Nintendo 3DS Direct - 9/01/2016


Retired Staff
Dec 8, 2008
Timmy Christmas Doll
Togepi Easter Egg
The Bell Tree Fair 2013 Patch
Rainbow Feather
Gold Trophy (First Place)
New Year's Party Popper
Bell Bag Badge
Easter Bunny
Snow Globe
Weird Doll

Nintendo has just announced they will be doing a Nintendo Direct focusing on Nintendo 3DS games at 16:00 CEST September 1st.

Probably will be some Pokemon Sun and Moon news, as well as some news about the upcoming AC:NL Fall update, but other than that, who knows.
Hopefully more physical fun stuff for EU region :/ Hope we get that new Galaxy thing at some point too... would actually consider buying that if I could afford it, lol.
I thought it was about Wii U than to NX. (I'm still hoping about MK8 DLC #3) Still, I'd like to know what's in it.
It's been 5 months since the last proper Nintendo Direct was aired, and that's not even including any announcement made around the time E3 2016 rolled in. And rumors about the NX are flying all over the place not too long ago, in which this broadcast sadly won't be discussing about. I'm still expecting the company to drop some details about in a not-so-distant future.

Speaking of the ageing 3DS, I'm expecting more information about the titles that were unveiled this year but yet to be released before March 2017, alongside with a few minor unexpected surprises along the way. Just like I usually do with every Nintendo Direct broadcast.

Alright then, I'll remember to wake up at least an hour before tomorrow at 10AM EDT.
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Hopefully Sun and Moon news today! Maybe later this month we'll get the official reveal of the NX. Seems about the right time considering it releases in 7 months.

I didn't not expect this! I want it nooow!

And this ACNL Minivan thing... What was it? The update seems huge!
The Pokemon Sun and Moon looks awesome and I'm pleased to hear that my amiibo cards will finally come into use with the actual game itself.
I am excited for the Yoshi game for 3ds! And it was nice to see more of Ever Oasis. I really want a localization announcement for MH Stories though..

New Animal Crossing villager cards! I don't know if I can afford them, but it's still a fun update.
I actually liked this one. Always been a fan of the 3DS so I wasn't annoyed by it being 3DS only. Everything they revealed was really cool. Yoshi 3DS and Mario Sports look cool, I'll defs get Yoshi, idk about Mario Sports. The Zelda amiibo looks swank (rip bayonetta amiibo??). Not sure what else but everything looked cool. Wish there was another Pokemon reveal, but with news coming Sept. 6th I'm not all that bothered.
Not disappointed at all.