Nintendo Direct: Partner Showcase 02/21/2024 Discussion Thread

I liked what I saw with Arranger: A role puzzling game and stuck it in my steam wishlist for me to one day play if it goes well. That's the game I had the most interest in and would actually consider getting.

I thought Pocket Card Jockey was cute.
I was surprised to see South Park coming to a Nintendo system. It's game play and that Mickey game's gameplay looks like they could be fun.
I'm tentatively interested in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance since the original Shin Megami Tensei V, while it has good gameplay, was admitted to have gone through development hell and a lot was clearly left on the cutting room floor with regards to the plot. I'll probably wait a bit after it releases to see what the general consensus is about the new content. Apparently the new route has an average playtime of 80 hours, so hey, here's hoping it's worthwhile. ATLUS enhanced ports like Persona 4 Golden, Persona 5 Royal, and Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey REDUX aren't always for the best, but Shin Megami Tensei V seems like the exception where the base game could honestly benefit from the treatment.

The only other thing of interest to me was Unicorn Overlord, but that was announced some time ago so nothing much to say about it. Looks fun.
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I never really watch the Nintendo direct’s live only because I be forgetting and sometimes I’m just very busy so I always just watch it when I’m free on YouTube or something. The only thing that was interesting to me in this direct was Fantasy Life i: The Girl Who Steals Time. I will probably be picking that up when it comes out!
There were a few things that interested me in this direct: the release date of Fantasy Life i: The Girl Who Steals Time, Epic Mickey: Rebrushed, and Endless Ocean Luminous. I've never played a Fantasy Life game before, but it looks like it will be right up my alley. As for Epic Mickey, I've seen the original but never got around to playing it, so this might be a good opportunity to finally give it a try. I enjoyed Endless Ocean on the Wii when I was younger, so I'm looking forward to Luminous
Didn't watch it but I read a summary and I'm kinda excited about the epic mickey re-release! I don't remember if I rented it or lost my copy but I was never able to finish it and I remember really enjoying it. So, hype for that!
The only things I were interested in were Epic Mickey and Super Monkey ball. Everything else isn't really set in stone for me.
Okay once again nothing I want or care about. Wake me up when Metroid Prime 4 gets released or if Nintendo makes Switch versions of the other two Metroid Prime games or if Nintendo ever decides to reboot the M&L Series whichever comes first.
I skimmed through the video and only found two games to be interesting. Still I’m glad that we now have an official date for Fantasy Life. It looks likes there a new class with artist? I wonder what that will entail.

I did like the combat animation for Unicorn Overload, so I’ll keep my eye out on that game as well.
I don't normally watch Nintendo Directs at release anyway, and this being a partner showcase made me even less interested. Snore.... when is the next console going to come out???
My expectations were low, but oof. I really liked the first Fantasy Life, so I’m glad to see we finally have a release date after numerous delays.

I haven’t felt especially impatient for a new console up until the last couple of directs. I’m ready to see some compelling game announcements again!
Just finished watching the Direct since as I predicted, I was not awake to watch it live this morning. 😅 Also as I predicted (to myself), there wasn’t anything in this Direct that I was super interested in. However, there were a couple of games that caught my attention at least!

Snufkin: Melody of Moominvalley looks interesting. The art style is very cute, and immediately caught my eye! I’ve never played a Moomin game before, but have a Moomin phone case, so figure I probably should eventually LOL. I’m not a fan of musical adventure games, or really any games with melodic elements to the gameplay, but I might give it a try if reviews for it are good when it comes out.

As someone who loves sea creatures and is very interested in learning more about them and all of the different kinds there are, Endless Ocean Luminous looks like it’ll be a fun game! The graphics are stunning, and I love the idea of discovering something new every time you dive, and even being able to come across thought-to-be-extinct and mythical creatures! I’ve heard lots of good things about Endless Ocean on the Wii, so I’m definitely curious about the sequel! It’s priced at $64.99 CAD right now, which is a little steep for me, so I think I’ll wait for reviews for this one as well before deciding whether to take the plunge or not (pun intended).

I’m happy that Fantasy Life i: The Girl Who Steals Time finally has a release date! I was a little surprised that it’s not until October though, especially since this Direct was for games that are coming in the first half of the year. 😅 I’m happy that it’s been given a release date at all, though! I’m still on the fence about whether I’ll be getting it for myself, so adding it to my list of games to wait for reviews for. The art style looks super cute though, and I really like the different lives you can choose! They each look fun and cute.

The voice acting for Another Crab’s Treasure is cute, as well as the art style, but I don’t see me personally picking it up. Pocket Card Jockey also looked adorable, but will also be passing on it since I’m not into card games. If it was just about horse racing, unlocking different horses and breeding them, I’d definitely be a little more interested!
I'm actually looking forward for the new console too lol. I'm sick of the switch lagging every freaking game. I just hope the new console is backwards compatible.

As for this showcase, definitely not worth the excitement. Why do I constantly still believe they will be exciting? LOL. Nothing I cared about, however, that new Fantasy Life game looked cute! I'll of course wait for reviews but maybe pick that up.
I am so preordering Banana Rumble this summer! I really like the new designs for Aiai and the gang (YanYan and MeeMee got good redesigns, Baby got the worst imo), and the online is something I will def be doing (new game for tbt neighborlies/WC, anyone?). I will also be doing the local multiplayer as well, as BM's was really fun. I'm also looking forward to the monkeymisation (Monkey Customization) system getting expanded on from Mania. My other interest was Epic Mickey: Rebrushed, as I've played both the OG and the sequel, Power of Two, along with the 3ds game, Power of Illusion. The series (despite not beating a single game until illusion) has always been special to me, and I cannot wait to revisit the 1st game.
I'm glad Fantasy Life finally got a release date! It used to be "Summer 2024", so I was really hoping it'd be out by August so i could sit with friends and play together irl while on vacation... but I'll take anything at this point.

I'm also super excited about Ender Magnolia - I really liked Ender Lilies and its art direction and mili, so it's nice to see a sequel! Arranger seemed really neat too, so I'll probably give that a try. Puzzle games are the best (╯▽╰ ) I'll also probably give the Snuffkin game a go! I don't know much about Moomin but I like the aesthetics and it looked super cute.
also probably will try the pocket card jockey just because i like solitaire and my friends made jokes about it

I watched the JP Direct as well, and they had Denpamen which looked super funny. I'll probably give it a try, even though I'll only understand bits and pieces of it.
I watched the Partner Showcase a few hours after it was released. I had zero expectations for it, and there honestly wasn't anything that really grabbed my attention that made me think I had to get it. Definitely feels like it'll be a quiet year for games I'm interested in, though that's okay given how many games I already have to try and play through, lol. It also feels inevitable that the next Direct will unveil the successor to the Switch, since it definitely feels like we're at the end of the Switch's time of being Nintendo's latest console.