I have the same problem. I've been trying for hours to complete my last post play survey and it just doesn't seem to work and I'm exactly 10 coins away from getting a 200 coin game. I would have done the survey earlier but I had to work all day and I just got the game a week ago so the earliest the post play popped up was today...
I give up. :/
I'm highly considering giving up as well, but its not 12am in California yet, so I've got 2 hours :|
What's with the sudden traffic? You'd think they'd get their crap together since the last time
yah ikr it was working fine two days ago (when I registered like 25 games that I've bought over the past couple years lol rip) so I assumed that they got things together. When the site was all crappy a couple months ago, I was attempting to sign up for CN and it was horrible. I recently remembered to actually register my games due to seeing a reminder about Mewtwo lol.