Mysteries of the Monolith - Ended!

Once again I really enjoyed the puzzle but I agree that it required a way too much time. It took me almost 2 hours and I wasn't even stuck anywhere during the solving process. But still, it was so fun!
I hope the next ones won't be even more advanced 😶
I bet they will.

And I hope that I got the correct answer.
Once again I really enjoyed the puzzle but I agree that it required a way too much time. It took me almost 2 hours and I wasn't even stuck anywhere during the solving process. But still, it was so fun!
I hope the next ones won't be even more advanced 😶
I bet they will.

And I hope that I got the correct answer.
I agree that this took way too long even though I wasn't stuck... 😅
I would've found it more fun if I wasn't stressing out about trying to be first to submit correctly 😔
But which will be tortured with first? Math, or mirrors?

It'll absolutely be math first. Mirrors are being saved as the final 2 punishments puzzles.

Bold of you to assume that it's one or the other. I don't know how a combination mirror and math puzzle would work, but I'm sure there's a way.

Anyway, personally, after these exercises, I'm eagerly awaiting the formation of The Bell Tree's own personal spy network.
Round 4 of Mysteries of the Monolith has ended!
Did you manage to decipher all of the spells? Or... at least the necessary ones?

The answer was Wolete Praeparae Rescoureus Servitium
As mentioned in the puzzle's post, formatting, spacing, and capitalization doesn't matter. However, spelling does!


My apologies for the "create form" in the Horizonos Nieuw one. Totally not intentional, but uh. Increased difficulty?

There were two ciphers.

Horizonos Nieuw, Wolete Praeparae, and Haerring Scarlettio used the mapping:

Khronos Vastus, Rescoureus Servitium, and Reddium Feignus use the mapping:

Congratulations to @~Kilza~ for submitting the correct answer first to win the Enchanted Bloom Collectible!

Submissions will be accepted within the next 24 hours.
Most likely, they'll be accepted tomorrow morning. Mistreil is busy until then.
I will post once again after submissions are accepted.

Correct submissions have been accepted!
If you had the correct answer but your submissions wasn't accepted yet, please post in the Contact the Staff board and let me know.
... Uh. I forgot to delete that 👍 I'll remove the strikeout when I accept them.

Round 5 will begin on Sunday at 7PM Fair time. See you then!
As I said before, there won't be any letters this time. I think you all need a break from those after these rounds!
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Congratulations to @~Kilza~ for submitting the correct answer first to win the Enchanted Bloom Collectible!
Wow. I absolutely didn't think I was the first to submit it correctly, considering how long it took me to realize there were actually 2 substitution ciphers being used. Definitely a really nice surprise.
ah, i knew i shouldve went with my gut. got it wrong but preparing myself for round 5. my spirit is not yet broken, mistreil! 😎

congrats to @~Kilza~!! 🎉