off as not looking to find town to work with (which I think town finding each other is more powerful in the early game than just making cases). mafia and town will both make red reads, of course, but mafia is significantly less inclined to form town cores because it will ultimately lead to them being caught out
We can make towncores all we like but mafia can always use that to their advantage. I have been in instances where we we won a game based on making sure that one of our members remain being townread. Mafia will always be happy if one of their own is read as townread. So I am not inclined on making towncores for now
a little more theorizing-storytelling - not an accusation, just a case study:
Damniel & Betsy team?
Damniel has always been insistent that Betsy is town. So has Geoni. eliminating Geoni could be a smokescreen to solidify Betsy as trustworthy (what mafia would eliminate the person with the most trust in them?). Now Damniel is very solid on both me and Betsy being town - an attempt to form a towncore around 3 people 2 mafia, would be a great towncore move for maf.
also, i watched baby park and it seemed like mafia was the first to comment after elimination announcements there >_> Damniel and Betsy are also just a couple very active players in this game, though, so it could be nothing.
how often do mafia try to fly under the radar and say nothing? is it common? do people really clam up in response to getting the mafia PM?
i feel i’ve said as much on bianca as I can for now so i’m gonna leave it there for other people to engage with (whether they agree or disagree). gonna look at catharina after I do some class readings
koopa is obviously also playing really quietly and off but that’s really all I can say on that, they have like 3 posts or something. in the last game the same thing basically happened so it’s hard to get a read on it unless they post more
i read betsy similarly to how i read you, although you have different experience levels; you're very chatty and analytical, happy to make reads. Betsy is similarly bold; it's nice to see her reads!
I'm not sure how to feel about whether that implies someone is town or mafia. i can't find the post where either you or geoni townread betsy because she seemed to be genuinely engaged in people's townyness.
i dunno! earlier i was swayed by comments about trusting Betsy because she's putting in the effort. but i'm not sure if putting in towny effort == town, or whether towny effort == mafia acting towny.
haha, i wrote this in my notes the other day after i realized the b100ming vote had gone through and was backtracking to see how the voting had gone...
i love it and i get that it was a joke (a great one, i get a laugh out of it every time), but if i'm going all-in on this "sowing chaos" theory from my other post, it has a similar energy.
i can read betsy as mafia. not strongly, but enough to consider this theory anyway.
Based on what I have seen so far, these are my perspectives on each:
Daniel- He did bring a good sus on me, I would say he is really trying to solve my alignment so townie points for him
Droqen- His logic is same as mine on suspicions and what not so I give townie points for him
Antonio- being inquisitive and trying to get reads from people. Shows great interest in the game. I am giving him townie points
Betsy- based on her first day reads, trying to solve the problems but will she do the same day 2 ? I wonder
koopa and Catharina- on the same page, posts here and there to ask questions, give some few insights.
oh btw Betsy gets townie points for me as well. I am giving her benefit of the doubt as I know it is a joke but I would expect substantial reads from her soon.
Based on what I have seen so far, these are my perspectives on each:
Daniel- He did bring a good sus on me, I would say he is really trying to solve my alignment so townie points for him
Droqen- His logic is same as mine on suspicions and what not so I give townie points for him
Antonio- being inquisitive and trying to get reads from people. Shows great interest in the game. I am giving him townie points
Betsy- based on her first day reads, trying to solve the problems but will she do the same day 2 ? I wonder
koopa and Catharina- on the same page, posts here and there to ask questions, give some few insights.
May I ask, do you believe anything is suspicious regarding anyone? These are all positive opinions regarding everyone but I'm curious if you have any suspicions?
oh btw Betsy gets townie points for me as well. I am giving her benefit of the doubt as I know it is a joke but I would expect substantial reads from her soon.