Mafia Mountainous Mafia: Camp Mafia - Mafia Wins!

It's strange how @Biancasbotique said that she would vote Antonio or Damniel, and then 12 hours later read you both as "townie points". Maybe it was based on something that occurred in the 12 hours in between? My timeline is not totally clear. But, if I was going to make a clear statement and then change my mind I would personally try to clarify the reason why - or at least acknowledge it.
I believe Biancas latest reads clarifies that though. I do understand that they haven't acknowledge it though.
Don't you think it's a bit hypocritical to ask for more posts when you have been lackluster regarding posts?
Hmm yeah, but I've been inactive because of school. Bianca just put their hands up and left for no reason and never answered my question so that's why I'm voting her
Hmm yeah, but I've been inactive because of school. Bianca just put their hands up and left for no reason and never answered my question so that's why I'm voting her
well, bianca has stated numerous times that she has other things to do. I can imagine she has irl things too. we can’t just rationalize one person’s inactivity as valid over the other, it’s more of what they’re saying even if it’s not a lot
Damniel & Betsy team?

Damniel has always been insistent that Betsy is town. So has Geoni. eliminating Geoni could be a smokescreen to solidify Betsy as trustworthy (what mafia would eliminate the person with the most trust in them?). Now Damniel is very solid on both me and Betsy being town - an attempt to

Yeah, but we're town. 😆
I will say, if it were damniel and I on a mafia team, I would have voted geoni off with him, then voted you at night, because we could have killed 2 strong, active players.
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oh btw Betsy gets townie points for me as well. I am giving her benefit of the doubt as I know it is a joke but I would expect substantial reads from her soon.

Yes, it was a joke. And I'm catching up now, lol.
Hmm yeah, but I've been inactive because of school. Bianca just put their hands up and left for no reason and never answered my question so that's why I'm voting her
Hmmm, ok. I don't agree with you regarding the lack of activity regarding Bianca. I do however have a final question. Why did you agree with my reaction test regarding Geoni last phase. I have stated previously that I had a lack of reasoning for it but you can right in and agreed with me, could you elaborate on your process regarding it?
I have literally stated before in other games that my memory is absolutely poor and I tend to forget things. It doesn't help that I have other irl priorities to focus on while playing the game so It's hard to keep track of everything post like I'm some sort of computer. 😔
I can understand poor memory, but the first example was in both of the posts directly before your question.
And while I see you questioning a lot (even things already answered), and posting plenty on how the game works(which is nice for a newbie, thx), I don't see you laying out your town/wolf/neutral reasoning for everyone with any details/examples. Looking forward to seeing it though.
I can understand poor memory, but the first example was in both of the posts directly before your question.
And while I see you questioning a lot (even things already answered), and posting plenty on how the game works(which is nice for a newbie, thx), I don't see you laying out your town/wolf/neutral reasoning for everyone with any details/examples. Looking forward to seeing it though.

Here's one example that I can't quote:
Forget: Poor memory. Lost phone, forgot to study for test, and basically left my pencils at home justtoday.
if you like but I have poor memory
Plus, poor memory.
I got poor memory.
I have stated last game that my memory is poor. Just ignore that bit, plz.
There we little to go on during EOD, me and Aerious went back and forth which led to night, there was also a sudden change of sus towards me and dedenne during EOD. My memory is poor but that's what I remembered.
Here are the rest from previous games where I have said it.
i’ve been seeing inconsistent posts from her (like not even considering catharina to vote for despite voting for her last day and maintaining that she hasn’t stepped up) and having very little explanations in her townreads while having greater ones on her susses. in general, she is pretty quiet but when she comes in its feeling like she’s just stirring the pot and not interested in forming a strong towncore for collaboration. it seems like she’s more interested to having people seem suspicious to keep elimination options open while not looking to find town (which i think is more important)
I like to ask questions and "stir the pot" to let people think about more options, but I can understand how that could be bad for town. I generally find it easier to find things I don't like than things I do.
Hmmm, ok. I don't agree with you regarding the lack of activity regarding Bianca. I do however have a final question. Why did you agree with my reaction test regarding Geoni last phase. I have stated previously that I had a lack of reasoning for it but you can right in and agreed with me, could you elaborate on your process regarding it?
I agreed with it because I was going to vote off geoni anyway, since his posts seemed a bit off plus he tried to vote me and bl00ming for no apparent reason, so I figured if someone was trying to vote him, I might as well side with them since we're both trying to do the same thing
Apologies but you quoted my post without any messages so I automatically presume you were referring to my previous post.
Oh, lol. I scrolled down to type and accidentally hit post reply.
And btw, i dont have the best memory either. I keep notes when I see something suspicious/weird/off/ or even helpful, with post numbers. I don't know if that's normal, but that's what I do...
Oh, lol. I scrolled down to type and accidentally hit post reply.
And btw, i dont have the best memory either. I keep notes when I see something suspicious/weird/off/ or even helpful, with post numbers. I don't know if that's normal, but that's what I do...
That sounds like a good idea but TBH, I may forget to even start doing something like that. .-.
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Here's one example that I can't quote:

Here are the rest from previous games where I have said it.
I have played none of those games. This is my first game. So in my mind, someone "forgetting" too often was suspicious. I still think it would be a good idea for you to keep notes, but you do you man...
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That sounds like a good idea but TBH, I may forget to even start doing something like that. .-.
Ha, I replied before I saw this. Lol
I have played none of those games. This is my first game. So in my mind, someone "forgetting" too often was suspicious. I still think it would be a good idea for you to keep notes, but you do you man...
Oh no, I understand where you are coming from and I don't find it sus or anything. If anything, I find it townie compared to null.
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Oh no, I understand where you are coming from and I don't find it sus or anything. If anything, I find it townie compared to null.
Oops forgot to elaborate, it basically shows a sense of understanding.
@BetsySundrop Why did you vote b100ming over me?

Reading back and found a question I missed!
In the beginning, I thought your actions were suspicious because when dan voted geoni, you also voted geoni, after stating that you were not going to vote and then that you were voting dan (bloodthirsty wolf lol). I thought, well mafia would probably join in voting against a strong player. Right after that, dan changed his vote to you so I thought aha! I'm right. It was a test to see if anyone jumped on. When i put this reasoning out there, geoni said he didnt really see it that way, and then dan changed his vote yet again. You seemed to be kind of going with the wind in posts. Then you said you were reaction testing with the geoni vote but that didn't make sense because he already had a vote/spotlight on him.

What changed things/why I voted b100ming- you posted outlining all of your thoughts, which made a lot of sense and were original ideas. b100ming was not answering direct questions, and bianca started seeming odd, not really directly answering questions, it seemed (I think now it may have been a shedule thing, because when she is on, bianca posts a ton and catches up). Bianca then posted explaining all of her thoughts, which also made sense. I never had geoni pegged as a wolf at all. So I thought, well, with everyone else more in neutral, if b100ming doesn't answer then I'll vote that way.

When b100ming posted that the only reason they were voting geoni was out of fear and because he was a strong player, in my mind I thought it was the right decision.
On first comment, I kind of disagree. Damniel has not really pushed a single person, even d1, he spotlighted different people. Also, he does list reasons and point out things people are contradictory on.

On 2nd comment, I think the things he pointed out are legit (like the bianca not having catharina on vote list), and that if there is a logical/good explanation, that is taken into consideration. However, I do disagree with damniel on having bianca on the chopping block. The more she explains, the more she moves closer to town for me, and I'm glad someone is pointing out things that go right over my head.
what about her explanations makes you see her more as town? how do you feel about her change in read about antonio and me?
what about her explanations makes you see her more as town? how do you feel about her change in read about antonio and me?

I think for bianca examples, posts 231, 236 are decent. And her longer post just before d1 voting. It isn't that I agree with what she is saying, necessarily, but she gives reasons for how she sees it, along with possible motivating factors and other possibilities. And for inactivity, I actually thought bianca was on a different time zone because she wasn't too active early on and then had that long post middle of the night, but she explained scheduling issues. I might be wrong, but someone who is staying up at 2am writing a detailed post of explanation is more town to me. I could be wrong, that's just how I see it.

On read changes....yeah, I don't know about that. I can understand when people lay out their reasons, and I do look for that from everyone, but I might not necessarily agree. I also see conflicting opinions on what things mean in the game from different people, so I guess I'll develop my own opinions on those after I play a few games.

I noticed a few people switched you to wolfy. It switches plenty, wolf/town/wolf but I have done that myself (explained in earlier post). It appears to me that you were switched to wolfy because you voted geoni and geoni got killed. Bianca did think that made you look suspicious. But she also made an excellent point that it would have been better to not kill geoni as you pushing geoni would have made you look suspicious, which would have made you look mafia, so why would you do that? But then other reasons for you being town (mafia framing you). Those made sense so I don't completely understand that switch. It didn't influence my opinion on you other than to think you more town, lol.

As for antonio, i thing geoni mentioning him, his entrance to the game is why that switched. I had him dead wolf but now I feel really bad because what I thought was a hiding or confusing tactic was an actual memory disability.. :cry:

Overall, I feel like I'm still missing something.
I think for bianca examples, posts 231, 236 are decent. And her longer post just before d1 voting. It isn't that I agree with what she is saying, necessarily, but she gives reasons for how she sees it, along with possible motivating factors and other possibilities. And for inactivity, I actually thought bianca was on a different time zone because she wasn't too active early on and then had that long post middle of the night, but she explained scheduling issues. I might be wrong, but someone who is staying up at 2am writing a detailed post of explanation is more town to me. I could be wrong, that's just how I see it.

On read changes....yeah, I don't know about that. I can understand when people lay out their reasons, and I do look for that from everyone, but I might not necessarily agree. I also see conflicting opinions on what things mean in the game from different people, so I guess I'll develop my own opinions on those after I play a few games.

I noticed a few people switched you to wolfy. It switches plenty, wolf/town/wolf but I have done that myself (explained in earlier post). It appears to me that you were switched to wolfy because you voted geoni and geoni got killed. Bianca did think that made you look suspicious. But she also made an excellent point that it would have been better to not kill geoni as you pushing geoni would have made you look suspicious, which would have made you look mafia, so why would you do that? But then other reasons for you being town (mafia framing you). Those made sense so I don't completely understand that switch. It didn't influence my opinion on you other than to think you more town, lol.

As for antonio, i thing geoni mentioning him, his entrance to the game is why that switched. I had him dead wolf but now I feel really bad because what I thought was a hiding or confusing tactic was an actual memory disability.. :cry:

Overall, I feel like I'm still missing something.
i guess i can see your point. bianca is still in my top 3 susses atm, but I will trust your judgment.

who are your contenders for voting today? i’m hovering towards catharina or bianca (obvs know you see bianca as town)
I agreed with it because I was going to vote off geoni anyway, since his posts seemed a bit off plus he tried to vote me and bl00ming for no apparent reason, so I figured if someone was trying to vote him, I might as well side with them since we're both trying to do the same thing
Why did you feel to need to side with somebody, especially as early on during day 1? I agree with Damniel that you could be newbie but your actions seem so suspicious that I can't fully believe that idea. I fail to grasp how your actions could be town motivated, basically. There's no push, no pressure. All you do is state your thoughts without properly pushing onto them. Maybe I am missing something, idk.