New Bugs and Fish in July for North Hemisphere! (Sea Creatures Guide Added!)

I spent time up last night to catch the giant stag and several other beetles! I'm still missing the horned atlas, golden stag, cicada shell and walking stick! (its hours are so wonky ugh)

I've started collecting blue weevils for Flick to make a model of one. I think I just have a thing for the bright blue bugs and fish (Napoleonfish, rosalia batesi beetle, emperor butterfly, mahi mahi (kinda) and that dung beetle is starting to attract me ngl).
Blathers cracks me up! When I donated my grasshopper his comments: The wretched rude racket of horrible hoppers
😂 😂 😂
So far I’ve caught a giant cicada, some various stag beetles, a walking leaf, the earth boring dung beetle, sweet fish, puffer fish Napoleon fish and sunfish
yeah i got really lucky, Flick chose today to visit me. So lots of bells for sure

Yeah thats big cash! I just realise now he was in my town as well, yet I dumped all my bugs in the dropbox. Thats like 200k I lost out on, lol. Ah well, I still earned a lot.
I'm just missing a few bugs and fish now. The Scarab Beetle, Giant Stag, Cyclommatus Stag, Giraffe Stag, Napoleonfish, and the Ocean Sunfish.

Hopefully I can get them before the new update, so I can solely focus on sea creatures.
The diving update dropped! I've looked through a list uploaded online from an hour ago with some creatures that were discovered, and I have compiled the list from availability for both North and South. If any info is missing or incorrect let me know!
Edit: Added the list for the Sea Creatures!!
Edit 2: Added more sea creatures and shadow sizes. Also added info about pearls and how obtaining the mermaid DIYs works.

Sadly there's no new fish or bugs arriving in July for the South Hemisphere.

Those in the North Hemisphere though, are you excited? There's alot of cicadas and beetles to catch, no doubt it's going to make the next Bug Off way more fun. Make sure you have plenty of palm trees so the beetles can spawn. I personally can't wait to catch the Horned Hercules and get the model from Flick, as it'll be another "Grand" model to collect!

Don't forget that new creatures are coming with the update on July 3rd. Both hemispheres will be able to dive and catch sea creatures! I'll be updating this with what I catch, and I hope the community can come together and compile their info for what they catch while diving in July here as well. Happy catching!

New bugs in July
GrasshopperGround8am - 5pm
Brown CicadaTrees8am - 5pm
Robust CicadaTrees8am - 5pm
Giant CicadaTrees8am - 5pm
Evening CicadaTrees4am - 8am & 4pm - 7pm
Cicada ShellTreesAll Day
Blue Weevil BeetlePalm TreesAll Day
Earth-boring Dung BeetleGroundAll Day
Scarab BeetleTrees11pm - 8am
Saw StagTreesAll Day
Miyama StagTreesAll Day
Cyclommatus StagPalm Trees5pm - 8am
Golden StagPalm Trees5pm - 8am
Giant StagTrees11pm - 8am
Giraffe StagPalm Trees5pm - 8am
Horned DynastidTrees5pm - 8am
Horned AtlasPalm Trees5pm - 8am
Horned ElephantPalm Trees5pm - 8am
Horned HerculesPalm Trees5pm - 8am
Walking StickTrees4am - 8am & 5pm - 7pm
Walking LeafDisguised as LeavesAll Day

New fish in July
SweetfishRiverAll DayMedium (3)
NapoleonfishSea4am - 9pmHuge (6)
Puffer FishSeaAll DayMedium (3)
Blue MarlinPierAll DayHuge (6)
Ocean SunfishSea4am - 9pmHuge w/ Fin (6)

Sea Creatures in July
Sea GrapesAll DayMedium
Sea StarAll DayMedium
Sea AnemoneAll DayLarge
Sea SlugAll DaySmall
Pearl OysterAll DayMedium
ScallopAll DayMedium
WhelkAll DayMedium
OctopusAll DayMedium
Acorn BarnacleAll DaySmall
Mantis Shrimp4pm - 9amMedium
Sea PineappleAll DaySmall
SeaweedAll DaySmall
Sea UrchinAll DayMedium
Slate Pencil Urchin4pm - 9amMedium
Gigas Giant ClamAll Day???
Vampire Squid4pm - 9am???
Tiger Prawn4pm - 9amLarge
Gazami CrabAll DayMedium
Abalone4pm - 9amLarge
MusselAll DayMedium
Moon JellyfishAll DayMedium
Horseshoe Crab9pm - 4amMedium
Giant Isopod9am- 4pm & 9pm - 4amMedium
Spotted Garden Eel4am - 9pmMedium
Sea CucumberAll DayLarge
Sea GrapesAll DayMedium
Sea StarAll DayMedium
Sea AnemoneAll DayLarge
Sea SlugAll DaySmall
Pearl OysterAll DayMedium
ScallopAll DayMedium
WhelkAll DayMedium
OctopusAll DayMedium
Acorn BarnacleAll DaySmall
Mantis Shrimp4pm - 9amMedium
Sea PineappleAll DaySmall
OysterAll DayMedium
Sea CucumberAll DayLarge
Abalone4pm - 9amLarge
LobsterAll DayLarge
Venus' Flower BasketAll DayLarge
SeaweedAll DaySmall
Dungeness CrabAll DayLarge
Chambered NautilusAll DayMedium
Sweet Shrimp4pm - 9amSmall
Snow CrabAll DayLarge
Pearls can be found by diving, these are used as material for the mermaid set. They are available all day, year round.
Pascal will only give you one (1) DIY a day when given a Scallop.

I honestly can't wait for the update, sure, it's just a small one, but one of my favorite part of Animal Crossing has always been filling the museum. How many new sea creatures will be added, how many will be available right away? Wonder if they'll add another tank in the aquarium part of the museum... :unsure:
Thanks so much for this! Very helpful :D
Thanks for the diving list. Last night main Island player caught all the diving creatures for July. Two were hard to get.
2nd island main player caught all the bugs/fish and has 2 more diving creatures to go for July.
woot got at least one of each and most of the multiples i need. Still need to catch 3 more atlas and 4 more gold tough for pets and models
Fixed up the list for sea creatures. There were those that were missing in the South list and inaccuracies in the North one.
Minor correction: I think the Gigas Giant Clam's an XL shadow. Went back to compare it to my vid of catching a giant isopod and the shadow definitely seems larger.

Edit: Also think the Acorn Barnacle and Sea Slug are XS shadows, though could be wrong on that.