My Unpopular Opinions... Yours?

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You can't be fat and healthy at the same time. Curvy, you can but I don't know how I can say that when being obese is now called "curvy". It's offensive to the actual beautiful curvy women, whereas the ones calling themselves curvy are not at all. They do not have curves, they have fat. Lots of it

thank you! someone who gets where i'm coming from on that one!
1. I love t.v. It's one of the things my family bonds together by doing. We have tons of favorite shows, and we have t.v. nights where we all cuddle on the couch and enjoy programs together. So I guess watching t.v. will always make me feel safe and warm inside like that because of these memories. ♥

2. I like short-shorts, and I'm 16. I wouldn't say love because sometimes they're a little too short and they kinda.. ride up. Er. Yeah. But I think they're super cute and flattering and when it's hot out, they look incredibly reasonable.
3. I don't see the need to be on my phone 24/7 either. I feel like if you're always looking down at your phone, you'll miss so much of what's going on around you. All I use mine for is texting my family members and a couple close friends, calling, and occasionally surfing the internet: mostly to check Belltree. (ha)

4. I have no social media. I agree completely with you. I don't partake in these out of choice. At my age, it really is just used for drama, and vain girls, and "who is doing what so I can up-one them by doing this?" It's the whole popularity bull-crap we've been dealing with since early middle school. But when I get to college, however, I'm going to have one social media for myself. Probably an Instagram. People that age are much more mature than people our age, it's a given. So I think it will be handled differently. And I think having one would be very useful in the college social sense- campuses are huge. (Most of them.)

5. I believe it is a waste of time to have a boyfriend in high school, you'll just break up and who knows if he's going to college? -YES. AGREE. AGREE. AGREE. I've dated 2 people in high school now and it's taken me that long to realize how just plain stupid it is. Like my mom says, "You don't want to be the same person you were in high school. You want to have grown, changed, matured.. better'd yourself." And if this girlfriend or boyfriend can't change with you, all they will do is drag you down. Or worse, if they change in a completely different way, you may not even be able to be friends because they're so different than they once were. It's just a recipe for disaster. No one should be in a relationship when going into college. College is a time meant to find yourself, experiment, meet new people, and have fun. If you're tied down, half the "fun" options the college life offers are over. Not to mention the broken hearts, and reputations in high school. I hate breaking up with someone. I hate it. But I've done it thrice now in my life, and I've never had it done to me so I can't even imagine the pain and shock I'll feel when that finally does happen- I've never been on the receiving end. It's just unnecessary pain and heartache. Not only that, but how annoying is it to see those googly-eyed couples ogling each other in the hallways? Get to class and read your books and earn your education. That's what I say. *sniffle*

Wowwww please excuse my rant, it's about a mile and a half long.
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Yes, people glued to their phones all day and night are annoying.

And I don't have social media either, I don't really count a forum as a social media if you mean it by terma of Fb and Twitter. I don't think Skype is really.. I mostly use that chat with friends and occasionally play games.
hey now, just because it didn't work for you doesn't mean NO ONE should date in high school. even if it doesn't work out, which yeah, most of the time it doesn't, dating in high school at least gives you emotional experience. i thought the same thing until i started dating my boyfriend at the end of my senior year (he is older than me, though) and i wouldn't change a thing.

although, it is hilarious seeing 13 year olds who break up with their boyfriend of a month and they act like the world is ending.
hey now, just because it didn't work for you doesn't mean NO ONE should date in high school. even if it doesn't work out, which yeah, most of the time it doesn't, dating in high school at least gives you emotional experience. i thought the same thing until i started dating my boyfriend at the end of my senior year (he is older than me, though) and i wouldn't change a thing.

although, it is hilarious seeing 13 year olds who break up with their boyfriend of a month and they act like the world is ending.

That's very true, I apologize for my generalized comment. That's true.
That's very true, I apologize for my generalized comment. That's true.

oh no, it's all good, just pointing out what i thought. i mean i definitely don't disagree that it usually doesn't work out, haha. i just don't think it's completely useless.
A million cookies for this my friend.

Well pretty much stop painting up the US as the country of everything. Likes try living there for a few years and not being a

I feel like this is more of a nationalist thing? Unless that Falling Skies thing is not an American show... I know that there's some Japanese shows out there (Attack on Titan, Mahouka) that glorifies the Japanese as the saviors and what not, like how Mikasa and Levi are both the only Japanese characters and they're both the strongest and most powerful, or how in Mahouka the Chinese are evil and Japanese characters are Lawful Good(tm)

Also AGREED COMPLETELY ON THE FAT ACCEPTANCE MOVEMENT. Like, no, stop it. Stop glorifying obviously obese and unhealthy celebrities like Tess Holiday. This ain't about acceptance, you know what? Love yourself for who you are or whatever, but if you're unhealthy you are god damn unhealthy and no amount of squeezing your fat (that's slowly squeezing onto your organs and heart) and saying "I'm beautiful no matter what!" is going to make you healthy. You don't gotta hate yourself but don't promote obesity as a healthy lifestyle. And there is a difference between being fat because of genetics and being fat because you're fat. You don't just weigh 300 pounds because of genetics.
You can't be fat and healthy at the same time. Curvy, you can but I don't know how I can say that when being obese is now called "curvy". It's offensive to the actual beautiful curvy women, whereas the ones calling themselves curvy are not at all. They do not have curves, they have fat. Lots of it

This is our problem. People end up thinking they're not good enough just because they look different. We have beauty standards that need to change. Sure, being fat is unhealthy, but in order to be healthy, you have to have good self-esteem, which we don't give "fat" people. Besides, isn't it their life and they can do whatever the **** they want with it?
This is our problem. People end up thinking they're not good enough just because they look different. We have beauty standards that need to change. Sure, being fat is unhealthy, but in order to be healthy, you have to have good self-esteem, which we don't give "fat" people. Besides, isn't it their life and they can do whatever the **** they want with it?

I agree with you to an extent. "fat shaming" is vile as it is putting a person down for the way they look, not what is inside. the point i'm trying to make is we should neither promote being unhealthily large or unhealthily skinny. Asthetics aren't as important as health and health is always what we should aim for
Music journalists who thinks they are so cool because they know obscure indiepop and/or dj people. How about no.
i agree that being overweight isn't healthy, but it doesn't mean an obese person should put themselves down constantly and not try to tell themselves they're beautiful/etc. for all anyone knows, they could be dieting and exercising and just telling themselves that to keep their self esteem up and keep going - losing a lot of weight is very hard. most fat people who try to keep their spirits up aren't trying to say that they're physically healthy, at least from what i've seen.
Whats the hybe about bacon?
Its really greasy and fatty and strangely crunchy.
I prefer regular pig meat and ribs :p
i agree that being overweight isn't healthy, but it doesn't mean an obese person should put themselves down constantly and not try to tell themselves they're beautiful/etc. for all anyone knows, they could be dieting and exercising and just telling themselves that to keep their self esteem up and keep going - losing a lot of weight is very hard. most fat people who try to keep their spirits up aren't trying to say that they're physically healthy, at least from what i've seen.

I completely agree with you and yes, most overweight people do make a concerted effort to improve their lifestyle and they are very beautiful people, as we've already established (using our wonderful human souls) it's not the looks that count. Unfortunately there are people who celebrate having an unhealthy lifestyle and try and justify it. Not only is it bad influence, it belittles the people who are making an effort to get healthy and sorta guilt tripping like "you're only doing this because society told you to- do what you want don't take orders"

People making that effort should be encouraged and helped, not scolded for choosing a healthier path
Whats the hybe about bacon?
Its really greasy and fatty and strangely crunchy.
I prefer regular pig meat and ribs :p

I like bacon, but it's so overused. The only place I use it is on my cheeseburgers and sandwiches and with breakfast. That's where it should start and end.
This is our problem. People end up thinking they're not good enough just because they look different. We have beauty standards that need to change. Sure, being fat is unhealthy, but in order to be healthy, you have to have good self-esteem, which we don't give "fat" people. Besides, isn't it their life and they can do whatever the **** they want with it?

Imma let you finish but
That's a contradiction..
"Being fat is unhealthy but to be healthy you need good self esteem"

They can have good self esteem, by LOSING WEIGHT. It's not just a "beauty standards problem". Do you know why no one wants to be fat? Because its unhealthy.
Being fat is not defying beauty standards.
This is.
A model with Downs Syndrome, who decided that she wanted to feel better and be more healthy, and she lost 44 pounds and is hoping to change conventional beauty standards.
That is a role model. What isn't is 400lb models like Tess Monster.
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